I don't believe this caused it
Probably it didn't cause it in its own right, but it added fuel to the dumpster fire.
And while I obviously do not agree with nor do I condone what Nintendo did here, and while I also think Yuzu was an otherwise quite good Emulator, I'll say something that might piss off a lot of people and will be quite controversial:
They deserved it.
Why do I think they deserved it?
Well, I had brought up a quite important issue to the developer team on their GitHub. One of their omega smug, with a -poisonous attitude that could execute a small country merely via its presence- developers, had apparently sought to raise a fight with me for no reason (likely just due to the fact that he disagreed with what it said on my GitHub profile page in my "about me" section). Regardless thereof, I had brought up a massive issue with their Emulator that badly needed fixing, it was quite critical. And instead of doing his due diligence and acknowledging the issue, like a true virtue-signalling, smug turd that he was (the truest form of an online loser you could imagine), he went on to make a scene of the fact that he and I disagreed somewhere on something else. After this guy being as smug as he was, constantly DELETING my Issue tickets, he eventually banned me from the GitHub entirely.
I'm not being farcical, that really happened. And the kicker of it all: They ended up fixing it very soon after I had reported it due to its criticality, would you look at that...
Seriously though, I uninstalled Yuzu right then and there, and never looked back, and even went as far as to ALMOST being that guy in that Email that Smoker1 showed, reporting Yuzu to Nintendo. I didn't, because I thought it's childish and I'd be hurting other people with this that haven't done anything to deserve that, but that smug fuck? Seriously, serves them right for having such a cuck on their team.
And quite honestly, below the GBATemp surface (Reddit, Discord, other social media services/channels), MANY people hated the Yuzu Dev. Team, quite a lot of people actually for a whole variety of reasons. And I never understood why, until I then opened an Issue tracker on their GitHub and got to face that smug little shit. I know I'm having a little bit of schadensfreude here, but that totally served them right as far as I am concerned, and I immediately said to myself "good riddance" when I saw these news, despite me not wishing anything bad to the ones who hadn't wronged me or anyone else. I've also never seen the RyujiNX team do any of this crap either, and not that they're perfect, but the Yuzu Dev. Team truly was a sight to behold, especially with smug turds like that... whatever "it" was on their team.
Sorry, rant over.