Panzer Tacticer's Blog

In a recent Canadian court ruling, you all have been deemed entirely dangerous individuals to anyone of adult age. Yep the whole lot of ya is now considered a high risk to a Canadian adult. Crazy, yep very crazy. But as most of you...
First off, a preliminary comment. I just deleted a handful of blog threads that were basically worthless rambling on things not even remotely gaming oriented. I plan to refuse to discuss anything non gaming in the future. What's the point? This is a gaming site. Back to the reason for today's...
Everyone likes to day dream about their ultimate hand held gaming whatever else doodad. Lets see. It's black and shiny like a DS. Folds in half like a DS too. It's a lot bigger and thicker though. No chance of fitting in a pants pocket at all. Dimensions are something like 6 inches wide, 6... Text of article The Gamer's Bill of Rights Unveiled, Demands PC Gamers Not Be Treated as 'Potential Criminals' by Chris Faylor Aug 29, 2008 10:40am In an effort to create standards for PC games and increase consumer confidence, publisher Stardock...
If you are playing ANY sort of game, and you are not making ALL of the moves, you are of course playing against an AI. Let's just get one thing straight right at the start. AI stands for artificial intelligence, and sadly, there is precisely no intellect whatsover in ANY form of AI anywhere in...
Ok, being a very self admitted "user" of the benefits of both technology, and easily found services, some of this post might sound 100% full of crap :) I realize that in advance, so no need to point it out hehe. But, I see an endless stream of threads here at the temp, that focus on "what cart...
Ok, the law is not an option for anti piracy in the same way telling a teen to abstain from sex is a moronic for of birth control. I likely will never get tired of ranting against the worthlessness of anti piracy laws, as anti piracy laws are likely never going to be written by people with...
There is some buzz going around currently on how Nintendo is going around trying to kill off the latest doodad that allows the clever and the willing to get something for nothing. Say (just fore the sake of preposterous argument's sake) that Nintendo actually WAS successful in making it no...
Occasionally I interact with people I have met online, in a mode off site from where I met them. And you THEN get to find out what else makes the person tick. And most of us I think it is safe to say, are likely not molded entirely by our games. I came here for the Nintendo DS discussions...
I was browsing, and this muse occurred to me "when you buy a game machine, or game, do you expect to be able to enjoy it indefinitely?". Myself, I am not a subscriber to the oft mentioned notion of comparing a game related purchase to a movie ticket purchase or a dinner out. Frankly the movie...
I've been seeing a lot of anger after E3, and it all seems comical to me to be honest. It's the anger that Nintendo has the nerve to market games to OTHER than the teen/under 25 crowd. Holy crap get over your own self importance for Christ's sake will ya. Perhaps you weren't aware of it, but...
I've been wandering forums now since 2000. That's 8 years. But I did it all on places that were haunts of my age group (yes there I go referencing my age again). It was a totally different experience from GBAtemp, simply because even though there ARE other people here older than a teen, I...
So I'm browsing down the list of "View New Posts" and something catches my eye. I read the OP comment and whooa that's intense. I scan the thread waiting for the punchline. Hmm no punchline. I re read the OP comment, thinking, am I just missing something? Then on slowly prowling the thread I...
Free is always cool especially when it's 100% legal :) Slitherine makers of great things (not just wargames too) has released a demo of their very fine grand strategy wargame called Commander Europe at War. You can find the download...
Warning, this blog entry may set a site record for length. It has lots of pictures, but it is still never the less entirely looooong. The purpose here, is so that when I use the word "wargame" in a sentence, no one will have ANY doubt as to what the hell I meant :) So here begins the journey...
Well I might have liked to post this on say the 26th, make it a full 2 weeks, but nah. I'm over all happy, glad I found the place. In using the "View New Posts" function, I have gained a rapid appraisal of the overall pace and flavour of the forums. Seen the look and feel of what everyone...
Soooo time for another blog, and this will be all the links I can think of (that won't get me notified of a violation of site guidlines). Aaaaaaand considering this quote from the blog guidelines "anything illegal within the blogs will not be tolerated" you are simply out of luck if you want to...
So I'm here, at, nice place I conclude, how do I tell anyone else about it? Most places carefully guard their membership. The last thing they want to do (normally), is give "the other guy" any assistance in stealing their members. Members = posting activity = attention =...
Soooo I bought a Nintendo DS (actually I've bought 4). Yeah I bought my son one, he dropped it, broke the hinge, now it will only light up the upper screen if you hold it just so, which renders left hand unavailable, making a wide selection of games non viable. Then I bought myself one when I...
A blog eh. Fortunately I eventually came into the blog section via the home page, and saw the full explanation of what the blog section is for and about. Otherwise it seemed like a duplication of the General discussions section. Hmmm I want to take this opportunity to make a sort of...

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    T @ Texasauras: SOLILOQUY