I'm getting increasingly tired with the amount of 'It's good but the PS3 has terrible framerate...' reviews i've been reading about games on the PS3, I just recently got 'The Orange Box' for a gift on Xmas Day, having read IGN's and Gamespots reviews on the title, I was expecting something akin to a slideshow with some occasional graphics with discoloration, as those were the main problems listed in IGN's review of the game.
Now a few hours into the game, I have not seen any 'terrible framerate skipping' nor have I encountered any 'huge slowdown in vehicle sections', and as for the discoloration problem... I don't even know what they mean, other than some areas looking slightly darker and grittier, which in my opinion enhances the 'feel' of City 17, there's been nothing to suggest that the game is discolored.
As for the loadtimes/pauses during quicksaves, the game offers you the chance to hold 'START' to quicksave at any time, and when I loaded a quicksave game it took 7 - 8 seconds, not the 17 - 18 seconds stated by reviewers, also the load times are further cut if you install the game to HDD.
I'm beginning to think Microsoft are visiting all the reviewers and magazine companies and handing over large wads of cash in order for them to be ultra picky about PS3 games, I read in one magazine that the game was not as good as the 360 because of the colors and that Alyx's jeans were 'slightly darker blue' than in the 360 version... I mean WTF?
"I can't play this pile of crap, her jeans are slightly darker blue than in the 360 version, lame port!!"
Maybe if the reviewer spent more time playing the game instead of staring at Alyx's ass, maybe he would notice other stuff, like how good the reflective surfaces look in HD, or possibly the deeper, more accurate sound, or the great background music being in 5.1, stuff like that?
I'm not saying the game is perfect, but it's a damn sight more complete than reviewers will have you believe.
Any other guys on the forum ever play a game that was really good, only to read a really poor review of it?
I'd love to hear your opinions on it, because honesty I'm beginning to wonder why we need review sites if even the reviewers are biased?
Now a few hours into the game, I have not seen any 'terrible framerate skipping' nor have I encountered any 'huge slowdown in vehicle sections', and as for the discoloration problem... I don't even know what they mean, other than some areas looking slightly darker and grittier, which in my opinion enhances the 'feel' of City 17, there's been nothing to suggest that the game is discolored.
As for the loadtimes/pauses during quicksaves, the game offers you the chance to hold 'START' to quicksave at any time, and when I loaded a quicksave game it took 7 - 8 seconds, not the 17 - 18 seconds stated by reviewers, also the load times are further cut if you install the game to HDD.
I'm beginning to think Microsoft are visiting all the reviewers and magazine companies and handing over large wads of cash in order for them to be ultra picky about PS3 games, I read in one magazine that the game was not as good as the 360 because of the colors and that Alyx's jeans were 'slightly darker blue' than in the 360 version... I mean WTF?
"I can't play this pile of crap, her jeans are slightly darker blue than in the 360 version, lame port!!"
Maybe if the reviewer spent more time playing the game instead of staring at Alyx's ass, maybe he would notice other stuff, like how good the reflective surfaces look in HD, or possibly the deeper, more accurate sound, or the great background music being in 5.1, stuff like that?
I'm not saying the game is perfect, but it's a damn sight more complete than reviewers will have you believe.
Any other guys on the forum ever play a game that was really good, only to read a really poor review of it?
I'd love to hear your opinions on it, because honesty I'm beginning to wonder why we need review sites if even the reviewers are biased?