The answer is written in invisible ink right under the question. However, to read it, you'll need to gain entrance to the principal's office to get his special UV flashlight. Now, how do you do that, you might ask? Simple. Look in the cubby under your desk. Bam, I've planted a handful of specialized distraction-orbs in y-... What do you mean, "They're just pebbles"? Y-.. Whatever, dude. Just chuck 'em at the teacher so she looks away, then bolt outta the classroom. Once you're outside, take a right down the hallway until you hit the first fork, then a left, and keep going until you see the bathrooms. Go into the girl's bathroom, and go to the last stall. Knock on the door- I've got a guy planted in there. Give him the password: "IOS 249". He'll let you in, and you can take the thermal drill sitting on top of the toilet seat. It's in a duffel bag. Bring that outside of the school, round to the playground and from the blue-and-red swingset, walk towards the tinted window on the school itself. Set up the thermal drill and ignite it, drilling through the wall. Inside, the light should be on top of his desk, next to his inkwell.
However, since I've already gone through all of this.. It's "B". Just circle "B"..