Hacking Transfer saves from an SD card to NAND


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
United States
I've been working on getting SNEEK to work and made a stupid mistake, I restored my wii to a previous version with BootMii without making a NAND backup. I managed to get All of my Mii's from a previous NAND backup but, my newest saves are only in the SD card format you get when you transfer files using the Wii's built in save manager. Since the NAND my Wii is running has never played any games and my disc reader is burned out (due to a hacking incident with DVDx stub a few years ago) I've not found a way of converting the save files for use on either my original nor SNEEK NAND (obviously if I can get them onto my original Wii I could make a NAND backup and manually copy the files to my SNEEK NAND). Any help would be greatly appreciated.

P.S. I have priiloader installed with the hack that allow me to copy files that are Copy-Protected but, that doesn't allow me to copy saves for games I "haven't" played before. I could probably reinstall cIOS249 and play the games once with CFG but, I'm trying to avoid cIOS's this time around since they cause issues with SNEEK and I want to use SNEEK for my games as it reportedly has near perfect support for Wii Games (including COD3)

CFG: Configurable USB Loader
COD3: Call of Duty 3

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