I have 2 Wiis, a older White Wii and a new Black Wii (no GC ports). I successfully softmodded both and have priiloader installed to automatically load WiiFlow. Both Wiis work perfectly. The problem I have is that I did the White one first. So after I did the Black one I resynced the controller back to my white one. Now I can't sync my controller to the Black Wii. So the Black Wii automatically loads to WiiFlow, but since I don't have a synced controller I have do anything. I can get to priiloader using the reset button on boot, but I can't do anything either without a controller. Other solutions I found says to use a GC controller, but the Black Wii doesn't have GC ports.
The steps I used for the SoftMod are:
1 - Letterbomb to install HBC and BootMii (I have a NAND backup if that helps)
2 - cIOS installed to allow USB loaders
3 - WiiFlow as the usb loader
4 - Priiloader to automatically go to WiiFlow on boot
The steps I used for the SoftMod are:
1 - Letterbomb to install HBC and BootMii (I have a NAND backup if that helps)
2 - cIOS installed to allow USB loaders
3 - WiiFlow as the usb loader
4 - Priiloader to automatically go to WiiFlow on boot