Why I hate the Switch and this current era of Nintendo.

I hate the Nintendo Switch. I'm sure some of you are screaming and crying already just from that. Something about it just isn't right.

It seems like when the hardware itself is successful, Nintendo doesn't really try as hard with their software. Case in point the Wii has hardly any first party games and a lot of the ones it got were weird spin offs. All we've been getting from the Switch are some of the worlds laziest offerings, sequels with hardly any new content, ports of games that are only a few years old. When there is something original, personally, I've hated it. Breath of the Wild(which is technically a port but we'll let that slide) just does not feel like a Zelda game to me, and honestly a bunch of 1 puzzle minidungeons doesn't make up for the lack of any real content at all. The new Kirby was an absolute joke. It had hardly any levels and its so soulless and uncreative. Splatoon 2 just felt like a map pack. Xenoblade 2 went HARD on being Anime big titty waifu desu generic trope bullshit when the original game wasn't like that at all, if you like boring anime bullshit good for you I guess, but I don't.

I think the only game Ive enjoyed was Mario Odyssey. It had some semblance of creativity, the capture mechanic was cool, and going back to the classic 3D style felt great. However, even with that game I have a lot of problems. There were almost zero unique objectives for the games moons. 99% of them are just sitting around for you to grab and it felt really really boring getting them all about halfway through. Compare this to sunshine where almost every single shinesprite is a unique mission(besides like red coins and a few others but its a small amount so its ok!).

Also holy shit, I have had ENOUGH of the ports. Is Nintendo so starved of creativity that they need to just keep pumping out old games in place of new ones? And don't give me that "They're ports they're not replacing new releases" because look how dry the release schedule has been without them, they're totally trying to pass them off as major titles. I understand the Wii U didn't sell good but look at you guys you're complete hypocrites. "Wii U sucks what a shit console no games nothing to do". Well apparently the Wii U was the best fuckin console of all time because everyones eating these ports up and saying they're the best games ever. I loved the Wii U, and played all the games because they were great but now I feel punished in a way for supporting Nintendo when they were down. Charging more money for these quarter-assed ports than they cost initially on Wii U(A lot of these games were released at a budget price on Wii U and they're charging a full $60 on Switch) with absolutely zero new features.

The 3rd party offerings are horrendous as well. Charging more on Switch than other platforms while they also run and look much much worse is just unacceptable. I think the worst offender here has been Capcom. The Resident Evil ports are extremely over priced and selling Devil May Cry 1 standalone for the same price as the entire HD Trilogy thats on every other platform is a complete joke. These ports from 3rd parties also launch much later than the other platforms typically which makes no sense whatsoever. With all these points combined, why on earth would you want to play the switch version of any of these games? Just for portability? Thats a really weak reason if you ask me.

That's about all I have to say about the system and its games I guess. Overall, Im really disappointed with the direction Nintendo has been going since the Switch launch. I used to like them because they were different and focused on quality. Now they're just like everyone else but a lot worse at the same time too.

If you like the switch, good for you I guess, enjoy paying double for 5 year old games and replacing your joycons every 6 months.

EDIT: Wow, how could I forget to mention the complete lack of a virtual console on Switch and how horrendous the online is! The lack of a virtual console really sucks. Yeah, they're kind of sort of not really at all trying with the NES Online app I guess. Hey, maybe by the end of next year you guys will get like 4 SNES games too wow!!! I don't care if I have to pay for these games again, some for the 4th time even, I'll do it (especially when these older games are much better than Nintendos current releases). And we should have up to Gamecube for the VC that doesn't and won't exist because the hardware can absolutely handle it. As for the online, holy shit how is it 2019 and they're charging for online and its still absolute garbage? Not only was it FREE on Wii U, but it was also much more smooth and stable and had Miiverse as a way to communicate with others. Now theres no way to communicate with anybody, its unstable as all hell and you gotta pay for it. Kudos to Nintendo for at least making the sub cheap but its still not worth the asking price. How is it I can play Smash 4 on Wii U, almost NEVER have a bad match but on the much more powerful Switch with what I assume is a more developed infrastructure, I almost NEVER have a good match? It's inexcusable.

Also some of your replies are incredibly laughable. Right guys Im just trolling haha. Fanboys are insane.

Yet another edit: I'm not complaining about every Switch games price. I think its fine for Nintendo and other companies to charge $60 for NEW games. My problem is with how much they're charging for ports. DKC Tropical Freeze was not a full $60 when it released on Wii U(I believe it was $40) so why is it $60 on Switch? Captain Toad on Wii U $30 but the Switch version is $40. It's unacceptable.

As for 3rd parties, yes I know Nintendo doesn't control what they charge but that doesn't mean its not a problem. If a game either is old, runs worse than other platforms, has less content than other platforms, looks worse, releases way later than other platforms or any other number of reasons that plagues these Switch releases, then it should just cost less period, or at least the same god damn price as the superior versions. You are literally paying a premium for whats almost always an inferior product and if that is acceptable to you, you should really rethink a few things.
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@Xzi, the exclusive argument for any of the console manufacturers and distributors that matter only applies to Nintendo at this point. Yes, there's God of War and...everything else on PS4 (just watch Bloodborne come to PC in some form later, be it through emulation or an exclusivity deal expiration) that will be playable on a PS5 in 2020 (which feels like we're about to enter the decade of Mega Man *play MM2 Intro theme*), but the Yakuza games are all coming to PC it would seem at this point, and even if Yakuza 6 never came out due to the remasters taking so goddamn long to not only get localized, but also probably ported several months later (especially seeing as how some games like Yakuza 3/4 were running on especially earlier versions of the engine used for Yakuza 5 and beyond before the Dragon Engine games), there's still RPCS3 which can run Yakuza 3 and Kenzan with no problem, with 4 and 5 sure to follow at some point. If only Yakuza 7 wasn't turn-based... :(

Xbox One? What exclusives? Halo 5? Killer Instinct? Gears of War? The latter two are on Steam, with yours truly having got an ad for pre-purchasing the 5th installment of the latter (personally, I think the series should have ended with the third game, it feels like they're just making new versions of the same game at this point) two hours ago! Also, the Halo Master Chief Collection is slowly but surely coming to Steam. As in, the games that, from what I can gather about the series from what I've read about fanbase sentiment in regards to this series (I just never owned an Xbox console growing up), are the ones that many consider to be what Halo's about as opposed to 4 and 5.

I just don't see the argument for exclusives anymore. If anything, it's now becoming about who has the better services, how much investment you have in one brand (as in, you own so many digital games on Microsoft's console and services that it'd cost you to switch, no pun intended, to Sony with the PS5 from the 360/XB1), and whether you want to pay $60 for access to better multiplayer/less exclusives or $60 for online multiplayer, another amount for streaming if you don't value playing games with as little lag/future compatibility/playability as possible, and more for better (?) exclusives that, going into the PS5 era, Get Woke, Go Broke Sony will censor to Hell and back because...why not appeal to douchebags like in the following videos who hate everything in modern media because of how it offends their pasto-ahem, I mean, God?

(fun fact: the latter guy is the son-in-law to the pastor of the church in the video (who died of a heart attack in 2001) that ran the college that my father went to, and said son-in-law is in jail for taking a teenage female he was "counseling" across statelines for...well...I think you can imagine what. :( )
@Extrasklep Nothing lasts forever. Official and unofficial support for the 3DS will dry up one day.
@Silent_Gunner You forgot Spider-Man, Persona 5, God of War, and Horizon: Zero Dawn. There's no denying this generation has been fairly light on the exclusives though, and Nintendo has the advantage there since developers don't have to spend so much time working on minute graphical details. Switch gets a new AAA title nearly every month.
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@DBlaze, Woah, $59.99 a piece? Where I live almost all physical copies of switch games, including BOTW and Mario Odyssey is $49.99.
@RandomUser glorious yurop prices
Not that I mind it that much when games are actually new, but 3 years after the fact? that's some next level dedication.
Even in the US every new game used to be $50 on Amazon, now they just discount randomly (they did it for Three Houses).
Nintendo was also arrogent enough to add payed multiplayer to the switch.Console multiplayer is nothing but a scam nowadays.
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i havent got a switch yet, but will eventually get one, will problaly wait for and upraded model before i buy one. just had a look on wiki for switch exclusives game, and their was 15 games that caugth my eye out of 51 games, i think that pretty good for its 2,5 year life. as for third party game i dont care much, as i will just play them on my pc(unless its a game primaly designed for switch).
and of course the fact that it can get hacked is a major positive for me. the thing i really hate about switch, is the possible that it may make next gen games inferior, because developers want to make
a version for the switch. but thats not really nintendos fault, as they really cant make the switch much stronger.
So you sold your Switch and are now telling us how much you hated it? ..Hmm, methinks this wouldn't have happened if you still had one :lol:

And your first argument against it was the Wii had hardly any first party games? What a joke... 3 Super Mario's, 1 Zelda (+1 port), a fukkin Metroid Prime, and all the usuals - people tend to forget about the real quality mixed in the Wii's gamelist due to the amount of shovelware it got... something that happened to the PS2. And currently the Switch. :wink:
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Skipping all the ranting to tell you what you're right about: Super Mario Odyssey is a real turd in regards of challenge.

Mario had some challenge in the past, now you have to..

- speak with a person to get a moon
- do a ground pound to get a moon
- swing your cap to get a moon
- collect seeds and wait for them to grow to get a moon
- collect annoying sheep to get a moon
- stack some goomba to get a moon

..I could go on for a while. These tasks are almost in every level of the game and are boring as hell. This game is the definition of repetition.
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@mightymuffy I literally just sold it like a month ago. The system sucks and the games suck.
To reply to your edit:

Hack your Switch, play the games that way, and have a powerful PC on standby for the GC/Wii games.

As for the online being garbage, you're how old now? You should know how bad the online for Nintendo systems are by this point, paid or not!

There's a big difference between absolute lunacy like what you're posting and fanboyism. You hate the Switch, fine. It has the usual gallery of a flagship Mario title, a Zelda game, full fledged Pokemon games, a Metroid Prime that will hopefully come out, you know, the typical stuff that anyone who's been paying any sort of attention to Nintendo and how they operate will have already realized by now. Everything you posted as far as criticisms go has already been discussed so many times over on other topics on other forums and this one that it's been done to death. Everyone knows the Joy-Cons have stick drift. Some of us don't play our Switches enough because of how demanding our schedules are in addition to our hobbies/other projects. It will hopefully improve by the time the Switch 1 is replaced by a Switch 2 or whatever is next for Nintendo after this, but fuck, if you're gonna talk shit, have some logical muscle to back up your claims or expect to get torn to shreds when you present your tantrums!
Fair enough. I kinda feel the same way. It's the first Nintendo system I didn't buy at launch because I had a WiiU and I could play Zelda on that. I'm glad I held off because even with the years that have passed the only game I want to try is Odyssey and it ain't worth $400.

I suppose eventually I'll get one but right now I'm with you. I don't like it
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I'm glad somebody else shares my opinion. In the past, I've been met with "the games are still good, you're just getting older", and "bawww 'why don't they make the games I want?'". As a consumer, Nintendo should be trying to make games I want. I've already played the majority of the Switch library years before it ever came out. I don't care about portability since I'm an adult that only travels to and from work. Not to mention, I have a phone. In the event that I want or need portable entertainment, there's that. I feel people are throwing money at this out of sheer fanboyism at this point. It's Nintendo, so they could deliver a literal pile of shit and people would cough up $60 for it. The fact that it can run Linux is probably the only thing that would sell one to me, and that's a pain to get set up thanks to hardware revisions.
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@Robfozz See, I'd say the WiiU sucked as a system and the vast majority of its games sucked. The gimmick was in no way appealing outside of a portable form factor, and the marketing didn't do it any favors. Most people only romanticize it for its backward compatibility, at which point you might as well still be playing on Wii instead. To each their own, but the fact that you can get all the WiiU's best titles on Switch completely invalidates the need to ever consider purchasing a WiiU IMO. And I'm someone who owns every other Nintendo home console.
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Good points, I really enjoy your text, thanks for sharing ! :)

You know, today I can give a pass to the Switch...Because I bought a GPDWin2.
For a 3DS size console, I play Gamecube on the go (even rogue leader works !), along with my beloved RTS (I've been waiting 10 years for that) and a all my steam library.

Well, the Switch is good, but not for me.
Interesting read. I do agree with some of it, but not all.

It's nothing new that nintendo cannot release games as fast as fans would want, and rather than skim on quality they get creative ("put in some ports here, some spin-off there and DONE! We've got a line-up"). I can't get lukewarm for anything but the Link's awakening remake, and that is just a bit too much to justify spending money I need right now.

Third party games costing more for lesser quality is...to be expected. It's a portable device, after all. And unlike in the wii or the wiiu days, I can really see the advantage in a polished port ("why would you play the switch version? Because you can play your game while commuting").

Personally I feel a sort of flattery that they port their kitchen sink to the switch. This way, I can say I played these games before they were cool. ;)

The complaint about a lack of virtual console is something I don't get, though. Are you saying that ports are only okay if they're from more than one generation ago or something? :unsure:
- Nobody has torn me to shreds

-I provided many examples to back up any claims that weren't just my personal opinion

-I shouldn't have to hack a console to make it good or to have basic features every other Nintendo console has had

-"It'll be fixed with the Switch 2" is one of the laziest counter points I've ever read in my life. It's a problem now and it shouldn't be a problem to begin with.

It seems that you are the one "throwing a tantrum" here my friend. All I did was share my opinion and have been able to back it up. Some people agree some don't. Also, linking other people to this post and making a scene about it outside of this blog entry is incredibly immature and really makes you look desperate. Not that I care if more people see though, I still believe Im right in my thinking.

Have a nice day.
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i 100% agree with you, as a wii u owner i bought some games, and im not too happy with buying the same game but with dlc and a tiny bit of extra content. while the idea of the switch is neat, i feel like casual gamers or people who werent into games before are starting to pick it up, which is why some people are eating up the ports like crazy. people always find a way to defend it saying "you dont have to buy the ports" but i know that, its just the only new games that are out for months are just ports. i dont like when people say "well if it sucks why do you have it"
another thing, mario odyssey sucks lmao, its too easy and theres too many moons in too many easy places.
botw lacks good dungeons, the divine beasts were interesting but at the end of the day it was just trying every possible combination to get access to the terminals. the 2nd dlc had probably the best boss fight in the entire game.
the switch lacks some qol improvements, and all the updates do is try to patch exploits lol.
ngl i feel the best console i have used has to be the 3ds and wii. they have a decent library and i find myself getting sucked into a game for hours because of how much i enjoy it. but with the switch the only fun i really had was botw. its hard for me to stay in a game longer than maybe an hour or two because the library isnt that great. im actually playing my 3ds and vita more than my switch. ive been using my switch for youtube a lot

nintendo feels so behind on a lot of things but ahead in some ways. but the fans eat it up anyway, they will find a way to defend all the mistakes.
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To be honest I think the Switch and Nintendo Software for it is quite OK.
But sure it is not the best they have done regarding Software.
I believe the software they came up with on the Wii U era was... well, just not enough, not my favorite era.
That said they also created some good games there IMHO.
I must admit there have been many games I have enjoyed on the Switch, but many of them are improved ports from the Wii U.
I personally loved Zelda BotW (arguably a port), MK8DX (totally a port), and Mario Odissey.
I also liked things like Xenoblade 2 (if you want to consider Monolith=Nintendo), but sure I prefer Xenoblade X.... hmmm.

Whatever the case, even though I consider the Switch and its games OK/good, regarding Nintendo's soft I miss a lot from the Wii and Gamecube era (aka Metroid fucking where). And yes, I loved the Wii.

PS: yeah, I think Nintendo is not providing as many good games as in the past (where past means more than 10 years ago).

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