Discussion/question thread
Luma 10.3
Luma 10.3
- Thank you to the Luma developers official github
- Tweak screens individually (not possible for o2DS due to single screen hardware)
- Dimming effect for additional brightness reduction
- Much greater range of filter customisation
- Reapplies saved filter on awaken from sleep
- Automatic LED suppression when filter applied
- Apply custom screen filter and adjust brightness on-boot/awaken depending on time of day!
- Access Night/Light Config and Edit Filters via Screen filters menu. Config saved in "/luma/" as "configBootshift.bin", "lightshift.bin" and "nightshift.bin".
- Temporarily disable Night/Light time check via X button in menus. Manual application of screen filters also disables Night/Light.
- Automatically suppress LEDs on boot
- Automatic cut to slot power when booted with DS/TWL game cartridge inserted. This stops DS flashcarts from leeching power when not in use. You will need to force boot into DS game cartridge by using the CIA from here, with TWiLightMenu or reinsert the cartridge
- Automatic cut 3DS WiFi in sleep mode
- Open Rosalina menu with Home Button
- Toggle bottom LCD backlight from menus with Y button (also exits menu)
- Quick-Switch between your preferred filters/config for DS/i games (TwlBg) and GBA games (AgbBg, open_agb_firm, Open AGB Launcher)
- TwlBg option displays ".cxi" files from "/luma/sysmodules/TwlBg" and persists selected file name to "/luma/sysmodules/twlbgName.txt"
- Widescreen option displays ".cxi" files from "/luma/sysmodules/Widescreen" and persists selected file name to "/luma/sysmodules/widescreenName.txt"
- AgbBg option displays ".cxi" files from "/luma/sysmodules/AgbBg" and persists selected file name to "/luma/sysmodules/agbbgName.txt"
- Open_AGB option displays ".ini" files from "/3ds/open_agb_firm" and persists selected file name to "/3ds/open_agb_firm/configName.txt"
- Works best with meaningful file names e.g. "redshiftWideMode.cxi", "pixelPerfect.cxi", "lowBrightness.ini"
- Delete the .txt file when creating new TwlBg/AgbBg patches to avoid the persisted name being incorrect
- Option to force revert TWiLightMenu widescreen patch
- Not CTGP-7 compatible
- All credit to Nanquitas and PabloMK7 and anyone else involved in the CTRPF project!
- Supports new CTRPF v0.6.0 and v0.7.0 .3GX format (header 3GX$0002) plugin
- Not backwards compatible with .plg or old .3gx
- Default plugin available from CTRPF thread or Nanquitas' Playground announcements channel
- "default.3gx" goes in "/luma/plugins" directory
- Adjust brightness of top and bottom screens independently (not possible for o2DS due to single screen hardware)
- Option to use hidden true maximum brightness (at your own risk?)
- Option to use hidden true minimum brightness
- Option to switch off bottom screen backlight entirely
- Accessible from System Configuration sub menu
- Change volume in 1/64 steps without using physical volume slider
- Volume percentage now displayed in sub menus
- Recalibration is applied for 3DS, DS/i and GBA modes
- Accessible from System Configuration sub menu
- Edit the values behind the 5 selectable brightness levels
- Changes are saved to NAND so use sparingly to avoid wearing out the memory
- Upper limit of 172 is found in code so it is presumed to be safe but may reduce LCD lifespan
- Automatically launch chosen titles with N3DS 804MHz cpu & L2 cache enabled - option available in N3DS menu when title is running (config file saved to "/luma/n3ds" folder).
- Quick toggle LEDs from menus by pressing SELECT
- Quick toggle WiFi from menus by pressing START
- New3DS clock/cache status visible on main menu
- Allow Patches in the Home Menu e.g. place files from BetterBatteryColors or another example in /luma/titles/*YourRegionHomeMenuTitleId*/romfs - thank you gabe565
- Merged in enhancements to Luma cheats system - thank you s5bug
- Option to toggle rehid folder System configuration sub menu (folder must be disabled before loading game to not have rehid apply)
- Thanks to Pixel-Pop: load custom logo.bin from "/luma/logo.bin" (example: rename this file to "logo.bin" or create your own).