Hacking Wii Game Manager


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
Update 1-30-2012 Wii Game Manager now has its own home
Come visit it Here

What is this program:
If you are here probably already know but, this is a program for managing a Wii game collection on your PC.
Previously Simple WBFS File Manager this program has been completely rewritten form scratch and renamed to something more suitable.
It is written to add a GUI to wbfs_file.exe written by Oggzee.


.net 3.5 and the program must be run as administrator as I did not feel like learning all about windows security just to make my program do what I want it to do. This may be looked at closer in the future to avoid confusion but it not at the top of my list of things to do

What it does:
The primary function of the program is conversion to/from .iso and .wbfs files
Sub functions include:
Adding and removing files to/from WBFS formatted partitions
Game cover management (Display and download)
List export and print finctions
Partition formatting to WBFS
As of version 1.4 it has support for multiple languages
Has support for most all of the functions of wbfs_file.exe (I am adding new functions all the time)
Has preliminary support for wiitdb xml information (synopsis, players, genre etc etc)

What it does not do:
It does not include support for formats not supported by wbfs_file.exe (iso, wbfs, and WBFS partitions)
It does not download games nor will it tell you where to get them, don't ask

This application can be broken on purpose if you try hard enough, telling the app to delete a game and then immediately telling it to process the same game in some way will cause the function to fail or the app to crash. I am always working on error checking to prevent these things from happening, but no one is perfect style_emoticons/default/wink.gif
Also, it does not currently check for duplicate requests, you can tell it to resplit your files 20 times and it will do it.
I hope you find this program useful, be sure to post your suggestions/thoughts/bugs so I can make it even better

The Configurable USB Loader topic can be found here: http://gbatemp.net/i...howtopic=147638
Here is version (Bugfix release) the languages are included in the archive Download

Changes to
Fixed english.ini was extracted everytime a language was selected
Fixed tabs were not wide enough to handle translated text
Fixed List B was not properly translated
Fixed english.ini mis-spelling of the word relevant
Fixed the list selects an item but does not scroll to it when pressing a letter on the keyboard
Removed the trailing underscore from .iso files and created directories
Fixed bug that would cause the program to lock up sometimes if the WBFS partition was empty
Added drive info panel to the display to show total size, used space and free space

Previous Versions:
Changes to
Changed settings file to settings.ini located in the application directory
Updated the language routine to validate language files by version. The program will still allow older file use but will give an error message that the file is for the wrong version.
Fixed the statusbar would sometime be the wrong size on program start

Changes to version
Updated wbfs_file.exe to version 2.9
Fixed extract iso from WBFS partition
Added second Game List
Fixed error checking for format WBFS option
Finally found the WBFS drive size bug, it is fixed style_emoticons/default/smile.gif
Some routines have been rewritten to be more efficient
Added compare list A-B functionality
All menu functions have been rewritten to work based on the currently visible list
Added Drive To Drive Copy
The program should now properly prompt for Administrator access to run
Better handling of corrupted game files
All games will now be given a static index number when they are added to the list. This allows for the list to autoupdate when a function finishes (ie: delete will now remove the item from the active list after the title is deleted)
***Since the game lists are not locked and can be refreshed manually at will, if the item to be processed is queued and the list is manually refreshed, it will not be removed from the list as its index will have changed.
***This index will continue to grow until the program is restarted, at that time the index will start again at 0. I'm sure there is some max number that can be counted by the PC, I dunno what it is but I seriously doubt anyone will ever reach it style_emoticons/default/smile.gif
***Deletes and moved titles will take advantage of this feature. Keep in mind that this will only remove them from the list. If you move an item it will be removed regardless of the location you move it to. If you want it to show back up in the list, you will still have to manually update the list.
Made some changes to the way the WBFS drive selection window is populated, you will now recieve a message if all WBFS partitions are being used when you attempt a function that requires access to them. The drive is inaccessible when it is being used so you will need to wait until whatever is using it is done before proceeding.
Added the ability to use F5 to refresh the currently visible list
Added a seperate popup window to allow for the display of all available covers at one time and still keep the cover functionality and flow of the main form

**Some known issues with version 1.5
The print routine works well for most languages, however some languages like Chinese will display incorrect spacing and others will dispaly with overlapped text as the translation from english is too long. This will be fixed eventually.
XML game info has not been updated at all, this is a back burner project. I will update it more eventually, but it is not a main priority. I am working towards displaying more of the info and also allowing for multi language display as well.
I have yet to track down the random queue bug. If anyone can give me some specifics as to when this happens it will help alot. (The queue will randomly stop processing for no reason for those of you who didn't know)

A Note about the language files: I have not written alot of error checking into the translation routines, this being said if there are missing entries in the language file, the program will crash. This will be taken care of in later versions, but for now just be aware of it. Versions 1.3 and below do not support multi-language.

Changes to previous versions

Changes to version
Added Close button to custom theme creator
Rewrote the language loading routine with more error checking, if a section is missing it will report it and continue, If a value is missing it will ignore it
**Note: This may cause some items to appear with no text, make sure you have the right language files for your version
Added some additional item translations that I missed previously
Added the ability to format to FAT32 using fat32format.exe, if it does not exist it will be created in the application directory
Added the ability to press a key to select items in the list that match the letter pressed. multiple presses will cycle through each item that matches the letter pressed.
Fixed highlighted items would disappear from the list if it lost focus
Fixed Ctrl-A could only be used if the main list had focus (This still requires the main list to be visible)
Changes to
Fixed the theme option for checked item background
Fixed the extract .wbfs from WBFS partition options

Changes to version 1.4
Added a wbfs_file version check. If the wbfs_file version is incorrect the program will silently replace it at startup and add a log entry.
Fixed several bugs from previous the version
Added several bugs to this version style_emoticons/default/wink.gif Nah, hopefully I got most of em
Added Custom Theme Creator to help with theme creation
Added Language Translations (There are some minor formatting issues with certain menus)
Added format WBFS partition (Fat32 and NTFS are disabled for this version)
Added the ability to print items in the list
Additional wiitdb XML info is still broken in this version, although the picture stays put now
Menu items are no longer disabled, they will simply print a message when you select an item that is unavailable
Added additional information on the current process. IE: ETA, Throughput and time elapsed.
Added Total Items in Queue label
Fixed broken titles.txt language selection
Added a few more items to the log (Yes the log is still not even close to right, I still have many items to add to it)
There are probably other things I have forgotton, I was silly and didn't record my changes style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

Bugs I know About:
There is a bug in the "Select all games not in folder/drive<X> I will work on this functionality for the next version and hopefully optimize it to perform better.
There is a bug in the centering for the print preview, the final print should come out centered tho
There is still a bug with the wbfs drive size displaying all the time (Just can't seem to find this one)
The is still no additional functionality for queue handling. I'm working on that

Changes to version 1.3
Thanks to TeenTin for all the suggestions and beta testing on this version
Added the ability to resize the form to be larger or maximized. This may distort the background image and it will be out of proportion. I am looking into fixing this.
Added last path and default path settings so you don't have to navigate the the same path on each open. The program will default to the last path opened, if it does not exist it will attempt to use the default path setting, if that fails i will use the default internal path.
Added remember last window size and position.
Added full window size list for any theme when "None" is selected for cover display
Fixed download selected missing full covers, it didn't do anything in previous versions
Changed titles.txt read function to better support multi-language operation systems and better support for invalid characters
Fixed Total games and location did not display properly when using "Open WBFS Partition"
Added Initial sort by game title on list population
Added preliminary support for wiitdb.xml (Double click an item in the list to get the synopsis)
Added the ability to download wiitdb.zip and unzip the xml file
Renamed titles menu to Titles & XML
Although I have added preliminary support for custom themes, it has been disabled until I can get the code working correctly
Added byte counter to downloads and proper handling of non-resumable downloads
Fixed: Sorting the queue has been disabled as it breaks the functionality
Added some preliminary handling of the queue, you can cancel any process marked as "Queued". Still no handling of an active process until I can do some further testing. This is still preliminary so it does not handle removeing a single item if the index changes. ie: you don't click before the current item finishes processing.
Added support for custom titles. This was originally coded in Simple WBFS File Manager and has beed added to this program.
Fixed some dialog boxes would be cut in half on certain computers (probably due to foreign language OS)

Changes to version 1.2 (Bugfix release)
Removed the "Aurora" theme from the menu - it was not a real theme but a test menu item I forgot to remove
Added of directories/files needed by the program on program launch
Added read custom theme directory and add to menu for custom themes (No they don't work yet)
Removed illegal characters from titles that was causing illegal exception
Removed extra characters in the size field

Changes to version 1.1 (Minor update and bugfix release)
Updated wbfs_file.exe to version 2.6
Settings should now properly persist when updating to a new version
Added select titles not on folder/drive(x) functionality
Column sort routine should now function properly when clicking a column header in any list
Added a couple of plain themes for those who wanted them (Yes they are really plain)
Added preliminary code for custom theming (not user accessible yet)
Rewrote the "Open WBFS Partition" code to be more efficient, please give me feedback how this is working

A few known "quirks" and bugs with version 1.0
This program makes use of titles.txt if it exists(it will also download it for you if you choose) it will however function without it by using the internal gameID and title from each file.
A note about internal naming: It sux use titles.txt style_emoticons/default/smile.gif

---Download Covers
if no folders have been selected for covers the program will default to the location it resides in, this will cause 3d, disc and full cover downloads to fail as the files will already exist when the flat cover downloads. Be sure to set your cover paths when first starting the program.

---Custom Titles
Custom title creation and management is disabled in this version, it will be fixed in the next version

---WBFS Formatting
This has been intentionally left out of this version until further testing.

---Select all games not on drive(x) or in folder(x)
This function is not yet implemented, it will be in the next version.

---Open WBFS Partition:

-Occasionally the drive type and size are not displayed properly. This is simply a display bug and does not hinder the program. I will attempt to track this down, but it is a low priority.

-Nothing is displayed in the list when attempting to open a WBFS partition that is currently transferring files.
This is expected behaviour, you cannot access a WBFS partition when it is in use.

---Open .wbfs and .iso Files:

-It takes a very long time to process files
Depending on the number of titles you are attempting to view, this list could take awhile to build. If you are recursing subdirectories that time can be even longer. Recurse the root of c: and it could take a full minute or so.
This program validates each title to make sure certian conditions exist in the file before it is added to the list in an attempt to make sure it is a valid Wii image. A typical list of 300 titles should not take more than 5-10 seconds and a small list of 20-50 should take around 1-3 seconds. Keep in mind that speeds are also relative to your PC speed.

-Attempting to open .wbfs and one of my games is missing and it was just there.
If you are currently working with that game it will not be displayed in the list. ie: if you told the program to transfer the game to a WBFS partition and then clicked open .wbfs files again that game would be missing from the list.

-I open .iso files and it says processing X number of files but only a few show up in the list, why?
This program will open each file individually and check to make sure it is a valid wii image. I those checks fail, the file is not added to the list. ie: if the .iso is a music cd image the program will find it, check it, fail and move on.

---Main list:

-The list does not reflect changes made. ie: if you move a game title it does not disappear from the list and the new location does not appear.
I am aware of this problem, It will be fixed in the next version. This version requires manual update of the list when performing copy/move/delete actions

---Log List:

-The log has very limited information
The log was not at the top of my priorities, it will be more verbose in the next version

---Copy/Move Functions:

-I copied/move my .iso and the resulting file is larger
This program uses standard windows copy/move routines, hence if you create an iso file it will be sparse, however when you copy or move the file the resulting file will be full size and no longer sparse.

-I moved my games but the original location is now full of empty directories
This program does not handle directory deletion. It is made to handle the files themselves, not the directories they reside in. This may be added later.

****This functionality has been removed for compatibility as of version 1.4
A note about wbfs_file.exe - This program includes an embedded copy of wbfs_file.exe. If the file does not exist it will be extracted when it is needed. this file will only be extracted if it does not exist in the application directory. This means that you can overwrite the copy that is extracted by the program and it will not remove the one you put there with the embedded one. This give you the option of upgrading wbfs_file if you choose to. Please keep in mind that the embedded version is the version it was written to work with and upgrading or downgrading it can have unexpected results. You do so at your own risk.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
United States
Suggesting a feature....

the ability to sync two hard drives so they have the same games and the ability to copy individual games to another hard drive


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Hong Kong
I am extremely happy to see the release of this manager.

I will have a serious test with the core of this Manager.

However, it is undeniable that the user interface of Wii Backup Manager is far better. I would be very happy if you can take a close look at it.

Thanks a LOT !


Keep an eye on my posts cause I quick edit frequen
Jan 12, 2009
Honey Oils inc.
Visit site
TeenTin said:
I am extremely happy to see the release of this manager.

I will have a serious test with the core of this Manager.

However, it is undeniable that the user interface of Wii Backup Manager is far better. I would be very happy if you can take a close look at it.

Thanks a LOT !
what I was thinking earlier but didn't want to say just started using Wii Backup Manager and it is far superior to wbfsmanager


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2009
cant wait for the copy/move sparse function
looks like a great program as others have said wii backup manager has a good gui but hey this 1 is simple and does what u need it too and im sure a more bland simple theme would make it look classier than out there imo than these bright themes

nitrostemp said:
i was woundering if you can add ntfs and fat support?
use the copy to functions...?

QUOTE(francerossina @ Dec 28 2009, 09:42 AM) My HD is located at H:\ unit
Is there a way to use your program, since it stops at G:\?


my drive is H:\ and it sees it and opens it
also have another 1 set to U:\ thats blank and it can see it


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
nitrostemp said:
i have my wbfs as ntfs, and there is no option to mount the ntfs wbfs folder

Sorry for the delay I was at the theater watching Avatar, great movie btw

NTFS, Fat, exfat and any other standard windows readable format is inherently supported by clicking open .wbfs files or open .iso files

You can add and delete files on these types of partitions using the right click menu

Simply open the file type or WBFS partition of choice and right click to access whatever functions are available to that file type


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
francerossina said:
My HD is located at H:\ unit
Is there a way to use your program, since it stops at G:\?


There are currently no limitations on drive letters, this program should see any drive letter that is marked as "ready" in windows
By ready I mean that it must have a readable format on it ie: it will read a cd drive if there is a usable cd in it, if not it won't show up
Reading from cd/dvd is untested but there is nothing preventing it

The only drive letter limitation is WBFS partitioned drives....
The program will assume that any drive that is not ntfs, fat32, or exFat is in fact a WBFS drive....This should not normally present a problem unless windows assigns a drive letter to something else, say a linux partition for instance. If windows gives it a drive letter and is is recognized by the program as "Unknown" it will assume it is WBFS and add it to the drive selection


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
LxTrix said:
Suggesting a feature....

the ability to sync two hard drives so they have the same games and the ability to copy individual games to another hard drive

As stated in the first post, this is basically compare the current list to drive X or folder X and select all items that dont exist on/in the drive/folder. After they are selected you can do what you want with them, copy/move/convert etc...

QUOTE---Select all games not on drive(x) or in folder(x)
This function is not yet implemented, it will be in the next version.

It coming

The ability to copy a single game is already there....Right click the game and select copy to... or move to...
If you want to copy/move more than one hold ctrl and select the files you want, then right click

If you want all games, I have also added ctrl-a functionality too

Sparse file copy/move is something I am looking into, hopefully I can get that sorted in the next version


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2009
United States
TeenTin said:
I am extremely happy to see the release of this manager.

I will have a serious test with the core of this Manager.

However, it is undeniable that the user interface of Wii Backup Manager is far better. I would be very happy if you can take a close look at it.

Thanks a LOT !

My whole reason behind the creation of this manager is because I found the interface of Wii Backup Manager very clumsy to navigate, I wanted something simpler. Also many people were complaining that they could not use or understand the command line interface that is wbfs_file.exe. When I originally tried to use the other program I had trouble understanding all of the different "features" and had to refer to a guide to use it.

The program is very nice looking and works well from my understanding, I will add some other themes that are more "windows" basic but the core functionality of this program is that it is a GUI for wbfs_file.exe, without that this program has no conversion functions at all.

I am happy with the evolution of Simple WBFS file manager into this program. I personally think this program is not inferior to Wii backup manager in any way. That one has it's features and this one has it's own(and more coming).

As far as testing the core of the program, be my guest, break it, bend it, make it crash. If there is a problem I want to know.
I have/had no toester for this version, I wrote it and tested it myself, I found some bugs as I stated in the first post, if you find more please let me know



Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Hong Kong

I personally prefer sticking to this manager, because the core is basically wbfs_file.exe which is reliable.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2009
United States
pccfatman said:
As stated in the first post, this is basically compare the current list to drive X or folder X and select all items that dont exist on/in the drive/folder. After they are selected you can do what you want with them, copy/move/convert etc...

In order for us to do this we would need to be able to open two locations. Also did you remove sorting by title id and name? You should return that feature.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2007
Hong Kong
Test :

Transferring game - New Super Mario Bros. Wii

ISO -> .wbfs -> WBFS drive


ISO -> .wbfs OK
.wbfs -> WBFS drive Fail

no game transferred to WBFS drive.

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