Gaming The PS3 Has "Gaems", so what is everyone's problem?

Jerome The Giant

Dec 7, 2012
United States
On Black Friday this year, I was in the middle of the hustle and bustle that was target that night (it was a Thursday night sale), and as parents, kids, and others whisked away their early Christmas presents, I stood at a crossroad of two completely different products. Should I buy the ever-popular Xbox 360, or should I buy the less-popular Playstation 3. As a proud owner of a Wii for about 5 years and no intent in buying the Wii U at the time, I decided it was time for me to delve into one of these two consoles and stop being left out. A great deal of my friends own an Xbox 360, playing on it perhaps most of the day, but the free internet play and 4 included games in the PS3 bundle wooed me into Sony’s latest gaming venture.
Coming home that night, I did what anyone would do with such a console: EVERYTHING! I played the games that came with the bundle, bought games on the store, added the few number of friends I have that own a PS3, and so on. However, while I was enjoying myself, an old meme resurfaced into my mind: That the PS3 has no “gaems.”
After owning this PS3 for about two weeks, I feel like I can respond to this old saying. Many of the games that come out or will come out during this video game generation have been released for both the PS3 and the 360, so why would people make this statement? All of the most popular games, from Grand Theft Auto IV and Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3, to the more recent Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and Assassin’s Creed 3 have been released for the two consoles. Yet, 360 fanboys still say that the console lacks any true gaming potential.
If the PS3 does not have any games, than surely, all of the great games of today MUST be on the 360 (Not counting the Wii in this). Two of the biggest Xbox-exclusive titles are the Gears of War franchise and the Halo franchise. However, I do not believe that these two games hold up to make the 360 the more gamer-oriented console of today. The PS3 has many exclusive titles, all of different genres, that are enough to impress me compared to the overdone futuristic shooters that the 360 has.
So why do many people believe that the PS3 has no games for it? As I sifted through my friends list the other day, it hit me: It’s not the PS3 doesn’t have any games, but instead, it is that more people I know (and perhaps you know too) own an Xbox already. When the Xbox first came out, it was offered at a cheaper price than the PS3, even though they’re about the same price. Because of this, many people bought an Xbox. As more and more people over the years needed a gaming console, the Xbox was always the top choice, with the argument being that most of your friends own an Xbox. So what if you have to pay for online features? It’s much better than buying that other thing, right? People only buy an Xbox to meet up with all their friends. It has nothing to do with the games at all, but instead, the fan base that each console has.
The ultimate question in this argument, though, is if I am truly satisfied with my choice. To that, I say with a proud face, yes, I am. No, I can’t play with all my other friends, but then again, I would find myself buying games I wouldn’t like, like Black Ops 2 or UMvC3, simply to play with them. I love my friends, but not to the point where I’ll buy every new game just to play with them. It’s nice being able to buy the games I want without constantly thinking if they’ll play it with me. Additionally, with the money I save on not buying an Xbox Live Gold membership, I was able to purchase a Playstation Plus membership, giving me access to a whole slew of great titles for a low 3-month price.
So, to answer in a TL;DR manner, the PS3 does have games, just not most gamers.

Feel free to contribute your own opinion to this, I wrote this half asleep
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Jul 15, 2009
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In all seriousness, though, what matters is that you're happy with your purchase and it was worth it to you. I grew up as a Sega, Nintendo and Microsoft boy. Started out with the Sega Genesis, moved on to the N64, all the Nintendo handhelds, GC, Xbox, Xbox 360, Wii, and PC in the end. For completion's sake, after learning how to fix RROD 360s and learning that the YLOD is the same exact issue on the PS3, I asked my Facebook friends if anyone had a YLOD PS3 that they'd sell to me (for science!). A friend sold me his for like $40. I fixed it no problem, a Phat 20GB hardware backwards compatible model (I also have a PS2 my uncle gave me that he used to use and would have thrown out otherwise). I never use either one.

But what games do I have for it? Skate 3 (maybe it was Skate 2), NBA 2k12, Singularity, and Infamous. You can hardly call what I have, 4 games, an impressive library. Nothing of that has caught my interest. So for me, yes, at the moment based off of what I know and own, "PS3 has no games". More specifically, MY PS3 has no games.

I think that the PS3 had a rough start, which is where the whole thing came from.
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.:~Enigmatic Wanderer~:.
Former Staff
Nov 6, 2002
Toronto, Ontario
At this point it's just a joke, ask anyone to be serious and they can probably list a bunch of games for it even without owning one.


Grey Knight Inquisitor
Feb 28, 2010
The Forge
It's just like plasma dragon007 said. If you don't own many games for the console, it doesn't mean there aren't any games for it. I've been pondering on buying a 360 for about a year or so, but so far I don't see any real reason for it since I own a PS3. Sure Halo and Gears of War are great games, but I'm not convinced that buying a console just for a few games is justified with the current prices (the Wii was an exception as I hadn't played any games on it, it was under 100€ new and I could borrow games from friends). :P

Jerome The Giant

Dec 7, 2012
United States
the uncharted series and saints row 2 are two you should check out soon.

-another world
The bundle I got came with Uncharted 1 and 2, playing through 2 now. The single player is AMAZING, and the online is actually really good in my opinion. No loadout, attachment, ultra-mega buff bullshit!

Another World

Emulate the Planet!
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2008
From Where???
saints row 2 is a really fun take on GTA-sandbox style. its a mix of true crime and GTA. the story is great and the game is pretty fun to play. SR3 was OK, but the story was kind of stupid and the characters were repetitive. if you can grab SR3 for under $20 it would be worth it. don't forget to check out the PS store. there are some great titles you can get there as well. i'm currently playing through the back to the future point-and-click games, the 1st is up there for free right now.

-another world


Gaming keeps me sane
Jul 14, 2009
The Magic School Bus
United States
It was a long running joke, because a lot of those early exclusives just weren't really that good to warrant a system purchase, compared to the PS1 or PS2.

Further, where the PS1 and PS2 had a wealth of really solid titles and/or exclusives in just about any genre (some exceptions notwithstanding), and even some exclusives created explicitly on their iteration of console, the PS3 has been lacking in that regard.

Let's not also forget that between Sony's legendarily bad SDK's, and the ravings of Krazy Ken at the last E3 before the system launch in particular didn't help the system's image. Let's net also forget the *ahem* dismal showing at the E3 press conference that rightly warrants the PS3 being the butt of many, many jokes, bringing memes such as:
  • "Five Hundred and Ninety Nine US Dollars!"
  • "It's Ridge Racer! Riiiiiiidge Racer!!!!"
  • "this system is not about gimmicks" ... "and here we use the PSP as a live rear-view mirror!"
  • "battles based on actual Japanese history." ... " here's this GIANT. ENEMY. CRAB." (I named My PS3 Giant Enemy Crab specifically because of this little gem)
  • "and hit its weak point... for massive damage."
After that, well, let's look at what 'legit' users have lost since the launch unit PS3 compared to the current model.
  • SACD compatibility (not sure how many use that, but it is a bullet point)
  • flash memory slots for the most common memory formats out there
  • from four to two USB ports. Which, with all the stuff that Sony wants you to connect to the console, makes next to no damn sense.
  • From primarily hardware BC to partial-software BC... to no BC for PS2 era games. Conversely, the 360 went from ~16% BC for Xbox 1 on Xbox 360 to 51%, and usable across all consoles, provided they have a hard drive installed
  • Linux, since the Slim... and then everyone lost it retroactively
Sure, the slims then add HDMI-CEC support for convenience and usability in a home theater setup, but by then, aesthetically the slim (and the current super slim) look like Chinese counterfeits of the genuine product (launch PS3) that they're supposed to replace.

It's hard not to feel a little bitter, especially for those of us kinda were hoping that Sony would um... you know, be smart about their business decisions and try not to screw with a brand after experiencing its single most successful generation with the PlayStation2. Even now, while Sony has sold 70 million PS3 consoles globally, it still pales in comparison to the aged-out PS2, which has sold over 120 million before they stopped counting anymore.

In regard to the multiplatform games, it's been documented that the majority use the Xbox as the 'lead' console, and for it the PS3 edition usually suffers. The convoluted nature of Sony's official SDK for the PS3 is a source of many a gripe in the development community, especially third parties that don't have the overly generous funding and ability to just "sit on it" and wait to release like Naughty Dog and Polyphony, both of which are second-party devs (wholly owned) of Sony.

Psionic Roshambo

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
United States
Well the whole idea of PS3 having no games in my mind comes from owning and loving the PS1 and PS2, compared to the variety of games on those systems the PS3 really doesn't have many games.

I suppose that part of the issue is that I have always been a PC gamer as well as a console gamer, and the PS1 and PS2 both offered a metric ton of games you couldn't get on the PC and quite frankly even if you could they wouldn't play the same since the Dual Shock is so much better than a mouse for many types of games. Now with the PS3 the library has shifted to favor FPS type games almost to the point of being *insert non politically correct term here*.... If I want to play FPS the keyboard and mouse is the best way to play. Combined with the aspect that most of the good FPS's are released on the PC as well, it leaves me kind of wondering why I paid so much money for my launch PS3.

It also doesn't help that Gran Turismo 5 while being great seems to have lost something from 3 and 4. Can't quite put my finger on it but it just isn't as much fun to play. Maybe I was expecting too much from it? Katamari on the PS2 was brilliant and a blast to play Katamari on the PS3 just sucks *insert favored animal here* testicles. Tekken Tag 2 might have been worth getting on the PS3 but I want it on the Wii-U instead since mushroom mode just looks too fun.

If all you have is a PS3, no gaming PC, no Wii-U or 360... the PS3 is probably a fantastic machine. My problem with it is, I paid so much for it why is that the games either suck or are mostly better on other platforms? If this is what I get for having the most expensive console this gen... I got robbed.

So would I tell some one the PS3 sucks? if they are just getting a console from this gen and do not have access to a solid gaming PC, I would tell them to go for it. Would I tell some one to buy a PS3 if they owned a gaming PC or a 360? No there just isn't enough differentiation in the library to justify the cost unless you really have a bunch of extra money to spend than by all means have at it and enjoy it for what it does offer :) (I tend to own at least 2 consoles from each generation. Sometimes more.)

Edit: Before some one takes my post the wrong way, I am not anti PS3... I just feel like it didn't deliver what Sony promised and didn't deliver on the legacy that the PS1 and PS2 worked so hard to build. It hasn't really offered me what I imagined it would. So I take a lot of the blame in being disappointed as I was expecting a upgraded PS2 type of experience.


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2010
well ps3 is gonna get FF 13-Versus and the last of us. the end of the ps3 life is gonna be fun with these cool games, since next gen will come soon.


The day I set a profile picture is the day I die
Jul 29, 2008
It's because in it's first year and a half the PS3 saw about 5 worthwhile releases.
Picked up after then, of course, but the joke stuck. Cause, you know, it's a joke.

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