A Nintendo Switch flashcart is being teased, and it could support all models


Throughout the Nintendo Switch's life, we've seen modchips and softmods aplenty. What has been missing in the Switch hacking scene, though, is a flashcart; and if rumors are to be believed, one might be coming soon. A user by the name of After Time X shared on Twitter that they have exclusive information regarding testing of a flashcart that will work on all models and revisions of the Nintendo Switch. A video of "proof" was shown, of someone cycling through rom backups, and loading the games to play on their Switch OLED unit. According to the rumor, these flashcarts will begin shipping as early as next month.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
Yes. It is proof of existence. Your feelings about it wasn't the point. Regardless of your feelings, it is something that has an impact. "Influencers" are not called that for no reason.
Complaints are feelings though. And feelings aren't always rooted in rational thought processes therefore creating contradictory complaints. What one person sees as a negative another person can easily see as a benefit.

Even if we hypothetically assume there was an impact, statistical significance is what actually matters here. Every action has an impact on something but to conclude that one specific action leads to another, and not due to other actions, must be established with data. Otherwise, the "impact" that you so claim can easily be attributed to random chance which I have previously mentioned. After all, if there was an impact, the secondhand market still exists and functions the same as it always has before and after SX OS.
Do you know why? It's because it has an impact.
That doesn't automatically make every complaint worthwhile or have an "impact". People complain about Nintendo's underpowered hardware all the time but does Nintendo do anything to change that?
If something is "valid" or not doesn't change the fact that it exists and creates influence.
Refer to the first point.
We cannot say that they do not exist, and that is impact. We both can agree to not like it, but it doesn't change the fact.
There is merit in whether its worth taking into account or not or if its even something that people can control. People can complain about whoever the president is or the price of eggs but those cannot being altered with complaints.
This is a struggle that you are having with the fact that something can have an impact, even though you do not know how to reliably measure it. I was pretty clear about that before. It feels like you are only proving my point.
You have the audacity to accuse me of being illiterate yet you don't realize that nothing of what I just said supports any of your claims? Building off of my previous example, Tears of the Kingdom was created as a sequel to Breath of the Wild despite many Zelda fans complaining it wasn't a Zelda game. Clearly, if those complaints had any "impact", they had the opposite effect.
Your complaint was that I was misquoting you, but now we are back to assuming that what I said about you was true. This is a waffle. Do you believe that Nintendo wants to create bad press about themselves or not?
So what you're saying is you lack evidence that has taken actions to generate good press or avoid bad press when it comes to the topics I mentioned and are trying to change topics.
So banning users would be a better way for Nintendo to deal with MIG users than to "just ban certs". I agree. Glad we could get closer to an understanding.
This doesn't change the fact that duplicate copies would still exist in the market. A console ban can easily be overcome by simply buying another console the same way that a game ban can be overridden by buying another game. This is most likely why Nintendo banned games on top of those who were using SX OS. I would not advocate for banning of both simultaneously either because its overkill when the real offender is neither the user, the console, nor the game but Mig Switch itself.
The desperation is deafening. I don't think anyone would defend this childish charade.
I cannot recall any better case of the pot calling the kettle black than this right here. Oh but please but show me everyone defending your childish charade. And I'm still waiting on that formally written apology.
But it's not, by your own admission.
When it comes to the topic of banning certs, it is because it supports .XCI files and plays them online just like SX OS. The differences I mentioned refer to how widespread its usage will be in comparison to SX OS which will affect the number of banned certificates.
We don't even agree what "the same thing" is. You suggested that the solution was to ban certs, but I argue that cert bans were never a primary solution, as a lot more effort was made in other ways. Banning certs is lazy and reckless. We can assume that Nintendo knows that as they prioritized system/user bans and financed legal remedies.
Still doesn't change the fact that they banned certificates which is my point. Whatever else Nintendo did is irrelevant because console bans can be attributed to other causes such as homebrew or using .NSP files. However cartridge bans can only occur due to misuse of cartridge certificates which Nintendo either felt was necessary with or without a console ban. Though I'm curious on what these "financed legal remedies" because this is the first I've heard of Nintendo implementing such a thing when it comes to banning games.
As I have already demonstrated, dumped cartridges do not mean that source cartridges have been tampered with. You need to learn the definition of "tamper".
Using your favorite source, Merriam Webster lists tamper as something to try foolish and dangerous experiments with. I know this is my opinion but it seems pretty foolish to go online with a dump of a cartridge when that cartridge is in the hands of someone else. If you don't believe me, here is the link to said definition.
It is Nintendo putting the onus on the new owner, not the law. Also, as per the prior point, a switch that has been hacked is not the same as a cartridge that has been copied.
Not in Nintendo's eyes. Nintendo has banned Switch consoles and cartridges independent of each other.
I get that you want to pretend that you have proven me wrong "multiple times" using this as evidence. But if this the best you have, I would recommend you trying to find out where i said I was "bored". You are incapable of recognizing nuance, and if this is your "high point" where you think you finally proved me wrong, then it just shows that you aren't as literate as I wish you were.
I don't need to pretend because you cannot dismiss the fact that I have disproved you therefore logically I am right. Instead, you shifted topics from defending your primary argument about cert bans to a semantics debate because you lack any and all proof. You put yourself in a losing battle because you pitted a hypothetical scenario against proven facts. All of the onus of proof falls on you yet you failed to provide even a modicum of evidence besides your "opinions" whereas I've drawn from multiple sources such as SciresM or Merriam Webster. You are incapable of recognizing when you are wrong, and if this is your "high point" where you think you finally proved how illiterate I really am, then it just shows that you aren't literate in the slightest.
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This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
Complaints are feelings though. And feelings aren't always rooted in rational thought processes therefore creating contradictory complaints. What one person sees as a negative another person can easily see as a benefit.

That's true! It's also impacting.

You have the audacity to accuse me of being illiterate yet you don't realize that nothing of what I just said supports any of your claims? Building off of my previous example, Tears of the Kingdom was created as a sequel to Breath of the Wild despite many Zelda fans complaining it wasn't a Zelda game. Clearly, if those complaints had any "impact", they had the opposite effect.

I don't think people bought Zelda because they didn't like. I know I didn't buy it because of the format.

Profits and losses are capable of both existing. Nintendo made a judgement call. They lose some but can gain more.

I cannot recall any better case of the pot calling the kettle black than this right here. Oh but please but show me everyone defending your childish charade. And I'm still waiting on that formally written apology.

An apology? For pointing out that you don't "only speak facts"? You claim to see hypocrisy, but I don't see where I did what you did. Do you think "I know you are, but what am I" is a real argument here?

Using your favorite source, Merriam Webster lists tamper as something to try foolish and dangerous experiments with. I know this is my opinion but it seems pretty foolish to go online with a dump of a cartridge when that cartridge is in the hands of someone else. If you don't believe me, here is the link to said definition.

LOL. Please show us where the original cart has been tampered with.

Still doesn't change the fact that they banned certificates which is my point.

No. You said that Nintendo already has the solution to solve the Mig problem, and that was to ban certs. There was no nuance. I'm glad you are coming your way to my side of the argument, even if you kick and scream on the way.

Anyway, you are hilarious.
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
That's true! It's also impacting.
An impact on what though? The "impact" isn't deemed valid until determined by an external metric. Take for example Joy-Con drift. Sure people complained about it but did Nintendo do anything to appease those complaints? No they did not because they did not acknowledge the complaints as significant. It wasn't until a third-party, namely the law, stepped in to verify if the complaints were significant or not and they deemed the complaints were. The complaints did not cause Nintendo to fix Joy-Con drift, the lawsuit did.
An apology? For pointing out that you don't "only speak facts"? You claim to see hypocrisy, but I don't see where I did what you did. Do you think "I know you are, but what am I" is a real argument here?
No, because I have only spoken facts even if you don't want to admit it. What I want an apology for is thinking a hypothetical scenario could ever hope to best the cold-hard truth of the actions Nintendo have done based purely on speculation and your own opinions. And, I still see no one defending your childish charade.
LOL. Please show us where the original cart has been tampered with.
By using a dumper, that was not authorized by Nintendo, to produce a copy that you are not allowed to have then intentionally flashing said copy in front of Nintendo by distributing the original copy to someone else. That is one of the reasons why game certificates get banned.
No. You said that Nintendo already has the solution to solve the Mig problem, and that was to ban certs. There was no nuance. I'm glad you are coming your way to my side of the argument, even if you kick and scream on the way.
I get that you want to pretend that you have proven "I'm coming your way to my side of the argument" by using this as evidence. But if this the best you have, I would recommend you trying to find out where i said "Nintendo already the solution to solve the Mig problem, and that was to ban certs". Also I'm pretty sure you have no idea what the word "nuance" actually means despite your continued usage of it. And yet you want to claim that I'm illiterate? This is precisely why me calling you a pot is a real argument here; because you continuously prove it to be true.
Anyway, you are hilarious.
At least I'm funny which is more than what I can say for you for someone who is illiterate. I'm still waiting on evidence that Nintendo has taken actions to generate good press or avoid bad press when it comes to the topics I previously mentioned. Either you don't have it so you purposefully ignore the request or you don't understand my request because you are illiterate. My money was initially on the former but given your usage of the word "illiterate", I'm beginning to think it might be the latter. After all, you were the one who started using that word and people love thrusting their insecurities onto others.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
An impact on what though? The "impact" isn't deemed valid until determined by an external metric.

That's an opinion. "Valid" is a judgement call. Variables that cannot be assigned specific metrics or data are not ignored by those who are interested in facts.

Take for example Joy-Con drift. Sure people complained about it but did Nintendo do anything to appease those complaints? No they did not because they did not acknowledge the complaints as significant. It wasn't until a third-party, namely the law, stepped in to verify if the complaints were significant or not and they deemed the complaints were. The complaints did not cause Nintendo to fix Joy-Con drift, the lawsuit did.

Do you honestly believe that if nobody complained about Joy-Con drift, that there would have been a lawsuit? In order for the lawsuit to even progress, legally, people need to engage in advocation of their complaints.

A lawsuit is a legal complaint.

If business and law are not your forte, then stick to counting bans and saying nothing.

No, because I have only spoken facts

You could have italicized "only" for maximum comedy.

What I want an apology for is thinking a hypothetical scenario could ever hope to best the cold-hard truth of the actions Nintendo have done based purely on speculation and your own opinions. And, I still see no one defending your childish charade.

You keep insinuating that "facts" are a matter of popularity. Why? Also, the context is about how Nintendo will handle Mig. There is nothing factual until it happens.

By using a dumper, that was not authorized by Nintendo, to produce a copy that you are not allowed to have then intentionally flashing said copy in front of Nintendo by distributing the original copy to someone else. That is one of the reasons why game certificates get banned.

You are arguing that copying a game is somehow a danger or foolish to the game that has been copied. If I copy the Mona Lisa, am I endangering it? You should stick to Oxford's btw.

I get that you want to pretend that you have proven "I'm coming your way to my side of the argument" by using this as evidence. But if this the best you have, I would recommend you trying to find out where i said "Nintendo already the solution to solve the Mig problem, and that was to ban certs".

Okay, here are a couple:

For everyone planning on using one certificate across all of their backups, Nintendo has already solved this dilemma SIX years ago in case everybody forgot how online authentication works. Here's the write-up on Reddit by Mr. SciresM himself in case you don't remember or believe me.

There's no reason for Nintendo to dish the banhammer for people using the same certificate because that is impossible to do without hacking. They don't have to ban the console; they can just that copy of the game from going online which they have already done so.

Now we are talking about console/user bans, which I proposed in my original post. This is you coming around.

You can lol at your illiteracy in the second comment. I think I understood you, which is why I didn't comment on that. But when you use words like "tamper" to indicate that original works are invalidated by being copied, I worry.

Also I'm pretty sure you have no idea what the word "nuance" actually means despite your continued usage of it. And yet you want to claim that I'm illiterate? This is precisely why me calling you a pot is a real argument here; because you continuously prove it to be true.

That's an assertation with literally nothing to back it. An opinion that attempts to float itself.

At least I'm funny which is more than what I can say for you for someone who is illiterate. I'm still waiting on evidence that Nintendo has taken actions to generate good press or avoid bad press when it comes to the topics I previously mentioned. Either you don't have it so you purposefully ignore the request or you don't understand my request because you are illiterate. My money was initially on the former but given your usage of the word "illiterate", I'm beginning to think it might be the latter. After all, you were the one who started using that word and people love thrusting their insecurities onto others.

Nintendo makes games and consoles. They also advertise them. I'm pretty sure that shows they are interested in good press.

Nintendo apparently limits cert bans. That seems to indicate their aversion.

This is getting fun for me. I don't know about you.
Last edited by tabzer,


Well-Known Member
Aug 6, 2017
New York City
United States
That's an opinion. "Valid" is a judgement call. Variables that cannot be assigned specific metrics or data are not ignored by those who are interested in facts.
No, that is the backbone of statistical analysis. As I stated earlier, any impact can be seen due to random chance unless it is proven to be statistically significant.
Do you honestly believe that if nobody complained about Joy-Con drift, that there would have been a lawsuit? In order for the lawsuit to even progress, legally, people need to engage in advocation of their complaints.

A lawsuit is a legal complaint.

If business and law are not your forte, then stick to counting bans and saying nothing.
Legal action don't need complaints to be kickstarted. Pretty sure no fans were complaining about the success of fan products or people using legally created software to dump keys yet that didn't stop Nintendo from issuing cease and desist letters.
You could have italicized "only" for maximum comedy.
Yet I didn't because you cannot deny that I have.
You keep insinuating that "facts" are a matter of popularity. Why? Also, the context is about how Nintendo will handle Mig. There is nothing factual until it happens.
Because a society operates around rational function and not the opinions of people. The issue arises when people cannot see the rationality behind certain actions.
You are arguing that copying a game is somehow a danger or foolish to the game that has been copied. If I copy the Mona Lisa, am I endangering it? You should stick to Oxford's btw.
The definition is endanger or foolish, not both or just endanger. Also recommending me to switch dictionaries because it exposes your contradiction is not a good counterargument btw.
Okay, here are a couple:

Now we are talking about console/user bans, which I proposed in my original post. This is you coming around.

You can lol at your illiteracy in the second comment. I think I understood you, which is why I didn't comment on that. But when you use words like "tamper" to indicate that original works are invalidated by being copied, I worry.
I don't see the words "Mig Switch" in either of my quoted posts so try again. You can lol at your illiteracy in trying to prove I'm come to your side of the argument. I knew I made no mention of "Mig Switch" which is why I didn't comment on that. But when you use words like "illiteracy" to indicate that only I am not reading what is being posted, I worry.
That's an assertation with literally nothing to back it. An opinion that attempts to float itself.
1: a subtle distinction or variation

2: a subtle quality : NICETY

3: sensibility to, awareness of, or ability to express delicate shadings (as of meaning, feeling, or value)

I'm not being subtle here. I merely restate what is public knowledge and what anyone can Google in 5 minutes. If you cannot understand that then that is your problem and not mine. If you're being subtle then my apologies for not reading between the lines but I don't prefer beating around the bush. Either mean say what you mean or don't say it at all.
Nintendo makes games and consoles. They also advertise them. I'm pretty sure that shows they are interested in good press.
You don't sound too confident there.
Nintendo apparently limits cert bans. That seems to indicate their aversion.
No one said they limit certificate bans except you. That is because you cannot fathom that there may be other reasons the number of certificate bans are lower than the number of console bans such as the fact that its way stupider to go online with a game you resold than go online with a hacked console. Maybe, just maybe, very few people are actually willing to buy a game, dump its certificate, resell the game, then go online with said certificate regardless if its with SX OS or Mig Switch. I didn't feel the need to state this when I brought up the incidence rate because I thought you would have more common sense but I will admit for once that I was wrong.
This is getting fun for me. I don't know about you.
I will happily admit that this is off-topic but I took a peak at the Biden thread because it seems you're quite active in there and it confirmed my suspicions about you. Multiple people are calling you out for your lack of evidence, users are pointing out that you don't read posts highlighting your illiteracy, and you constantly engage in discussions that you cannot win. This isn't about you proving anyone right or wrong, this is about you wasting your own time and dying on the weirdest hill imaginable. If you're this bored, instead of trying to fight fruitless arguments by writing, you should brush up on your debate skills. This is worse than childish, this is just downright depressing. Get a hobby or something.


This place is a meme.
Feb 15, 2019
No, that is the backbone of statistical analysis. As I stated earlier, any impact can be seen due to random chance unless it is proven to be statistically significant.

What you are doing is claiming that there is no impact because you don't know how to measure it. The variable exists and has interaction with functional parts of the market. The "validity" is a risk issue that would be assessed by Nintendo to determine how to act.

Legal action don't need complaints to be kickstarted. Pretty sure no fans were complaining about the success of fan products or people using legally created software to dump keys yet that didn't stop Nintendo from issuing cease and desist letters.

I didn't say legal actions need complaints to be kickstarted. I asked if you thought the joy-con switch lawsuit would have happened without the existence of complaints. Do you think it was just a "random chance" that the lawsuit happened to coincide?

I don't see the words "Mig Switch" in either of my quoted posts so try again.

Lol. The quotes came directly from this thread about Mig switch, in our interactions, in the contextual discussion on how Nintendo can/might/should handle Mig switch. It is the entire pretense of this conversation.

The definition is endanger or foolish, not both or just endanger.

to try foolish or dangerous experiments (with).

Please answer this, so I understand you very clearly:

Do you believe that copying a game without causing any modification to the source is tampering? Yes or no.

Yet I didn't because you cannot deny that I have.

I can, and I do.

discussions that you cannot win

Keep winning discussions, lol.


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
@Draxzelex & @tabzer We all have a lot of hopes and dreams about this new Cartridge Emulator, but the only true is:

So far we only have some few reviews about how that work on a "Legal" way only to emulate 1:1 copies of your own original cartridges.

There is a "review" of a guy which do not speak so well and on their videos shows low knowledge (may be because is trying to not open gates to seven seas use) so is no so good source of reliable content (for me)

We really do not know how the big N measures works and how their platform really really is implemented, we can use state of the art way of implement security and so few interactions (bans) with N to infer a way in which big N is doing it.

So far until a suitable person with lots of knowledge on the firmware and Big N's service took a look into the cartridge and feedback us real data, everything will be just guessing. And the only people I know with enough knowledge will be year lights away to that device. (or as we use to say here: will no touch that device with a stick)


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2008
New York
United States
Did any reviewer try to use nxdump tool on this cart. I know I watched to reviews but I don’t think they said they tried. I think I heard the update got dumped.


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
Did any reviewer try to use nxdump tool on this cart. I know I watched to reviews but I don’t think they said they tried. I think I heard the update got dumped.
No so far, but my guess is what NXDumpTool will dump only a copy of the same files mounted by the MIG, because if is true what the MIG what does is emulate a cartridge using the files on SD, the Console (and therefore) NXDumpTool will only see the real cartridge.
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Has A Very Big
Jan 11, 2021
United States
Did any reviewer try to use nxdump tool on this cart. I know I watched to reviews but I don’t think they said they tried. I think I heard the update got dumped.
No it won't work like that. The firmware on the Mig is encrypted. In fact you can download the firmware from the Mig site. But again it's encrypted.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2008
New York
United States
No so far, but my guess is what NXDumpTool will dump only a copy of the same files mounted by the MIG, because if is true what the MIG what does is emulate a cartridge using the files on SD, the Console (and therefore) NXDumpTool will only see the real cartridge.
Maybe don’t have sd card inserted might be a way to see if anything else actually gets dumped.
Post automatically merged:

No it won't work like that. The firmware on the Mig is encrypted. In fact you can download the firmware from the Mig site. But again it's encrypted.
Was replying as you were posting.
I guess it’s $30 for the mig and $30 for the mig box, since it’s not possible yet to see what type of cart it is based on pictures posted, I think someone said it’s possible it could just be a $10 cart.


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
Maybe don’t have sd card inserted might be a way to see if anything else actually gets dumped.
I don't think so, Because the MIG should not work like that, if you want to dump the firmware on the MIG you will need to hack the chip and remove the protections.
Post automatically merged:

Did any reviewer try to use nxdump tool on this cart. I know I watched to reviews but I don’t think they said they tried. I think I heard the update got dumped.
We have here a X-Y paradigm?

You are asking about using NXDumpTool on a MIG device but you really are wanting another thing? or you really want to know if the MIG shows a exact duplicate of the files to the console?
Last edited by impeeza,
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2008
New York
United States
I don't think so, Because the MIG should not work like that, if you want to dump the firmware on the MIG you will need to hack the chip and remove the protections.
Post automatically merged:

We have here a X-Y paradigm?

You are asking about using NXDumpTool on a MIG device but you really are wanting another thing? or you really want to know if the MIG shows a exact duplicate of the files to the console?
My thought really was really just about the nxdump tool which was answered,cart is encrypted.
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Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
Ok, then so NXDumpTool (Should) dump the same game files than the original cartridge been emulated by MIG, if you don't put a SD on the MIG and insert on the Console that could be a good experiment, my guess: nothing should happen or an error about invalid cart inserted.
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Has A Very Big
Jan 11, 2021
United States
Ok, then so NXDumpTool (Should) dump the same game files than the original cartridge been emulated by MIG, if you don't put a SD on the MIG and insert on the Console that could be a good experiment, my guess: nothing should happen or an error about invalid cart inserted.
Yea I imagine it would just show no cart inserted, thru NxDumpTool.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2008
New York
United States
Yea I imagine it would just show no cart inserted, thru NxDumpTool.
Then that’s some impressive technology but I am curious if that’s really the case. You know it might be, possibly the switch will just try to load an image each time cart is inserted or not sure if this can happen with a no cfw switch, I never deleted this, can’t remember what game this game was going to be, but maybe no sd card just loads this.


  • C1F3D334-B46A-4DC6-B04B-FE774ED47196.jpeg
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Has A Very Big
Jan 11, 2021
United States
Then that’s some impressive technology but I am curious if that’s really the case. You know it might be, possibly the switch will just try to load an image each time cart is inserted or not sure if this can happen with a no cfw switch, I never deleted this, can’t remember what game this game was going to be, but maybe no sd card just loads this.
Nuh thats just a corrupted or bad install of a game, or when you install DLC / update without having the base game installed.
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Certified GBATemp Boomer
GBAtemp Patron
Sep 13, 2022
The Wired
United Kingdom
Decided to post this message here too, since this thread is getting quite more traction.

One AliExpress seller called "Lionel Messi Video Game Store Store" (yes, this isn't a joke, that is an actual storefront), who are supposedly selling the Mig Switch. I wouldn't trust buying anything from them as their store is fairly new, the store also has zero ratings which is a BIG red flag.

Always remember to get them from reputable distributors, people. Be careful when searching for a Mig Switch. :teach:


Apr 5, 2011
At my chair.
Decided to post this message here too, since this thread is getting quite more traction.

One AliExpress seller called "Lionel Messi Video Game Store Store" (yes, this isn't a joke, that is an actual storefront), who are supposedly selling the Mig Switch. I wouldn't trust buying anything from them as their store is fairly new, the store also has zero ratings which is a BIG red flag.

Always remember to get them from reputable distributors, people. Be careful when searching for a Mig Switch. :teach:
Thank you so much @SylverReZ
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