The evolution of tolerance

If this thread needs to be locked that's chill. I don't mean to start anything by saying any of this, but if people click on it, arguments will start.
Anyway, in light of a recent thread, I have been thinking of the idea of tolerance and how it has changed over the years.

You see, at some point tolerance was about learning how to exist with people you don't like. If some white guy didn't like Arabs because he thought they were staining the country's reputation, that was valid as long as he didn't act out in ways that actually damaged the Arabs (i.e. Terrorism). It was perfectly fine for him to say his opinion and even if he lost a friend, the world still moved on and let him have his hatred.

Nowadays, tolerance means that you must accept everyone's lifestyle as equally valid even if it goes against your own. You have to learn to like people you don't like and heaven forbid you say anything about it. If the guy from above mentions his hatred for Arabs (A completely arbitrary example btw), he is now "cancelled" by the rest of society. His free speech is stripped from him because "sure he can say it, but it was really offensive".

This isn't tolerance. This is forcing agendas. There is serious oppression going on the world. People are tortured or dying and all we can focus on is somebody's tweet. In conclusion, tolerance is bull.
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Likewise, I also have certain issues with some demographic groups outside of the bullshit labels of "Racist", "Transphobic" etc etc.

We're in a situation in the current age in where we are unable to openly criticize things that are outright wrong, for fear of "labels".
The UK, for example, has had a situation where there was a massive paedophile ring in Rotherham that was run by numerous asians. There had been evidence and witness testimony for this going back YEARS. However they only got charged in a more recent year. Why did it take so long to be dealt with? Because law enforcement were too scared to go after them due to potentially being labelled racist and essentially having their career destroyed.

Another example, Jessica Yaniv. An absolute scum bag. Transgender. However uses that defining trait to bully businesses into closing up. (Tried to go to a Waxing Saloon, whilst still having male genitals, and asking for a Brazilian.) These businesses refused service. Now this could very well be because they are transphobic, but it could also be because the process of waxing "the scrotum" requires a WHOLE different set of training to ensure it is done correctly without causing injury (and opening themselves up to lawsuits). So, they refused service. Yaniv then went on to try and sue them, citing "transphobia" as the reasoning. A similar situation also happened more recently when they attempted to sue a gynecologist due to them refusing service to a customer. Again, this could be due to homophobia, but it is also more likely down to the fact a gynaecologist is medically trained to deal with female genitalia. So once again, instantly, that business and the owners are instantly labelled "Transphobic". The same person has also, on multiple occasions, attempted to pass multiple events through the local government for "Topless Pool Parties" which would allow minors to attend, whilst also excluding adults, and I'll refer back to my comment about the "Rotherham" situation, where the reason it wasn't dealt with for ages is because of fears over the potential labels and accusations that could be leveled against you for "arguing against" a person that sits within a particular demographic.
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@cauliquackers Yeah, but unless if you don't comprehend the language of the so-called "offender" in whatever hypothetical situation you can come up with with something reasonable and not something like the video link below, then should your feelings start dictating the laws, the methods through which justice is carried out, and the careers of people who maybe didn't mean for something to be as serious as people like to take some posts online?

Shit like what you're stating is ultimately what led to this becoming a giant "he-said, she-said" situation:

@cauliquackers Yeah, but I usually hear that talking point from Breadtubers and other leftists (not necessarily liberals even if leftists are probably a more explicit form of the latter) and the like who, IMO, always come off as being people who think we have to conform to their view of the world, otherwise we're just as bad as the Nazis even though we don't care to put them in concentration camps and the like. Just because I don't think some individual's polyamorous lifestyle is anything that I regard as being normal, let alone healthy for the biological children if/when they come into the picture means that I care enough to call up my representative(s) and act like it's some plague on society. It's my opinion, and maybe it's ill-informed, maybe it's not objective enough, or some other thing people on the Internet like to promote as something that should be tolerated when a lot of people are just making memes and jokes at the thing that the fringes of the Internet are trying to promote.

It's not like I think there aren't neo-Nazis and other totalitarian-loving groups over here in the US, but honestly, in the last 10 years, it feels like we've been giving the fringe on both sides of the aisles more voice and attention than they deserve, all because it will make for a good clickbait YT video, regardless if the creators want to admit to engaging in this behavior or not. For as much as Youtubers love to bash "traditional" media like CNN, Fox News, ABC, CBS, and the like, they really are one and the same. Hell, I remember seeing a video where the Amazing Atheist was on CNN back in the day, in addition to Steven Hassan doing the same recently who associated with AtheisTuber Telltale in a video about trying to paint Trump as some cult leader. I mean, I could do the same thing as what they're doing, take some out-of-context footage, edit it together, put some disturbing music, and say that Suris is some freak who's trying to justify how weird he is just because he thinks being normal is "boring."

You see what I'm doing? Sure, I'm not providing links to videos (because, honestly, the cringe is just off the charts with how incompatible with the real world these freaks view things), but if they can go and paint someone in a negative light when religion and other organizations did and continue to do the same to various things in life (music, dancing, drugs, alcohol, you name it), it really goes to show how not-so-different both extremes really are, and makes you wonder what it is they really want.
It's Uiaad story time again folks gather round : I told a story a long time ago now about when I used to work retail here but for those of you who don't want to click a nearly 2 year old link i will recap it here.

while I was working one day ( same retail job ), I was taking with this guy named Mike who is black. Anyway we had just had a couple of new hires and we had this one girl, she was in uni and was just working part-time but she was a little ditzy to say the least. So she wanders up to us and was listening to our conversation and all of a sudden she comes out with " so do you prefer to be called black or coloured ? " I was taken aback a little but without missing a beat and completely straight faced he said " I prefer Mike " then she just walked away without saying another word. I should note we were talking about processors at the time and no ... she didn't last long.

Now me and Mike were really good friends, we would go around to each others places have a beer and play games, talk shit ect. Now before I go any further I have to explain a few other things. Firstly Mike was the only Black guy in the 15 + 2 managers staff. Secondly the store had 3 levels top floor was mostly with a small staff room. Ground floor was shopfloor with tiny bit of stock held behind + the security room ( small valuable items ) and the manager's office Bottom floor was a stock room for flat packs and access to the loading bay. Now i was the only one in the place that was cross trained in all 4 area. Office, Jewelry, Stock and Shop Floor so I was put wherever I was was need for the day. More often than not shop floor but i did used to spend a lot of time in Top Stock where Mike worked.

Now me and Mike as I said were pretty close friends, we were actually to the point where we couldn't insult each other any more. We called each other a lot of disgusting names on a daily basis. I'm not gonna go into exact names but we did call each other the N word quite a lot ( hell im white a snow ). The important thing to mention here this more often than not was in front of management. Of course it was never on shop floor or anywhere the public could ever hear.

So one day I come into work, It was a regular day and I get called in to the office and the door is shut behind me.

" we have had reports that you have been using offensive language towards another member of staff "
I imagine i had quite a flummoxed look on my face at this point "what?"
"Someone heard you call Mike a N-word"
I asked who made the complaint and she ( the assistant manager ) refused to tell me, gave me a written warning and told me if it happened again i was out on my ass. At this point I knew it wasn't Mike. So i just left for the day went home to cool off because if I had stayed there i just would have quit.

When I went back the next day, I spoke to the manager about the situation and she agreed that it shouldn't have happened and told me who the person was that reported me , It was Amy, the girl from my original story, tore up the written warning and told to tone it down a little infront of her. It was about a week later she was sacked from helping herself to items from the stock room and money from the till but that's a different story.

People are people. Let them be or do whatever the hell they want as long as they aren't hurting anyone. If we could stop for 5 minutes focusing on nit picky bullshit like race or sex we could actually start making a world worth living in.

For one second let's take a look at Feminism. A lot of people take the stance that im against it and that couldn't be further from the truth. What I'm against, is this new breed of neo-feminists that don't seem to understand what it's all about. I will fight and shout for equality for women till I'm blue in the face, but that's not what they seem to want. They want dominance and they want to pick and choose what they want. ** It's important to note that I'm talking about said Neo-feminist and not the feminist movement as a whole** .

I really do get sick of saying this phrase but people are people you can't tar one type of people with the same brush that you have used to tar one person there are extremists and troublemakers in any group or type of people and why do they do it? Because they get attention. The very second you stop paying attention and buying in to their bullshit they quickly lose interest and move on to something new to complain about.
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I think you're starting to deviate from the original argument. Instead of addressing the original post, it seems like you're trying to first guess someone's political alliance before deciding whether you want to support or argue against them.

The focus of this thread is on whether tolerance is letting people say whatever they want to as long as you do not "damage" other people.

It actually seems like you disagree with nerdtendo because all your examples are about how words and misrepresentation can hurt people.
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