So after ripping my games into WiiFlow, I noticed that titles were all wibbly wobbly. Primary examples are Baten Kaitos and Resident Evil. They Show up as
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Disc 2
Resident Evil
Resident Evil Disc 2
What I want them to show up as are:
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (D1)
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (D2)
Resident Evil 1 (D1)
Resident Evil 1 (D2)
Now, I plugged the hard drive into my computer and found the where all the games were located and changed each and everyone one of their titles to the appropriate name using Wiims ISO Tools. I ended up doing all 60 gamecube games I own. Along with the 45 Wii games I own. Making their titles perfect.
I then deleted the WiiTDB/GameTDB files. & as it turns out, that made all my gamecube games use their custom 'titles' within the ISO image, but not Wii games. They're using their default titles (before I changed their titles using Wiims), which are horrible. I'm guessing there is another title field in the header of Wii games that Wiims isn't paying attention to that I need to change to get the titles to show up correctly? I also tried making a custom_titles.ini file in the settings folder but I may have formatted it wrong seeing as the wiki page on that file is no longer working, though I hope that I can just get WiiFlow to look at their header titles instead, that way I can continue to rip games to WiFlow without manually editing both the text file and the ISO title header on the drive.
Another quick thing, in the Gamecube section, it finds the second disc of whatever game has one automatically and adds "Disc 2" at the end of the name. That's really not needed seeing as I put either (D1) or (D2) in the title of the disc itself. I realize that's just a feature of how WiiFlow works so without changing the code, I can't get rid of that which really isn't a huge deal. I'm just curious if anyone knows how it's figuring out which disc is which. They both have the same ID6 so I can't figure out how Wiiflow is checking that data.
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean
Baten Kaitos Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean Disc 2
Resident Evil
Resident Evil Disc 2
What I want them to show up as are:
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (D1)
Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean (D2)
Resident Evil 1 (D1)
Resident Evil 1 (D2)
Now, I plugged the hard drive into my computer and found the where all the games were located and changed each and everyone one of their titles to the appropriate name using Wiims ISO Tools. I ended up doing all 60 gamecube games I own. Along with the 45 Wii games I own. Making their titles perfect.
I then deleted the WiiTDB/GameTDB files. & as it turns out, that made all my gamecube games use their custom 'titles' within the ISO image, but not Wii games. They're using their default titles (before I changed their titles using Wiims), which are horrible. I'm guessing there is another title field in the header of Wii games that Wiims isn't paying attention to that I need to change to get the titles to show up correctly? I also tried making a custom_titles.ini file in the settings folder but I may have formatted it wrong seeing as the wiki page on that file is no longer working, though I hope that I can just get WiiFlow to look at their header titles instead, that way I can continue to rip games to WiFlow without manually editing both the text file and the ISO title header on the drive.
Another quick thing, in the Gamecube section, it finds the second disc of whatever game has one automatically and adds "Disc 2" at the end of the name. That's really not needed seeing as I put either (D1) or (D2) in the title of the disc itself. I realize that's just a feature of how WiiFlow works so without changing the code, I can't get rid of that which really isn't a huge deal. I'm just curious if anyone knows how it's figuring out which disc is which. They both have the same ID6 so I can't figure out how Wiiflow is checking that data.