Hacking Strange Skyward Sword problem


New Member
May 9, 2012
Deltona, FL
United States
So the problem I'm running into is right as I get into Eldin Volcano for the first time. At a certain point in the beginning portion of the BGM, everything freezes. The music stops playing, and I can no longer control my character or use the wiimote at all. Oddly enough, animations still continue to play -- if I was walking before the freeze, Link will continue to walk in that direction indefinitely. I've tried two different ISOs but it still freezes at the same spot of the BGM. I don't think they're the problem.

I'm playing the game through CFG USB loader v70r31,
using a San Disk Cruzer 16GB flash drive in wbsf format.
Game region is NTSC if that means anything.
Running the game on cIOS 249 rev 20b and d2x cios v8 final

Here's the Syscheck report:

sysCheck v2.1.0b18 by Double_A and R2-D2199
...runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).

Region: NTSC-U
System Menu 4.1U (v449)
Priiloader installed
Drive date: 2007.02.13
Homebrew Channel 1.1.0 running on IOS61
Hollywood v0x11
Console ID: 111085842
Boot2 v4
Found 110 titles.
Found 54 IOS on this console. 3 of them are stub.

IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS9 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
IOS11 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS16 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, Flash Access, NAND Access
IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS20 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
IOS30 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS36 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS40 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS50 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
IOS52 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
IOS60 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS70 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS80 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS90 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug
IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS222[38] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS223[38+37] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS236 (rev 54321): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS245[37] (rev 21007, Info: d2x-v7final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS246[38] (rev 21007, Info: d2x-v7final): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS247[53] (rev 21007, Info: d2x-v7final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS248[55] (rev 21007, Info: d2x-v7final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS249[56] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS250[57] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS251[58] (rev 21007, Info: d2x-v7final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
BC v5
MIOS v10

Report generated on 2012/05/08.

Any help is appreciated, I've been trying to get this game running smoothly for days. Thanks in advance.


May 5, 2012
United States
I wonder if the cause of your problem is the same one causing mine. I posted a thread with a similar issue here.

I'd test Skyward Sword to see if I'm experiencing your problem, but the game won't seem to load past the intro, I get a black screen and a freeze.

There are similarities between our cIOS's loaded, so the issue could lie with those.

My SysCheck:
sysCheck v2.1.0b18 by Double_A and R2-D2199
...runs on IOS58 (rev 6176).

Region: NTSC-U
System Menu 4.3U (v513)
Priiloader installed
Drive date: Unknown
Homebrew Channel 1.1.0 running on IOS58
Hollywood v0x11
Boot2 v4
Found 91 titles.
Found 53 IOS on this console. 4 of them are stub.

IOS4 (rev 65280): Stub
IOS9 (rev 1034): No Patches
IOS10 (rev 768): Stub
IOS11 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS12 (rev 526): No Patches
IOS13 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS14 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS15 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS16 (rev 512): Stub
IOS17 (rev 1032): No Patches
IOS20 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS21 (rev 1039): No Patches
IOS22 (rev 1294): No Patches
IOS28 (rev 1807): No Patches
IOS30 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS31 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS33 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS34 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS35 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS36 (rev 3608): No Patches
IOS37 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS38 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS40 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS41 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS43 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS45 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS46 (rev 3607): No Patches
IOS48 (rev 4124): No Patches
IOS50 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS51 (rev 4864): Stub
IOS52 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS53 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS55 (rev 5663): No Patches
IOS56 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS57 (rev 5919): No Patches
IOS58 (rev 6176): USB 2.0
IOS60 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS61 (rev 5662): No Patches
IOS70 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS80 (rev 16174): Trucha Bug, NAND Access
IOS202[60] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS222[38] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS223[38+37] (rev 4, Info: hermes-v4): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS224[57] (rev 65535, Info: hermesrodries-v6): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS236[36] (rev 65535, Info: rev 3351): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS245[37] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS246[38] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, ES Identify, NAND Access
IOS247[53] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS248[55] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS249[56] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS250[57] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS251[58] (rev 21008, Info: d2x-v8final): Trucha Bug, NAND Access, USB 2.0
IOS254 (rev 65281): BootMii
BC v6
MIOS v10

Report generated on 2012/09/05.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Your setup seems fine. If this problem is something you can replicate, then it is likely a problem with the wbfs file. Perhaps try re-downloading the game from a different source or creating another backup.


May 5, 2012
United States
Thanks for the advice, but this doesn't seem to be the problem. Seventh also posted that he tried acquiring his iso from two different sources, and as have I.

On a side note, I tried updating d2x to v9r49, and this did not fix the problem either.

EDIT: Im not trying to steal the thread from seventh, I just think the same solution would work for both of us, so it would be best we keep our efforts updated with each other.
EDIT2: Not sure if the updated D2x is what fixed it, but skyward sword works for me now. I'll look to see if I have the same problem.


New Member
May 9, 2012
Deltona, FL
United States
Your setup seems fine. If this problem is something you can replicate, then it is likely a problem with the wbfs file. Perhaps try re-downloading the game from a different source or creating another backup.
I'll try seeing if I can get another different source. Maybe I wasn't lucky with choosing.

toastyc12 said:
Im not trying to steal the thread from seventh, I just think the same solution would work for both of us, so it would be best we keep our efforts updated with each other.

Don't worry about it, at least I have someone else to work with in solving the problem. If we can both get our respective games working again, even better. I'll look into updating the d2x and seeing if the problem persists. Appreciate the input so far.


May 5, 2012
United States
USB Loader GX gives me the option to boot a game using a different IOS. I haven't used CFG USB Loader, but I imagine it has a similar option. Anyways, Try playing using IOS 224. I haven't got a chance to try Another Code, but I'm able to play skyward sword without it freezing on me everytime the screen fades to black.


Well-Known Member
May 11, 2008
United States
Anyways, Try playing using IOS 224. I haven't got a chance to try Another Code, but I'm able to play skyward sword without it freezing on me everytime the screen fades to black.
Because retail Skyward Sword uses IOS56, it is recommended that one uses d2x with IOS56 as a base when running a backup of Skyward Sword.
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May 5, 2012
United States
I don't have any SD cards much larger than 8 GB, and even then, it's the one I use for my R4i gold anyways. Point being, loading wii games from SD would be a very hard feat for me to begin with. USB loading is my only reliable option, as I have a handful of hard drive enclosures laying around. My laptop also does not have an optical drive, leaving DVDs out of the question.

I've tried making 2 backups of Another Code, as well as two backups for Skyward Sword. I've also tried acquiring the games from other sources. The same copy of Skyward sword backed up on a different wii works without issue, leaving me to believe the backup itself is not the issue. I've not tested Another Code on this other wii as my friend--the owner of said wii has not gotten PAL games to boot properly yet.

I next thought that the hard drive could be at fault, but after testing two other hard drives leaving me the same results each time, I'm doubting that to be the issue.

My recent solution seems to be working so far, at least with Skyward Sword. I have no problems booting from IOS 224. This leaves me to believe that it is a bug present between my wii's configuration and D2x. With that in mind, I re-modded my wii following mauifrog's guide. After all was said and done, IOS224 still works better than 249 for skyward sword.

EDIT: To clarify, when I boot Skyward Sword using d2x-v7, -v8, or v9r49 on IOS 249, The game crashes very randomly when the screen fades to black. it's not easily reproduce able, it happens randomly. When it happens, it seems the game makes no attempt to load from the HDD (There's no HDD activity.) It happened in one of three places, to my knowledge. After the WM+ calibration screen and before the intro, After the intro and before the title screen, and after the scene with the beast before the 25th anniversary logo. ONCE, I was able to advance further and get to meeting up with Zelda,but during the next cutscene when there was a fade, the game proceeded to crash. The game would likely crash in other fades such as this, given I would load a save file that much further.


Jun 4, 2010
EDIT: To clarify, when I boot Skyward Sword using d2x-v7, -v8, or v9r49 on IOS 249, The game crashes very randomly when the screen fades to black. it's not easily reproduce able, it happens randomly. When it happens, it seems the game makes no attempt to load from the HDD (There's no HDD activity.) It happened in one of three places, to my knowledge. After the WM+ calibration screen and before the intro, After the intro and before the title screen, and after the scene with the beast before the 25th anniversary logo. ONCE, I was able to advance further and get to meeting up with Zelda,but during the next cutscene when there was a fade, the game proceeded to crash. The game would likely crash in other fades such as this, given I would load a save file that much further.

Try doing (using the same HDD) on other Wiis EXACTLY the same steps and check if these issues occur. If they work fine, no freezes, etc, sir, you may have a defective Wii. (faulty ram/gpu/etc)

I'd suggest you try other wii games (like zelda twilight princess, smash brawl, mario kart, and leave it all night running) if those games run fine, then, try if possible doing a DVD backup of ZSS, or use another HDD (FAT32) and use d2x7. Who knows, maybe your wii doesn't like your HDD chipset controller's

edit: if you have another brand's SD card, HDD it would be handy to try them.


May 5, 2012
United States
EDIT: To clarify, when I boot Skyward Sword using d2x-v7, -v8, or v9r49 on IOS 249, The game crashes very randomly when the screen fades to black. it's not easily reproduce able, it happens randomly. When it happens, it seems the game makes no attempt to load from the HDD (There's no HDD activity.) It happened in one of three places, to my knowledge. After the WM+ calibration screen and before the intro, After the intro and before the title screen, and after the scene with the beast before the 25th anniversary logo. ONCE, I was able to advance further and get to meeting up with Zelda,but during the next cutscene when there was a fade, the game proceeded to crash. The game would likely crash in other fades such as this, given I would load a save file that much further.

Try doing (using the same HDD) on other Wiis EXACTLY the same steps and check if these issues occur. If they work fine, no freezes, etc, sir, you may have a defective Wii. (faulty ram/gpu/etc)

I'd suggest you try other wii games (like zelda twilight princess, smash brawl, mario kart, and leave it all night running) if those games run fine, then, try if possible doing a DVD backup of ZSS, or use another HDD (FAT32) and use d2x7. Who knows, maybe your wii doesn't like your HDD chipset controller's

edit: if you have another brand's SD card, HDD it would be handy to try them.
A number of my backups work perfectly fine.

Without naming specifics, My physicial collection consists of about 20 games that I backed up to HDD.

As I said in my last post, I have tried various HDD enclosures. The one I have the best luck with is the Nexxtech External HDD 3.5" IDE, listed exactly in that spelling on the Compatibility List.
The hard Drive on the inside is a Maxtor DiamondMax 21. I've scanned the hard drive and it has no bad sectors. My other enclosure tests include a Generic brand SATA encasing a WD Raptor, a SeaGate FreeAgent, and a Lacie external.

As for SD card, I'm using a Samsung 8GB Class4. I also have a SanDisk 8 GB class4, and a polaroid 1GB for those apps non-SDHC compatible.

The wii is used day in-day out to play games without issue. The only two titles giving me problems are skyward sword and Another Code. As I mentioned, Skyward Sword is working perfectly fine for me using IOS 224. I was hoping that the OP, Seventh, would test this to see if his problem is fixed.

I did downgrade to D2xv7 after it was posted, and I still have issues running the game.

Please note that I am not trying to be rude when I respond. I really do appreciate the input, and I'm simply trying to return my feedback on my tests. I also Know that I'm not the only one with such issue happening, I've googled and found quite a few results of people with issues like mine, or like seventh's. Their issues are exactly what we're experiencing, and all of their posts had gone unanswered as well. It can't be coincidence, but it's perhaps a small number of wii's that have an incompatibility with the current recommended configuration somewhere.


New Member
May 9, 2012
Deltona, FL
United States
Sorry for the lack of response and updates on the situation. It's been a busy week for me.

toastyc12 said:
As I mentioned, Skyward Sword is working perfectly fine for me using IOS 224. I was hoping that the OP, Seventh, would test this to see if his problem is fixed.

I tried loading SS through IOS 224, but I still get the same problem. I've also tried running the game through a DVD backup, and it actually plays the BGM and level perfectly for the most part -- it doesn't have that odd freeze. However, the game will instead randomly crash during load screens, as in, it'll give me the 'disc could not be read' error. I don't think it's a problem with my Wii, because I was able to play Xenoblade Chronicles on it via DVD backup with no problems at all a few days before. Anyway, maybe this particular freezing problem lies with my USB loader? I've been able to play other games off of the loader just fine though. Strange.

EDIT: I tried running Skyward sword through USB Loader GX on IOS 224, but I still get the same problem. I guess it's not so much the loaders fault, and maybe some file's simply missing somewhere, causing the game to crash?


May 5, 2012
United States
Sorry for the lack of response and updates on the situation. It's been a busy week for me.

toastyc12 said:
As I mentioned, Skyward Sword is working perfectly fine for me using IOS 224. I was hoping that the OP, Seventh, would test this to see if his problem is fixed.

I tried loading SS through IOS 224, but I still get the same problem. I've also tried running the game through a DVD backup, and it actually plays the BGM and level perfectly for the most part -- it doesn't have that odd freeze. However, the game will instead randomly crash during load screens, as in, it'll give me the 'disc could not be read' error. I don't think it's a problem with my Wii, because I was able to play Xenoblade Chronicles on it via DVD backup with no problems at all a few days before. Anyway, maybe this particular freezing problem lies with my USB loader? I've been able to play other games off of the loader just fine though. Strange.

EDIT: I tried running Skyward sword through USB Loader GX on IOS 224, but I still get the same problem. I guess it's not so much the loaders fault, and maybe some file's simply missing somewhere, causing the game to crash?
it's a very brute force solution, but if we can't come across any way to fix it, you might have to brave your way through the level until you can save and switch back to the loader. I don't think CFG USB loader would be at fault.

Do you have any other external medium you can test? or if you're willing to convert your drive to FAT32, you could use windows to scan it for bad sectors.

After I did a bit of searching around, I've read that the Multi3 backup release was of poor quality, and the Sushi release is better. Something to look for as I can't provide you with the link.

You might be able to try completely re-soft modding your wii. I'm not sure what the popular method is at the latest, but I like to use Mauifrog's guide myself.

I'm still working on playing the game to get up to your level, it's just taking me a bit of time. I'm hoping to find a good solution, since I'm looking forward to playing this game.


Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2010
United States
I'd suggest using modmii to update all of the IOS files on your Wii, and use CFG USB Loader to load your games from a USB HDD. If you've pirated the game, just go out and buy it, then rip the disc yourself.. It's funny that the only people I've seen having issues with Skyward Sword (Other than the bug in the game that was Nintendo's fault) are people who have pirated it. Call it downloading backups, but if you don't actually own the disc, then it's piracy.

I preordered the game, updated everything using modmii, and ripped the disc from within CFG USB Loader.. I haven't had a single issue out of the game.


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2011
I saw a channel in Wii Shop Channel yesterday. It's a Skyward Sword Savegame update (It's free). Once you downloaded it, turn off your wifi then run the channel then just follow it.

I already tried this channel so it won't brick your Wii. I think it repairs corrupt savegames of the Skyward Sword


New Member
May 9, 2012
Deltona, FL
United States
toastyc12 said:
it's a very brute force solution, but if we can't come across any way to fix it, you might have to brave your way through the level until you can save and switch back to the loader.

I actually did exactly this. I was able to load up the game through Neogamma R9 and play through the whole area from start to finish. To my surprise, it didn't crash once; either I'm lucky or the problem concerning the crashes seems to have fixed itself. I was prepared for a lot of hit-and-miss runs too. Anyway, I'm going to continue the game through USB loader and see if I don't have another problem with these things. If anything, at least I know I can rely on the DVD as a last resort.

Feels a bit uncomfortable to leave the problem hanging there though. I'm more than sure I can still replicate the problem just by entering the level through the USB loader, so I'm still willing to test possible solutions.

JN_big3 said:
I saw a channel in Wii Shop Channel yesterday. It's a Skyward Sword Savegame update (It's free). Once you downloaded it, turn off your wifi then run the channel then just follow it.

I already tried this channel so it won't brick your Wii. I think it repairs corrupt savegames of the Skyward Sword

That may be for fixing the major bug in the game Nintendo was responsible for, by updating the save file. I'm confident the situation both Toasty and I are facing isn't related to a corrupt save file, but thanks for looking out.


May 5, 2012
United States
I'd suggest using modmii to update all of the IOS files on your Wii, and use CFG USB Loader to load your games from a USB HDD. If you've pirated the game, just go out and buy it, then rip the disc yourself.. It's funny that the only people I've seen having issues with Skyward Sword (Other than the bug in the game that was Nintendo's fault) are people who have pirated it. Call it downloading backups, but if you don't actually own the disc, then it's piracy.

I preordered the game, updated everything using modmii, and ripped the disc from within CFG USB Loader.. I haven't had a single issue out of the game.
As I mentioned before, I ripped a copy of both the games mentioned before I tried downloading it. If I must rip it using only cfg usb loader, then I will. I'm more of a fan of USB loader gx though.

toastyc12 said:
it's a very brute force solution, but if we can't come across any way to fix it, you might have to brave your way through the level until you can save and switch back to the loader.

I actually did exactly this. I was able to load up the game through Neogamma R9 and play through the whole area from start to finish. To my surprise, it didn't crash once; either I'm lucky or the problem concerning the crashes seems to have fixed itself. I was prepared for a lot of hit-and-miss runs too. Anyway, I'm going to continue the game through USB loader and see if I don't have another problem with these things. If anything, at least I know I can rely on the DVD as a last resort.

Feels a bit uncomfortable to leave the problem hanging there though. I'm more than sure I can still replicate the problem just by entering the level through the USB loader, so I'm still willing to test possible solutions.
I may just do the same with Another Code for the time being.

EDIT: to help figure out what's going on, is there some sort of thing I can run on the wii that acts like logcat?

Matheus Moore

Mar 13, 2016
So... after all these years... has anyone ever found a solution?

I have just got a wii and i'm trying to play SS and as soon as i got into Eldin I had the same error described above!

Please... if anyone is still alive... send me an answer!


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2015
United States
So... after all these years... has anyone ever found a solution?

I have just got a wii and i'm trying to play SS and as soon as i got into Eldin I had the same error described above!

Please... if anyone is still alive... send me an answer!

The issue fixes itself if you re-rip your game disc. There's no way to fix a bad pirated copy of a game.

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    I don't have a wii u anymore to test it myself, but if homebrews are not visible on the wii u menu I think you can press L + R + minus to open the plugin menu, there should be an option called "homebrews on wii u menu" or something similar
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    it is L+dpad down+ select
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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
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    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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