Reality and the internet

So I'm browsing down the list of "View New Posts" and something catches my eye.

I read the OP comment and whooa that's intense.

I scan the thread waiting for the punchline. Hmm no punchline.

I re read the OP comment, thinking, am I just missing something?

Then on slowly prowling the thread I realize, hmm a lot of established names on this thread. People of position on the forum.

I conclude, I am NOT posting on this thread. The damage potential was just to high for me.

To intrude on a conversation made up of people that have known each other for a while (apparently), and make a comment out of the blue from an outsider, nah it was patently unwise an action.

But it made me ponder, and when I start pondering I get a burning urge to comment somewhere damn it.

So I'll do it here, after all, at least on my blog, it's assumed to be my little corner of GBAtemp.

Your gender, what's the point of mentioning it? Got proof?
Your age, what's the point of mentioning it? Got proof?
Your education, what's the point of mentioning it? Got proof?

Married, retired navy seal with a CMH and 4 tours in places I never officially was present. Hey, it's not impossible.
Nah, I'd rather be a Canadian Army Sniper. Why not eh, when Marines feel safer just having a Canadian sniper present, that says someting.

More exciting than saying I was just a typical 031.

But hell, what't the point of asking me for details at all. You can't see me, you likely have no interest in knowing me, I'm just an account name and a avatar image and depending on the forum, a post count, maybe some forum icons.
What's the point of asking?

People say the internet is phony, as if the real world outside your door isn't fake.
The sad truth is the world outside your door isn't any more real, you just need a different form of camouflage.
Here I'm wearing an account name and an avatar image to present an image.
But outside on the street, I use a fashion statement based on the clothes I choose to wear.

People also say a lot of things while online. But it's just words on a screen. And I've been writing words on a screen since 1990. And I have an extremely clever imagination. I'm a capable writer. How much of what I say is important to me, and how much is me just killing time?
Again though, have you ever listened closely to the things people say within earshot of you when you are out in the real world?
People are not always genuine in person. This is likely verifiable by all the failed marriages. People getting something other than what they thought they were getting.

Of course it gets interesting, when we offer some of the reality, and then the reality comes back on us as a bad taste.
Sometimes it's best not to offer too much reality, because maybe the reality is something we don't want to reveal.
Should you have said that online? Is a question a lot of us should consider.
Would you have considered it a good idea to say it out loud in a public place out on the street in person?

And as I said, this is partly from observations.
I've met a lot of people online, that in the course of time, were quite unpleasant. And all because I gave them something of my reality, and then that person used it against me.
Just as I have had to deal with people in person, that in the fullness of time were people I wish I had never met at all.

You sometimes regret being genuine.
You sometimes regret being fake.

That's the hell of the internet though. Just as much as it is the problem of the "real world".

I came here for the Nintendo DS. In the end, that's really all that counts. It's true, I came here because I like the Nintendo DS.
And I also find it annoying that they don't make enough games like Panzer Tactics.
I figured, "you have to go where the people are, that you might be able to interest in the game".
You don't go where wargaming is already established. I wasn't interested in preaching to the choir.
Besides, the choir seems to be caught in a deep rut at any rate.

Anything else I say here at GBAtemp, well I wouldn't get to interested in the comments.
There's a limit to how important anything non game should be made to seem.

Because remember, this is the internet. It's real, sometimes. But not always.


That's how I feel sometimes, the part where everything you say in the internet is sort of like a permanent mark, a permanent record of who you are. What's scary about that is sometimes you say things you don't really mean or you say things that no one else knows, secrets you just can't tell. But why say them here then when you're so frightened? Because nobody really knows you. To them, you're just a name with a picture.

Months ago I had no courage to ever post in this forum. What if I say something that might just reveal who I really am? The true me? I was scared and I'm still scared now. The only reason why I mustered enough courage to even do this is because I want to be heard. And because I wanted to have some fun.
What a pessimistic view!
I think we proved once again with the GBAtemp Tour (read my blog) that you can in fact build real, serious relationships (friendship, love, anything) with the people you meet on the internet.
There are just so many examples, I don't even need to argue!
I like to make friends on the internet so that I can one day meet them in real life. And I'm serious about it. I'll give you a few examples:
- I met one of my current room mates on the internet like 5 years ago. We're like best friends now.
- I met shaunj66 a while ago because he's an admin like me. We had a great time together IRL, and even were room mates for a year in Oxford. We just took the GBAtemp tour '08 together and had a fantastic time.
- All the people we met during the tour were amazing people. Mthrnite, VVoltz, Mikki, SpikeyNDS, Urza, IxthusTiger and his girlfriend. We had a fantastic time together too.
- I once had a (real life) girlfriend that I met on the internet. It got serious, but it's over now. Still, it meant a lot to me.

So yes, the internet and forums have brought so much to me and to my life that I feel it's important to connect with people, to get to know them more.
It's not just about posting shit and hiding behind your screen! ;)
[quote name='tinymonkeyt' post='1133665' date='May 7 2008, 04:08 PM']panzer tacticer poetic form of writing > tinymonkeyt unpoetic form[/quote]

Maybe you should take lessons from the man. ;)
[quote name='Costello' post='1133653' date='May 7 2008, 08:01 PM']What a pessimistic view!
I think we proved once again with the GBAtemp Tour (read my blog) that you can in fact build real, serious relationships (friendship, love, anything) with the people you meet on the internet.
There are just so many examples, I don't even need to argue!
I like to make friends on the internet so that I can one day meet them in real life. And I'm serious about it. I'll give you a few examples:
- I met one of my current room mates on the internet like 5 years ago. We're like best friends now.
- I met shaunj66 a while ago because he's an admin like me. We had a great time together IRL, and even were room mates for a year in Oxford. We just took the GBAtemp tour '08 together and had a fantastic time.
- All the people we met during the tour were amazing people. Mthrnite, VVoltz, Mikki, SpikeyNDS, Urza, IxthusTiger and his girlfriend. We had a fantastic time together too.
- I once had a (real life) girlfriend that I met on the internet. It got serious, but it's over now. Still, it meant a lot to me.

So yes, the internet and forums have brought so much to me and to my life that I feel it's important to connect with people, to get to know them more.
It's not just about posting shit and hiding behind your screen! ;)[/quote]

I'm assuming the "pessimistic view" was aimed at my OP comment of course.

Not really pessimism, just being able to see a long life matched up with nearly 2 decades of life online as well.

If I wasn't married, I'd be in NewZealand right now correcting that with someone I met online.
You CAN meet people online you can truly care for.

Now in the real world (as it's called as if it is more real), I knew this bloke from back in Highschool (were talking a long time ago, like 1979). We were long time wargaming buddies for like 20 or more years. Then one day, like a light switch, it's just gone. No fight, no argument. One day I was just required to call before dropping by. By the way guys, when you've know a guy 20 years, gone through the same medical troubles, and your son has played with the other guys son for several years, and you've both been scout leaders in the same group, you tend to be faily close friends. Friends that close don't need to call to ask if they can drop by to say hello. Not when for years you didn't need permission to get something out of the guy's fridge.

That was 2000. Haven't seen much of him since. 3 random encounters on the street. And the kicker is this, he dumped his family too. They never see him much suddenly either.
I have noooooo idea what happened. But shit, after being upset the first few years, I decided screw it, I'm not a used newspaper that can be just discarded like that. So I got over it.

I knew a lot of guys online through wargaming. Or let me correct that, I THOUGHT I knew a lot of guys online in wargaming.
But it's easy to talk yourself into thinking you have internet friends. Be careful about using the word "friend" too casually, it diminishes the value of the term, and that's not fair to the ones that earned it.

Right now, without wishing to sound mean, I know none of you guys genuinely. Don't worry, it's the same the other direction. No one really knows me, so I have not earned anything special from anyone here.

I likely have about as many REAL friends online, as I have in the "real" world of my immediate local surroundings.
I've met only 2 people I knew online initially. One answered an offer for a collection of woodworking magazines, the other an offer for some free models I was editing out of my collection. Met them for all of 15 minutes worth of hand shake and smiles and quick chat.

Some of the people I have come to loathe online, likely could have been successful friends in person, if they hadn't been so busy being fucktards online. But humans are weak, and maybe the internet actually shows a lot of who we really are, because we tell ourselves it's safe, no one will ever meet you.
But then, maybe if we act the fool too much, we just ensure no one wants to meet us in person as well.

It's a tricky thing the internet. Trying to be real, but at the same time, guarding against being too real to those that can only offer a bad experience.
You're absolutely right, PT. The problem is that most people expect the internet to be easier or better than the "real world". In some ways it is, and in some ways, it isn't. The main issue is that the internet is not better or worse than the real world, only, in a way, different.

Like you said, you'll have a 16 year old girl and a 48 year old man arguing back and forth about which flash cart is best!! Each is insulting the other and claiming to have an intimate knowledge of the other's mother! Obviously, this is not something that would happen in the real world, but the anonymity of the internet gives some people a sense of security, even power. But, on the internet, people still lie, and cheat, and steal, and do all those other "bad" things, they just cover it up differently. Conversely, there are also great, funny, considerate people on the internet, you just sometimes have to work a bit harder to get to know them.

So, the same people you see everyday in the "real world" as they walk to school, eat at Taco Bell, or drive to work are the exact same people you go home and chat with a gbatemp, we are just all operating under a different set of rules. And the sooner a newcomer can adjust to these new rules, the better, and more satisfying their internet experience will be.
You know Panzer I read this a while back but was to busy working to reply but wanted to make a note to throw my 2 cents in so here I am.

I grew up in an age of anonymity so if I was in an AOL chat room in 1992 and I lost a hot debate over Sega VS Mario I could easily change my screen name and thus a new challenger appears. Would anyone know that Logan333 was really WeaponXxX? Not only that but we were afraid to open up to one another, fear of some pedo jerking off to our pictures or fear of someone photoshopping a penis in my mouth.

GBAtemp is unique, I remember a few years ago Shaun or Costello I forget which one of those guys, hell probably both had a strict NO pic policy. It created greater demand "OOOOH the mystery! Let's see your pic!" 4 years later and here is Shaun and Costello sharing their road trip across America and I think its because really the community is just that tight. At Maxconsoles or GameFaq you might head over there cause its often flaming threads one after another, here your on such good terms with people your almost afraid to open your mouth cause you don't want to upset a friend. And that is what it comes down to GBAtemp isn't just an anonymous forum but a place where people make friends. Truly one of the more unique experiences on the internet.

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    I love German shepherds
    And calico cats
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Better than those Nazi shepherds
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Calico cats are a delicacy in Ohio more meat
    theyre sooo cute
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @HUNTERFOX, uh thats not a cat
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Thats a dog
    @Xdqwerty,German Shepherd dog
    Yo @Xdqwerty when do u turn 16?
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @HUNTERFOX, May 29th
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I have a good Calico recipe if you want it. From the Ohio Cookbook.
    @BigOnYa, u learn that on planet ∆√×π§π?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    My buddy Alf taught me it. He loves Calico's.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Thr pointy ears make you a fairy
    Alrighty, I gotta go take my piano lesson the get my stuff ready for my dentist appointment in the morning, cya gang😉
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @HUNTERFOX, also I sometimes play piano
    Oh that's cool, kind fun just to relax and play ur favorite song
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    I play myself
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @HUNTERFOX, aaaaand I suck at it
    @K3Nv3 Oh God, aren't u talented
    Anyways cya
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @HUNTERFOX, I would use my piano keyboard more often if I could plug it into my PC or something.
  • K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3:
    Would my psychiatrists think I'm crazy if I walk in with ketchup and meth in my pockets
    K3Nv3 @ K3Nv3: Would my psychiatrists think I'm crazy if I walk in with ketchup and meth in my pockets