Oh, that's right, I totally forgot.
You need to make retroarch and retroarch-mini executable.
Login to SNES Mini using Telnet and run "chmod +x /bin/retroarch" and "chmod +x /bin/retroarch-mini"
No need to do anything, just use big-endian byte order instead of little-endian:
if name == "PILOTWINGS":
return 0x10BD
SuperFX is mostly figured out, DOOM and Stunt Race FX run fine (unless there are graphical glitches I didn't notice) with preset ID 0x0000 and flag 0x0C in the footer.
Emulation of DSP-1 seems to be pretty game-agnostic, too. I had no problems with Pilotwings and Lock On using preset ID 0xBD10.
Cx4 is figured out, too. Mostly because it was used only by two games, and both were released for Wii U, so there was no need to guess preset IDs.