Hi, I installed modmii after i was advised to run pimp my wii and it went tits up. 99% of it works good, the only issue i had is when i try and install wad files. it comes up with the error file 1029 in wad manager via HBC (the program is on the SD card), now i have read a lot of comments from other forums asking to delete a certain cios. it concerns me that if i do this im going to be back at square 1.
Now i know this is the place to ask and i get the right response, so.... what steps do i have to take and programs do i have to use to sort this issue out and let me install wad files ok on the wii.
any advice on this i would be greatful and i know there are others with this same issue so im sure they would be aswell!
BTW my wii is 3.2E if thats any help
Thanks in advance
Now i know this is the place to ask and i get the right response, so.... what steps do i have to take and programs do i have to use to sort this issue out and let me install wad files ok on the wii.
any advice on this i would be greatful and i know there are others with this same issue so im sure they would be aswell!
BTW my wii is 3.2E if thats any help
Thanks in advance