Waninkoko's Wii backup loader is in GPL violation, as he clearly used Neimod's "Custom IOS module toolkit", which is GPL licensed, and he provides no source to his custom IOS module.
In the backup loader package, there is a "custom IOS" WAD, this is simply IOS36 repackaged with Waninkoko's added custom "/dev/do" module.
This custom module is made using the Custom IOS module toolkit.
The Custom IOS module toolkit is available for download from Wiibrew, at this link http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Custom_IOS_Module.
The following is a disassembly of the custom "/dev/do" module:
Notice the program header starting at LOAD:00000000, which is exacty outputted by the stripios tool.
And the string "IOS module" at LOAD:00000088, and the table at LOAD:000000A0 - these come from the crt0.s assembly file.
Notice the same main program startup, as seen in the main.c file.
Also notice the similarity between the syscalls at LOAD:20500830, which can be found in the syscalls.s file.
So waninkoko, where is the source?
In the backup loader package, there is a "custom IOS" WAD, this is simply IOS36 repackaged with Waninkoko's added custom "/dev/do" module.
This custom module is made using the Custom IOS module toolkit.
The Custom IOS module toolkit is available for download from Wiibrew, at this link http://wiibrew.org/wiki/Custom_IOS_Module.
The following is a disassembly of the custom "/dev/do" module:
Notice the program header starting at LOAD:00000000, which is exacty outputted by the stripios tool.
And the string "IOS module" at LOAD:00000088, and the table at LOAD:000000A0 - these come from the crt0.s assembly file.
Notice the same main program startup, as seen in the main.c file.
Also notice the similarity between the syscalls at LOAD:20500830, which can be found in the syscalls.s file.
So waninkoko, where is the source?