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Trump: Don't let Coronavirus dominate you.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Dude I don’t know what kind of lala land you live in but ok. I also condemned democrats in my posts. But keep voting Republican if it makes you feel better. I’m done with this shit.

The post I responded to you said:

And you’re right about party affiliation but only one party openly welcomes those types and protects them. And more recent refuses to condemn them.

That was why I responded with what I did. You made a statement that is jut not true. Now if you actually meant the democrats, I was mistaken.

I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I also did not vote for Clinton in 2016. At the time I knew how crooked Hilary Clinton was/is and politicians often say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get elected. And I thought there is no way Trump would be good for this country. But in the last 4 years I see I was totally wrong to have judged Trump at that time, Trump is capable regardless of how polarizing his personality is. He does what he says he is going to do, he actually made so many positive changes that had improvements for people across the board. Liberals like to say yeah only the rich benefited. Nope, not correct. And there is so much data to back that up. That liberals love to ignore. The data supports this.

So yeah I am going to vote Trump this year, and almost everyone I know will be doing the same. Honestly I would probably vote for any republican at this point in order to avoid what would occur with our country if the Democrats were to win this election. I get the whole psychology around "Fans" of either party. But honestly with democrats I feel like you truly are fanatical for you to ignore the fact you have been conned with your emotions this entire time. Kind of like the debates last night with the VP's. Everyone keeps asking the Trump team if they will accept the election results. Democrats still have not accepted the 2016 results, to the point that I believe people in the democratic party from recent proof did things that are treasonous. Biden and Harris will change what they say at any given time to get your vote, they will pander to other racist liberals for their votes and they don't care. I am sure this kind of crap has been going on for a long time at the top of our political food chain. If Biden and Harris are elected their handlers will make sure things are adjusted so this never occurs again and the corruption will be much worse.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I did not vote for Trump in 2016, I also did not vote for Clinton in 2016. At the time I knew how crooked Hilary Clinton was/is and politicians often say whatever they think you want to hear in order to get elected.
First you fake to be an undecided voter and not a hardcore.
Then you use the naming scheme dreamed up and allowed into political discussion by Trump, that has one purpose, and one purpose only. To destroy debate. Crooked Hilary can never loose crooked status, and this is so much fun - every one with nothing to say laughs about it. Ha ha ha. End of everything you want to teach everyone around you. Just prevent them from learning more, and keep them amused.

Then you double down an that fact, by reminding everyone that politicians lie.

Lets look at this structurally, why dont we. Vicepresidential debate serves as a great education piece.

What politicians are during an election campaign, and sometimes in general.

Ego driven liars trying to bring you on their side, so they can get societal recognition and power. On both sides, in almost all cases, this is how the system works. Both sides lied and manipulated their asses off while talking to the public. Both sides went through a plethora of rhetorical tricks, while doing so. Both side know that they are speaking to entirely dumb, uneducated bafoons, which they believe will be convinced by a display of 'asserting leadership', faking 'common set of values' ('i'm the best vessel/puppet' for your interests'), and pretty much nothing else.

When they reach a position of power, they are supposed to rule 'in the best interest of their constituency' which either means personal corruption, or the promise of kickbacks later in lives, in almost all cases.

If you are religiously motivatable, you'll be lied to, if you are emotionally motivatable, you'll be lied to. If you are idiologically motivatable, you will be lied to, if you are logically motivatable - you will be lied to (by preselection of topics that are 'fit for debate').

If you win as a politician you are supposed to wield your power to further the development of your constituency, all restraints for 'higher goals' in a society without ideals, have been snuffed.

Instead of it you gain emotionally loaded "values", that are only there to reduce voters to the reptilian brain function level, where they are even easier to manipulate. When in 2020 you are discussing 'babykillers' before an election again, you roughly know whats expected of you as a voter.

And on that level, we could end the discussion, and dumb down the process to its ultimate end.

If it werent for the topics that can also be chosen for societal significance. (Activism can bring them onto the agenda.)

Democracy is just the system that allows for peaceful transition of power, as well as separation of power.

But you can undermine even that, as long as you can confuse the public for long enough.

Which is largely the problem, when a Vice president in a debate does two personal emotional callbacks to families that lost a son, then argues that Trump cant be a racist, because of his jewish grandchildren, and purposefully holds back information, that they killed an iranian general in violation of international law, without jurisdiction - and played the 'I dont know why you have not supported that' card - because quote "they were a bad man". And then read the future on that the pragmatic person in front of him was an ultra idealist, and would ban fracking, just because, they said so five years back, when not running for vice president.

If you get down to that level of idiocy. You can charge up your fans with literally anything (bread and circuses), give them slogans to chant - and do whatever you like -- which most likely will never be in the interest of the people.

Part of this is whats expected, and whats needed, because as a leader you cant be a slave to 'ideals' or doctrines, when put on a spot - you are supposed to make decisions based on circumstances, and largely 'cost benefit'. So you should be able to lie, and you should be able to change your position at whim - for something akin to a 'greater goal'. (Usually the benefit of society.) Which you dont believe in - in the poetical sense. But claim, that you do.

So the idea in any election is to fake the reasonably concerned guy or gal, that also can wield power, and make tough decisions, best. Everyone knows it everyone expects it. Thats how its supposed to work.

Yet, if you manage to run an entire election on superflous stuff, you can let yourself be payed by financial interests, and just sell american people elections as entertainment.

Which brings us to the main criticism of the republican party, these days. (You can do one for the democrats later.. ;) )

You prevent any cooperation, any progress, any balance, any public education, any separation of power (f.e. by the way you pick judges (you pick idiots with strong political affiliations (down to religious cults)), and any discussion about societal topics that arent religious conflicts from the middle ages. Let yourself be paid f.e. by the industrial and energy lobby - and this would still be acceptable in a democracy like the US - unless the public notices. Also you destroy international relations, and by some estimates even the world, but you think that in any case, there would be someone stopping you from doing it, if it were actually relevant. Probably within your own lines.

Same thing on the left. You promise a notion of caring about groups and not individuals, that if push comes to shove you always have to shed, and that you forget about, when things reach 'procedural normalcy' (we dont want too much change). You lie to people about the 'job creation potential' of green new deal jobs. You invented current day 'identity politics'. And you sell out to progressive interests that invested in developments of new sectors, or transnational cooperation (which is hedging your bets, in that sector, currently - because the other people went ultra nationalist. (But just in verbiage, not so much in economic planning. Well - apart from fracking (lower energy costs).))

The only thing thats different is to what people you sell out. And american people are supposed to pick between 'change' and 'four more years'.

But here is the kicker, dont get too disillusioned by this not to vote, because if you do - public sentiment is even easier to manipulate/manage. ;)

Now live with that. ;)


If thats too much for you - rejoice in the notion, that if you are not a person intrinsicly driven to power, not caring about abusing or lying to others, you still have institutions that dont bank on 'the will of the people', but more rational concepts of managing societies.

Because, yes - all of this comes as a result of how people work. As individuals, as leaders, as groups, and as populations.

If you want to believe in something else, you'll be manipulated. But since you likely be anyhow - you might as well believe in public displays of values, or some 'sh*t' (sorry ;) ) like that.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
First you fake to be an undecided voter and not a hardcore.
Then you use the naming scheme dreamed up and allowed into political discussion by Trump, that has one purpose, and one purpose only. To destroy debate. Crooked Hilary can never loose crooked status, and this is so much fun - every one with nothing to say laughs about it. Ha ha ha. End of everything you want to teach everyone around you. Just prevent them from learning more, and keep them amused.

I used the word crooked not because it is Trumps word but because that is how I have always viewed her. Same with her husband, you do realize they both have a very sorted history in politics that goes MANY years back. Just because I used that word does not mean anything outside of the word itself. It is not some secret Trump sign that I used to debate with. I really think she is crooked, and same with her husband. I always have.

Edit: I just re-read what I had actually said. I did not call her Crooked Hillary, I said that she was crooked. You are really gone aren't you?

The very recent declassification of the documents that Obama was fully aware of to tie The Trump Campaign to Russia to distract the public from her email scandal is very crooked and fits perfectly with my sentiments towards her and her pedophile husband.

I did not bother reading any more of what you had to say because if one single word can make you decide you know my intents are, I have 0 interest in having a discussion with you.
Last edited by crimpshrine,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I used the word crooked not because it is Trumps word but because that is how I have always viewed her
Then it comes down to why? Because they founded a foundation that is actively engaged in foreign politics?

Most of the scandals she is known for are low tier not so much of an issue.

Foundation arguably got donations for access to political decision makers, which is a conflict of interest - but a similar thing to what lobbyist would do as well.

Or the other way around, whats so inherently bad about the clinton foundation?

Email server is problemetic if you gage this from the publics perspective, but presidents have done similar, and in a sense worse things in the past by founding presidential libraries and storing their documents there, so they have control over when, if at all documents become part of the public record.

So whats so special about her? As an informed comment, and how is she going to defend her position, if the otherside just calls her names, and tries to have them stick?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Then it comes down to why? Because they founded a foundation that is actively engaged in foreign politics?

Most of the scandals she is known for are low tier not so much of an issue.

Foundation arguably got donations for access to political decision makers, which is a conflict of interest - but a similar thing to what lobbyist would do as well.

Or the other way around, whats so inherently bad about the clinton foundation?

Email server is problemetic if you gage this from the publics perspective, but presidents have done similar, and in a sense worse things in the past by founding presidential libraries and storing their documents there, so they have control over when, if at all documents become part of the public record.

So whats so special about her? As an informed comment, and how is she going to defend her position, if the otherside just calls her names, and tries to have them stick?

I find it odd, you ask why and I even gave you one recent example in my response. Why did you not comment on that?

The very recent declassification of the documents that Obama was fully aware of to tie The Trump Campaign to Russia to distract the public from her email scandal is very crooked and fits perfectly with my sentiments towards her and her pedophile husband.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Sure, her husband is not pedofile until proven guilty.
Campaigning is a dirty business, and the russia connection was in place. Hillary didnt make him do it.

Its just that responsibility delegation and potential deniability were in place on the Trump side as well (you have a patsy meet with them, who then can admit responsibility, and get fired). And that is far easier for Trump, once elected and the US establishment in general, to find opportunities/to buy him off 'interest wise', and in terms of potential business ventures for his children, than to "fight a public morals war that contains the word russia" in it for what five years now?

Russian influence was always gonna be smaller than establishment interest in the US, once the man got elected. I mean who are we kidding here...

You have no proof what soever, that there is a 'because you did this, we do that' anywhere in the example you bring. Campaign politics is a dirty business.

But - and as I've always said, the russian influence on US elections was overplayed, this was always obvious, and if you fell for it, thats you being played - I can take no responsibility for that. (And dont worry, I even met people in liberal european meetups that mistook it for truth we absolutely have to protect against, and take action on. Which in some european countries you do - but for jebus sake, not because you learned about it, when Hilary made it a talking point...)

Why you bring this up at this point - is beyond me - because even the admission that Obama was briefed, that this was a Clinton campaign hitpiece, is a whole lot of nothing. Of course it was. For freaks sake, all of a sudden all support for Assange dropped on the side of the DNC, and they wouldnt even give interviews on the topic anymore?

The email scandal, pretty much got a 1:1 repetition in the Trump administration with the presidents in office daughter - and it has been a long time practice by standing presidents to hand over their office documents to a foundation they themself found, called a presidential library, to prevent freedom of information requests.

Freedom of information requests, that btw. mostly media only ever brings forward. I've never see a radio host or youtuber do it. Its called investigative journalism, people dont understand it anymore, these days.. ;)

If you can produce outrage over this, thats only focused on one person, that in itself doesnt seem quite fair.

And you can stop provoking at this point, because if you know nothing about how politics functions, taking part of a PR spiel, and running with it - running it into the ground even, doesnt help.

You still are faked out. You have no idea whats important or not, you are crying you heart out over stuff of little to no structural importance, no legal importance, and you still run with rumors (pedophile) that can destroy a person (just the rumors alone).

And you get wet and all flustered, because a CIA intel chief, selectively declassified documents, with the word Obama in it - that say close to nothing, and are released for another political theatre piece.

I couldnt be this dumb to make this into a cohesive 'crooked' betrayal story - if I tried.

You just know too little, and are tripped up by every little piece of political theatre there is. Then you drum up an audience for it.

If you dont want to bother to learn more than the talking points, when you should be outraged, because someone told you so - then dont, but then also dont waste my time... And dont be astonished, if I call you someone that moves propaganda to misinform other people.

No one is trying to paint their candidate into the highly moral superior being you long for, because everyone knows, that this would be considered 'weak' by a voting public. But everyone is telling children stories, to make the candidate of the other side look like not that highly of a moral superior being. Yes, of course not. What campaign PR is over exaggerating the ultimate importance of a thing? I'm shocked, I tell you, absolutely shocked.

You know that shock ads are a thing since the 1980s? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_advertising )
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Sure, her husband is not pedofile until proven guilty.
Campaigning is a dirty business, and the russia connection was in place. Hillary didnt make him do it.

Its just that responsibility delegation and potential deniability were in place on the Trump side as well (you have a patsy meet with them, who then can admit responsibility, and get fired). And that is far easier for Trump, once elected and the US establishment in general, to find opportunities/to buy him off 'interest wise', and in terms of potential business ventures for his children, than to "fight a public morals war that contains the word russia" in it for what five years now?

Russian influence was always gonna be smaller than establishment interest in the US, once the man got elected. I mean who are we kidding here...

You have no proof what soever, that there is a 'because you did this, we do that' anywhere in the example you bring. Campaign politics is a dirty business.

But - and as I've always said, the russian influence on US elections was overplayed, this was always obvious, and if you fell for it, thats you being played - I can take no responsibility for that. (And dont worry, I even met people in liberal European meetup that mistook it for truth we absolutely have to protect against, and take action on. Which in some european countries you do - but for jebus sake, not because you learned about it, when Hilary made it a talking point...)

Why you bring this up at this point - is beyond me - because even the admission that Obama was briefed, that this was a Clinton campaign hitpiece, is a whole lot of nothing. Of course it was. For freaks sake, all of a sudden all support for Assange dropped on the side of the DNC, and they wouldnt even give interviews on the topic anymore?

The email scandal, pretty much got a 1:1 repetition in the Trump administration with the presidents in office daughter - and it has been a long time practice by standing presidents to hand over their office documents to a foundation they themself found, called a presidential library, to prevent freedom of information requests.

If you can produce outrage over this, thats only focused on one person, that in itself doesnt seem quite fair.

And you can stop provoking at this point, because if you know nothing about how politics functions, taking part of a PR spiel, and running with it - running it into the ground even, doesnt help.

You still are faked out. You have no idea whats important or not, you are crying you heart out over stuff of little to no structural importance, no legal importance, and you still run with rumors (pedophile) that can destroy a person (just the rumors alone).

And you get wet and all flustered, because a CIA intel chief, selectively declassified documents, with the word Obama in it - that say close to nothing, and are released for another political theatre piece.

I couldnt be this dumb to make this into a cohesive 'crooked' betrayal story - if I tried.

You just know too little, and are tripped up by every little piece of political theatre there is. Then you drum up an audience for it.

If you dont want to bother to learn more than the talking points, when you should be outraged, because someone told you so - then dont, but then also dont waste my time... And dont be astonished, if I call you someone that moves propaganda to misinform other people.

No one is trying to paint their candidate into the highly moral superior being you long for, because everyone knows, that this would be considered 'week' by a voting public. But everyone is telling children stories, to make the candidate of the other side look like not that highly of a moral superior being. Yes, of course not. What campaign PR is over exaggerating the ultimate importance of a thing? I'm shocked, I tell you, absolutely shocked.

You know that shock ads are a thing since the 1980s? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shock_advertising )

Why you bring this up at this point - is beyond me

I gave you 1 VERY specific item that was uncovered recently that proves without a doubt she was doing something crooked. Likely a felony level offense. And both Obama and (likely Biden) knew about this.

John Brennan briefed Obama in 2016 on Hillary's plan to created this scandal tying Trump to Russia with the sole purpose to distract the controversy over her private mail server.

She was trying to kill two birds with one stone. If evidence was uncovered with Trump doing the same, liberal nuts would be asking for his death because for some it would be considered Treason.

The double standards in people like you that you apply to logic is crazy.
Last edited by crimpshrine,


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
I gave you 1 VERY specific item that was uncovered recently that proves without a doubt she was doing something crooked. Likely a felony level offense. And both Obama and (likely Biden) knew about this.
No. First not a felony level offense. Just a PR spiel. Felony offense for what - bringing attention to a topic?

Second - again, 'her campaign' was doing it, not her personally - again potential deniability, you'll find a campain manager that takes the fall.

You attributing that to her personally is a logic jump. Making her 'crooked' for it also is one.

Whats the offense here, except for 'telling the public'?

You gave one current example of 'complete nothingness' thats used as another piece of pre election theatre. This year.

If thats your proof for 'crookedness' you have nothing.

Remember when you were going on about Benghazi all summer, once? Thats pretty much the same thing, coming from the other side. Is that crooked?

If you dont understand that CIA and 'declassified' doesnt always mean scandal. Or highly moral offense. I cant help. Sometimes it just means political favor. And distraction.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
No. First not a felony level offense. Just a PR spiel. Felony offense for what - bringing attention to a topic?

Second - again, 'her campaign' was doing it, not her personally - again potential deniability, you'll find a campain manager that takes the fall.

You attributing that to her personally is a logic jump. Making her 'crooked' for it also is one.

Whats the offense here, except for 'telling the public'?

You gave one current example of 'complete nothingness' thats used as another piece of pre election theatre. This year.

If thats your proof for 'crookedness' you have nothing.

Remember when you were going on about Benghazi all summer, once? Thats pretty much the same thing, coming from the other side. Is that crooked?

If you dont understand that CIA and 'declassified' doesnt always mean scandal. Or highly moral offense. I cant help. Sometimes it just means political favor.

You are making excuses to why what she did does not rise to the level of what I said exposes her as being "crooked"

But this, but that, etc.. It's not really her. The fact of the matter is that it happened and Hillary was behind it. It is 1 item in a long list of things that I believe make her crooked.

And the funny thing to me is that this 1 crooked item she did was created to distract from another crooked item she did. But I am sure you have a bunch of reasons that is cool with you also. (Which you don't need to tell me - I get it)

You are cool with her actions, many are not. Try and give Trump the same benefit of doubt. (That is a joke, you are incapable)

And I never said anything about Benghazi, not sure what you are talking about.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
But this, but that, etc.. It's not really her. The fact of the matter is that it happened and Hillary was behind it. It is 1 item in a long list of things that I believe make her crooked.
Yeah, what if that long list never existed, and someone just made it up.

Because accusing a PR campaign of doing PR stunts... Well is of limited use.

But you are correct, in our exchange I'm 'finding excuses' on behalf of a political person or party (DNC) that I dont have an affiliation with. I dont like that. But if the accusations are almost entirely - thin air - then its hard for me not to take position here.

Once more - read my reaction to the vice presidential debate. Both sides lie, willingly and knowingly to embellish their position. Both sides are using rhetorical gambits that are far worse than accusing your political opponent to affiliate with russian security sources (which the campaign did).

And the point of attacking your opponents character in a political campaign is actually to point at character flaws. Not to say - that somewhere in their institution, something amoral happened, and that they might have condoned it. If thats you definition of a character flaw, and in addition your rectification of calling someone by a damaging nickname in public, five years after the initial event - I want to know why.

But there is a long list...

Coulndt it be - just in theory, that all those excuses and allegations you heard were attack PR? With almost nothing behind? And that you took so much to that, that even five years later you are using the catchphrases they coined?

Ok, Clinton foundation needs financing, where do they get it from. As a foundation. You find out. :) (Learn what foundations are.. :) )
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Yeah, what if that long list never existed, and someone just made it up.

Because accusing a PR campaign of doing PR stunts... Well is of limited use.

But you are correct, in our exchange I'm 'finding excuses' on behalf of a political person or party (DNC) that I dont have an affiliation with. I dont like that. But if the accusations are almost entirely - thin air - then its hard for me not to take position here.

Once more - read my reaction to the vice presidential debate. Both sides lie, willingly and knowingly to embellish their position. Both sides are using rhetorical gambits that are far worse than accusing your political opponent to affiliate with russian security sources (which the campaign did).

And the point of attacking your opponents character in a political campaign is actually to point at character flows. Not to say - that somewhere in their institution, something amoral happened, and that they might have condoned it. If thats you definition of a character flaw, and in addition your rectification of calling someone by a damaging nickname in public, five years after the initial event - I want to know why.

But there is a long list...

Coulndt it be - just in theory, that all those excuses and allegations you heard were attack PR? With almost nothing behind? And that you took so much to that, that even five years later you are using the catchphrases they coined?

Ok, Clinton foundation needs financing, where do they get it from. As a foundation. You find out. :) (Learn what foundations are.. :) )

I don't disagree with you that politicians lie. And it is a political game for many of them.

You know my feelings towards Hillary and I know you are fine with the game she plays.

I don't agree with you on the 1st VP debate.

And I personally think at this point in time that the best outcome for me and my family is another Republican win this election. If they take the house also, that would be awesome.

And if I can't have my wish I hope that at least republicans control the Senate to keep Kamala at bay.


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2007
Yes, and this outcome was not informed by anything in the discussion and fixed in your mind for a while. Can you give reasons? No. Can you explain your feels, why you dont agree with the pretty much fact based assesment on the first debate - just a bit dark, but still? No.

Do I care - frankly no - but still, once you try to flog your idea of 'why to vote for a politician, because of a nickname - I cant explain, why I'm using" - we clash.

Because your display of complete not understanding of the political - sure lets call it game. Makes you not able to influence the voting decisions of others positively.

That you stick to your schemes of explanations, which include allegories, stories, and feelings makes you unfit to discuss anything aproximating realpolitics. In that case better stick to 'I make more than 400k a year so I'd rather not see my taxes increse, and call it a day by voting republican". Even though you went through a national health scare 2x worse than canada, even though your president failed to denounce radical elements of society, even though your vice preseident presented about 10 inspirational stories in the debate instead of educating voters on actual issues -. even though in 50 court of appeals and circuit court replacements, that were granted by this president for life, not a single one was black, even though the replacement pick for supreme court has affiliations to a religious cult, and in debate prooves first and foremost, dull.

You and everyone else that still believes, that you vote for a person, mostly or only - when going into a presidential election.

Because the entire idea, that you call a person by a derogatory nickname for five years, and dont even know why - just because you dont want her to play a role in your life - is not politics. Its something else.

You are basically the reason, why politicians have to lie - in a sense. But dont worry, this time its a good thing, because how would politics look, if people actually debated their opponents in the vice presidential debates based on factual grounds, calling out the manipulation tactics their opponent is pullting? Horrible.

So in conclusion, you just want the pleasant lie. And feel better because once in a while your guy wins. Hey its all to move you forward as a nation. (Its not. But it sounds so much better...) And in essence, this is why most people are 'interested in politics' they confuse it for a team sport.. ;)

For those still interested in facts, no dems will not forbid fracking, this has become a none issue since OPEC dropped the oil price to below where fracking becomes sustainable.

No the vice president doesnt care about the loss of that military familiy even though he fakes it, because that would mean he never could make a decision where he endangers a life.

Say stop, when you want me to stop popping illusions.. ;)

But no - its derogatory nickname, conspiracy theory, 'I dont agree delivery' and then scram. No discussion, no reflection on standpoints, not reflection on behavior, no reflection on the nature of politics (pretty pragmatic, and opportunistic, in equal parts, facilitating the economy before society - certainly with Covid relieve).

The point made was not, that politicians lie. Of course they do. We all do - some more, some less. The point made was, why they have to - to win a publics approval.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2014
United States
Yes, and this outcome was not informed by anything in the discussion and fixed in your mind for a while. Can you give reasons? No. Can you explain your feels, why you dont agree with the pretty much fact based assesment on the first debate - just a bit dark, but still? No.

Do I care - frankly no - but still, once you try to flog your idea of 'why to vote for a politician, because of a nickname - I cant explain, why I'm using" - we clash.

Because your display of complete not understanding of the political - sure lets call it game. Makes you not able to influence the voting decisions of others positively.

That you stick to your schemes of explanations, which include allegories, stories, and feelings makes you unfit to discuss anything aproximating realpolitics. In that case better stick to 'I make more than 400k a year so I'd rather not see my taxes increse, and call it a day by voting republican". Even though you went through a national health scare 2x worse than canada, even though your president failed to denounce radical elements of society, even though your vice preseident presented about 10 inspirational stories in the debate instead of educating voters on actual issues -. even though in 50 court of appeals and circuit court replacements, that were granted by this president for life, not a single one was black, even though the replacement pick for supreme court has affiliations to a religious cult, and in debate prooves first and foremost, dull.

You and everyone else that still believes, that you vote for a person, mostly or only - when going into a presidential election.

Because the entire idea, that you call a person by a derogatory nickname for five years, and dont even know why - just because you dont want her to play a role in your life - is not politics. Its something else.

You are basically the reason, why politicians have to lie - in a sense. But dont worry, this time its a good thing, because how would politics look, if people actually debated their opponents in the vice presidential debates based on factual grounds, calling out the manipulation tactics their opponent is pullting? Horrible.

So in conclusion, you just want the pleasant lie. And feel better because once in a while your guy wins. Hey its all to move you forward as a nation. (Its not. But it sounds so much better...) And in essence, this is why most people are 'interested in politics' they confuse it for a team sport.. ;)

For those still interested in facts, no dems will not forbid fracking, this has become a none issue since OPEC dropped the oil price to below where fracking becomes sustainable.

No the vice president doesnt care about the loss of that military familiy even though he fakes it, because that would mean he never could make a decision where he endangers a life.

Say stop, when you want me to stop popping illusions.. ;)

But no - its derogatory nickname, conspiracy theory, 'I dont agree delivery' and then scram. No discussion, no reflection on standpoints, not reflection on behavior, no reflection on the nature of politics (pretty pragmatic, and opportunistic, in equal parts, facilitating the economy before society - certainly with Covid relieve).

The point made was not, that politicians lie. Of course they do. We all do - some more, some less. The point made was, why they have to - to win a publics approval.

Not even going to bother on all of this, sorry. I don't follow your logic.

And I don't see you popping any illusions. I see someone who is delusional.

I will just pick one item:

For those still interested in facts, no dems will not forbid fracking, this has become a none issue since OPEC dropped the oil price to below where fracking becomes sustainable.

They are all on record multiple times saying they will ban it. Biden himself has waffled back and forth on that a few times in the last 30 days. But of course in your brain that does not matter, because you believe something else negates that. That is mental gymnastics to avoid the point.

Biden has shown time and time again he is willing to say whatever he needs to say if he thinks you will vote for him.

I don't understand how you can use the word fact and suggest it would never happen anyhow because of the price of oil at this single point in time.

You have no idea what the future holds. If we go based on logic and things going back to normal, it will only go up and has been doing that. (The only reason it went down for a bit is because I believe it was Libya that put more on the market from lockdown times) Oil usage is not going down. LOL

The price of oil will continue to rise as we move forward.


[title removed by staff]
May 4, 2018
United States
California is hell. I'm glad I don't live there. This tweet was from a couple days ago, but I felt the need to post it here anyway.
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Feb 15, 2009
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