The Jontron Drama


Mar 11, 2012
Huntersville, NC
United States
This has been bugging me for some time now, and I don't particularly want to write an article on it just yet as I would rather have a good discussion with the community.

Let's start from the beginning. In case you haven't been following internet dramas, A LOT of this started initially with pewdiepie and him being dropped from maker and co for his, "Nazi joke." You can read more on that here.

This has led to a lot of discussion of bigger names in the youtube and gaming community not to censor themselves and have their beliefs and opinions be open. One YouTuber, in particular, has been doing so in spades. You may recognize him by his screen name, Jontron.

Jon has come under an insane amount of fire recently for his comments about American government and politics. Particularly, this controvery came about after his public argument with a streamer named destiny, and some of the things he said during this, "debate." Ill give you the summarization thank to this reddit post.

In regards to black people

  • Well I don't know if these arguments can hold up decade after decade. There is like, 18 year old people who are committing a disproportionate amount of crime and they were born after me. So how do you explain that? Is that Jim Crow? Nobody wants to get into the realistic things... They just want to blame whites more and more.

  • I don't understand why it is anyone else's responsibility but their own. Do they not have agency?

  • The UK didn't have Jim Crow, France didn't have Jim Crow. We still have Muslim riots over there. In sweden, they didn't have Jim Crow. There are riots in the streets of Stockholm.

  • So Jim Crow is one aspect of it here in America but in the rest of the western world, we don't have these same precedents and there is still disproportionate crime in those communities.

  • You can't make the argument that whites would be okay with them becoming a minority in the country their ancestors built if it doesn't apply to other countries.

  • Wealthy blacks also commit more crime than poor whites, that's a fact.

  • But we've been hearing this single mother thing for decades. It's getting a bit tired. That's why you're seeing this rise in "nazis".
On Japan

  • Nobody would ask Japan if it was okay if Japan became a minority Japanese nation.

  • I disagree I think it [Japan] is a model society.

  • How many terrorist attacks are in Japan?
On being white

  • What is so offensive about white people saying they'd like to preserve their demographic majority?

  • In terms of a demographic majority, I don't think a nation can exist without one. This truly multicultural every single person is a different race or religion. I don't know if that's really sustainable long term.

  • (On Irish/Italians being discriminated against) Being irish or people not liking the irish or italians doesn't make them not white. It just makes them not liked. Perhaps they had some undesirable traits. I heard the Italian Mafia made the rounds. But that would have been a good argument to restrict italian immigration!

  • It's clear that whites are not allowed to speak up against their demographic um... oblivion.

  • They're [whites] are not being killed, they're being displaced. You are the same guy who says that Europeans displaced the native Americans but apparently, when other people do it to white Americans, it's okay because fuck white people.

  • Why is it when the chinese were trying to colonise tibet, why was that a save tibet situation but when it's white people... I'm using an analogy to try to give a parallel situation so you can see the hypocrisy.

  • Do you consider the european colonisation of Africa a bad thing? (Destiny replies that it's complicated). It's only complicated because it's whites.

  • If white people go to south africa and colonised there, it's the white people encroaching on the African's land and they should give it back.

  • There is a clear divide in the way that people think. White people tend towards the Libertarian side and at least the first generation Mexicans vote heavily for government handouts. (Destiny mentions that red states take more govt handouts than blue states). These states (Southern red states (Alabama, Loiusiana)) have high non white populations.

  • There is an absolute disproportionate of crime committed to whites by nonwhites. There's no arguing that that's just FBI statistics. But white people are not allowed to address this because it's called racist by people like you.

  • In historically white countries, it is seen as a moral imperative that whites don't resist their own displacement. If they resist it, they're racist. You can see this in every white country on planet earth. The status quo thinks that the only logical conclusion to the country, to atone for the sins of the white past is to keep letting in people from the third world until white people are a minority.

  • When white people are aggressed against in their own nations by people that are not white, they are told constantly, check your privilege. You colonised us, you owe us this land blah blah blah.

  • That is not true that they (irish/italians) were not considered white people.
On Trump

  • Trump is a reaction to the retarded identity politics of the left for at least the last 4 years.

  • I don't recall Trump ever saying anything explicitly racist.

  • When you have these illegals coming up and being so bold to say "try deporting me Trump", that's a sign of a problem.

  • Nobody wants to become a minority in their own country. Why is it bad if they (whites) remain a majority?
Mexican immigrants

  • Ay yi yi dude you're just virtue signalling. Not all Mexicans are going to go on welfare but a lot of them are going to commit crimes. The El Salvadoreans are going to create the MS13 gangs.

  • These days the confederate flag has been banned, they're burning american flags in the streets. It's a changing nation. And I think immigration policies that haven't been the smartest are partially to blame for that.

  • What do you call a large number of people from one specific place, coming in, setting up their ethnic enclaves and then waving their own flag inside of our nation? There are large swathes of them who want to break parts of America back into Mexico.

  • I mean who in Europe is causing riots currently? It is all interconnected (to the US) dude because Europeans are the ones who founded this country and Europe is having similar problems. So if you look at the parallels, you can understand.

  • Btw, Europe and America it's not different, even though you say it's different, it is not. They're all facing problems coming from a similar part of the world.

  • When people, lets say the French, see an influx of islamic migrants who come in and say, you don't give us good enough handouts. You're being racist to us and then they're rioting. It's all intertwined, it's the same situation but they speak a different language. That's like you saying a man ate a sandwich in France and a man ate a sandwich in America is not the same situation.
Other musings

I want to know what our community thinks of Jons recent political turn, and about his comments above. I'm particularly interested in if you agree or disagree with a lot of what he has said, and if you truly think this will be as detrimental to his career as everyone thinks.

Will you contintue to watch his content? Do you think he went to far? Is it worth it for him to be talking about this in the first place?
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Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
This world needs a massive purge.
I think Einstein said that 500.000 humans was a good amount for the earth, or was it 500 million..
Something like that.

The problem is that there's just far to many humans.

Anyway, I'm not going into detail.
I just hate everybody equally ;')

Edit: on topic of nazi's, I got called a nazi some time ago cause I refused to give a muslim a lift.
Seems to me that's their go to word whenever a white person says no to them ;/
Especially the "immigrants" of the refugee problem that Europe currently has.
Last edited by DinohScene,


Apr 10, 2004
I honestly don't give a crap about his political views. I like his content, and that's that.

I continue to watch Pat the NES Punk (and his podcast with Ian) even though he's a moron in regards to this PewDiePie drama. He's claiming something so stupid... PewDiePie is Swedish, and "Nazi jokes" aren't as offensive to us Swedes as it is to the rest of the world. And the reason for that, is "that while Sweden claims they were neutral in the war, they were actually on the Nazi's side, it's a well known fact"... wat?
Sure, bullshit like this comes up from time to time in the podcast, but the rest of the content is great.

As long as a YouTube personality doesn't try to force their political or religious opinions on their viewers through their content, I won't care.

Saiyan Lusitano

So this is the "controversy" about Jon Tron? People nowadays find a reason to be offended at anything. Colin Moriarty's twitter post also triggered people unintentionally.

These people on this video below didn't even know why the f#ck they were protesting, they just wanted to be there and feel as though they were doing something productive.



No matter what he's said don't see why this would affect anyone liking his content. IMO he has good content and his content has nothing to do with the person he is.
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Saiyan Lusitano

This world needs a massive purge.
I think Einstein said that 500.000 humans was a good amount for the earth, or was it 500 million..
Something like that.

The problem is that there's just far to many humans.

Anyway, I'm not going into detail.
I just hate everybody equally ;')

Edit: on topic of nazi's, I got called a nazi some time ago cause I refused to give a muslim a lift.
Seems to me that's their go to word whenever a white person says no to them ;/
Especially the "immigrants" of the refugee problem that Europe currently has.
"Nazi" is starting to become a compliment, that's how bad it's being misused.

Tom Bombadildo

Dick, With Balls
Jul 11, 2009
I forgot
United States
I honestly don't give a crap about his political views. I like his content, and that's that.

As long as a YouTube personality doesn't try to force their political or religious opinions on their viewers through their content, I won't care.
This 1000000%.

Jontron makes me laugh with his witty content, that is 100% the extent at which I care about Jontron. Unless Jontron starts posting strictly political content only and abandons his current string of videos, I couldn't give a rats ass about what he says or believes (politically speaking).

People just need to grow up.


GbaTemp's Official Deity
Jul 29, 2016
Above All Others
United States
This has been bugging me for some time now, and I don't particularly want to write an article on it just yet as I would rather have a good discussion with the community.

Let's start from the beginning. In case you haven't been following internet dramas, A LOT of this started initially with pewdiepie and him being dropped from maker and co for his, "Nazi joke." You can read more on that here.

This has led to a lot of discussion of bigger names in the youtube and gaming community not to censor themselves and have their beliefs and opinions be open. One YouTuber, in particular, has been doing so in spades. You may recognize him by his screen name, Jontron.

Jon has come under an insane amount of fire recently for his comments about American government and politics. Particularly, this controvery came about after his public argument with a streamer named destiny, and some of the things he said during this, "debate." Ill give you the summarization thank to this reddit post.

I want to know what our community thinks of Jons recent political turn, and about his comments above. I'm particularly interested in if you agree or disagree with a lot of what he has said, and if you truly think this will be as detrimental to his career as everyone thinks.

Will you continue to watch his content? Do you think he went to far? Is it worth it for him to be talking about this in the first place?
Jon Tron is a video gaming internet persona. I don't go to him for politics because I know his view on politics are not going to be the most well thought out. The guys plays Video Games for a living. NOTHING he says on politics is going to be worth listening too or reading. It's like asking a pornstar to tutor you on quantum mechanics. People really shouldn't be this butt-hurt at his comments and should instead ignore him on anything not pertaining to the new Mario game.


Samurai Cop
Oct 13, 2014
United States
I was following a camgirl who at one point kept replying to tweets he made. Reading those, he seemed to be sexist or anti-sex worker, I can't remember, I blocked it out of my memory. I don't really agree with him, but it's to a point where I don't even want to read his opinions. And since I'm not interested in his content, I find that the best thing to do with this guy is just not bother at all, which I've done a good job of doing, already unfollowing that camgirl so I don't read his gibberish. I'm sure he's popular for a good reason to gamers, but I don't really give a crap. It's better to ignore and move on than dwell and spin in hate filled circles.


Gay twink catboy
Global Moderator
Oct 11, 2011
"Nazi" is starting to become a compliment, that's how bad it's being misused.

I dun care if it was the queen of England.
I'm not picking up filthy hitch hikers.


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2003
United Kingdom
It won't effect his content or views in a significant way. Anyone lost due to the comments will be replaced by those who liked it.

Anything that rustles Neogaf's jimmies is always entertaining.
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Deleted User

JonTron talking about politics and >>>/pol/ shit is like kids on the playground talking about physics. He is out of his element and doesn't know what he's talking about. I see him just trying to fit in with the 2017 YouTube crowd because he has not been mainstream for a couple of years.

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
Amazing how a person who makes a living out of being a YouTube celebrity thinks he has a valid opinion on topics which are way above him.

Being popular on youtube is not much different from being popular on 'tv' these days. You have no idea what you're talking about.
This isn't 2001 anymore. Get with the times grandpa.
What platform someone uses to get themselves 'out there' has absolutely nothing to do with their intelligence. You're a random nobody so really "Amazing how a person who eats cheetos and mcdonalds all day posting on GBAtemp thinks he has a valid opinion on topics which are way above him."
Get outta here.

Coincidentally i've never really liked Jontron. Though I have no real opinion on what he said since nothing he stated seemed really outlandish.
Last edited by Hells Malice,
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The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
The things is, he's never once tried to make this part of his videos. He seems to keep his videos completely separate from his own personal views. I actually really like his videos, I find him extremely funny and quotable.
Does that mean I personally agree with him? No, these are actually pretty shitty. Does that mean I don't find his videos funny? No, they're still funny.
Last edited by The Catboy,


GbaTemp's Official Deity
Jul 29, 2016
Above All Others
United States
JonTron doesn't know what he is talking about. Then again, what can you expect from a guy who plays video games for a living and doesn't really have to worry about anything??? He obviously hasn't had to deal with REAL issues for a LONG time when he's saying things like Discrimination in America does not exist. People like him should do us all a favor and just stick to Mario.
Last edited by FierceDeityLinkMask,

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