Afraid I am on holiday so many time zones away from my collection of such things, and will be for a while yet. Compared to some of the GBA stuff we saw a few months back then my DS collection there is nothing too special either and is mostly a few EZFlash carts, one or two boring R4 clones (probably broken as well), an ISMM and a DSone I got in a DS bundle a couple of years back ( ), oh and a bunch of nopass devices.
Everdrive DS or equivalent thereof.
I had hoped with the open sourcing of various EZFlash items that they would do the EZ5 as well and get at least its internal anti piracy database sorted out (not to mention with the hacks to the DSi and 3ds in the time since it can work happily by restoring older backwards compatibility layers, assuming such checks have not been entirely patched out). There were talks of it some years ago but hey.
That said the continued relative availability of some kind of workable flash cart*, the failure/fall from market dominance of the 3ds, the 3ds and DSi software/SD loading methods (if in the eyes of many they represent the present best hardware methods of playing, and have some power for better emulators then yeah).
*this is not the SNES with its fancy special chips, or even GBA where the pokemon set whined endlessly about real time clock. DS fancy things are limited to pokewalker IR comms, whatever wappy dog used, pokemon teaches typing bluetooth for the keyboard and we did see network hack for that, maybe guitar hero (button hacks don't work well/make for nice play), maybe that slider controller that saw a few hacks back when which is a separate thing entirely, all of which nobody really cares about**. Slap basically any SDHC supporting flash cart hard enough and you will play basically the library just fine and that reduces the scope for a "$50-100 and you can trivially have all the library anybody cares about in your pocket" that everdrive and EZFlash's Omega lines seem to generally target, to say nothing of most pre GBA consoles previously having no good flash cart since they were current (SNES things being seen with floppy discs, and that potentially being one of the more desirable back then) which further increased the scope for an everdrive a like party to clean up.
**indeed compatible with DSTwo homebrew is probably a bigger draw/why would I want something without it thing to whine about than able to speak to pokewalkers (for those unfamiliar some DS pokemon games shipped with a pedometer that would do something like 1 exp per step you took, infrared communications being used to send data around which in turn bothered some save dumping aspects as it sat on the same bus. With the save emulation seen on later GBA flash carts being also seen in various capacities on the DS you could probably do a basic IR send/receive if it really mattered).