Hacking Scam screen Help


Active Member
Jan 23, 2012
United States
Hi, I've been trying to install hombrew for a while now, I have tried most guids on the web but I can't get past the scam screen. I tried ModMii's hackmii solutions but no luck i get stuck on the scam screen after installing the WADS. Can anybody help PLEEEAASE. Logs below. Thanks

HackMii v1.0 installer starting up
PVR = 00087103
running under IOS 58 rev 0x1820
64 titles are installed
Found IOS 254: revision: 0xff01*
installed BootMii/IOS: BM1.3 0x00000008
BootMii/IOS version sufficient
Found IOS 58: revision: 0x1820.
Found IOS 52: revision: 0x1700.
Found IOS 48: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 46: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 45: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 43: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 41: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 40: revision: 0xc00.
Found IOS 80: revision: 0x1b20.
Found IOS 250: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 249: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 223: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 222: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 57: revision: 0x171f.
Found IOS 70: revision: 0x1b00.
Found IOS 56: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 61: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 55: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 53: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 38: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 16: revision: 0x200.
Found IOS 60: revision: 0x1900.
Found IOS 51: revision: 0x1300.
Found IOS 50: revision: 0x1400.
Found IOS 10: revision: 0x300.
Found IOS 37: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 36: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 28: revision: 0x70f.
Found IOS 22: revision: 0x50e.
Found IOS 14: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 33: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 35: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 34: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 31: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 30: revision: 0xb00.
Found IOS 21: revision: 0x40f.
Found IOS 20: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 17: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 15: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 13: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 12: revision: 0x20e.
Found IOS 11: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 2: revision: 0x201.
Found IOS 9: revision: 0x40a.
Found IOS 4: revision: 0xff00.
launching IOS 58 for the installer...

IOS launched...

IOS versions: Installer: 58, HBC: 0
starting preparations


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
how long did you wait on the scam screen?
During the Scam screen, the hackmii installer is checking your Wii.
You need to wait that the analyze in complete, it will show a message "press (1)" when it's ready.


GBATemp's lurking knight
Former Staff
Oct 27, 2002
Engine room, learning
nah, he didn't install the wad yet, he just ran the Hackmii installer.
and the installer is not using IOS36 anymore but IOS58 (which shouldn't ever be patched).


Active Member
Jan 23, 2012
United States
I've waiting hours and the Wii wont respond, I'm thinking that should be long enough. When I try hackmii solutions option from Modmii when I click on the red envelope it takes me to the MMM main menu, I install the six wads the guide asks me install successfully, then I select hackmii installer from the app menu, scam screen pops up Wii appears to freeze and wiimotes turns off. I've waited for hours hoping the (1) would appear but nothing appears. I'm using a standard 2 gig sd card (also tried a 4 gig hcsd card) nothing unnecessary is plugged in Wii. My Wii is a launch wii with firmware 4.3u, which I recently formatted. if you look at the logs you can see where the proccess always stops. Any suggestions? thanks.


Active Member
Jan 23, 2012
United States
there should be a hackmii installer log somewhere on your SD card, post the contents of it here in a spoiler please.

Here it is:

HackMii v1.0 installer starting up
PVR = 00087103
running under IOS 58 rev 0x1820
64 titles are installed
Found IOS 254: revision: 0xff01*
installed BootMii/IOS: BM1.3 0x00000008
BootMii/IOS version sufficient
Found IOS 58: revision: 0x1820.
Found IOS 52: revision: 0x1700.
Found IOS 48: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 46: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 45: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 43: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 41: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 40: revision: 0xc00.
Found IOS 80: revision: 0x1b20.
Found IOS 250: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 249: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 223: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 222: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 57: revision: 0x171f.
Found IOS 70: revision: 0x1b00.
Found IOS 56: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 61: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 55: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 53: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 38: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 16: revision: 0x200.
Found IOS 60: revision: 0x1900.
Found IOS 51: revision: 0x1300.
Found IOS 50: revision: 0x1400.
Found IOS 10: revision: 0x300.
Found IOS 37: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 36: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 28: revision: 0x70f.
Found IOS 22: revision: 0x50e.
Found IOS 14: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 33: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 35: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 34: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 31: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 30: revision: 0xb00.
Found IOS 21: revision: 0x40f.
Found IOS 20: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 17: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 15: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 13: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 12: revision: 0x20e.
Found IOS 11: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 2: revision: 0x201.
Found IOS 9: revision: 0x40a.
Found IOS 4: revision: 0xff00.
launching IOS 58 for the installer...

IOS launched...

IOS versions: Installer: 58, HBC: 0
starting preparations


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
IOS launched...

IOS versions: Installer: 58, HBC: 0
starting preparations
Thats the problem. But who knows why it is doing that?

I'd suggest trying an earlier version of the hackmii installer. You'll have to find a way to get your hands on it since it isn't hosted on hackmii.com anymore (or at least not publicly).
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Active Member
Jan 23, 2012
United States
IOS launched...

IOS versions: Installer: 58, HBC: 0
starting preparations
Thats the problem. But who knows why it is doing that?

I'd suggest trying an earlier version of the hackmii installer. You'll have to find a way to get your hands on it since it isn't hosted on hackmii.com anymore (or at least not publicly).
Ok, I did a google search and found some older hackmii installer. these are the logs:
HackMii v0.6 installer starting up
PVR = 00087103
running under IOS 36 rev 0xe18
64 titles are installed
Found IOS 254: revision: 0xff01*
Found IOS 58: revision: 0x1820.
Found IOS 52: revision: 0x1700.
Found IOS 48: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 46: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 45: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 43: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 41: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 40: revision: 0xc00.
Found IOS 80: revision: 0x1b20.
Found IOS 250: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 249: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 223: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 222: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 57: revision: 0x171f.
Found IOS 70: revision: 0x1b00.
Found IOS 56: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 61: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 55: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 53: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 38: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 16: revision: 0x200.
Found IOS 60: revision: 0x1900.
Found IOS 51: revision: 0x1300.
Found IOS 50: revision: 0x1400.
Found IOS 10: revision: 0x300.
Found IOS 37: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 36: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 28: revision: 0x70f.
Found IOS 22: revision: 0x50e.
Found IOS 14: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 33: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 35: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 34: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 31: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 30: revision: 0xb00.
Found IOS 21: revision: 0x40f.
Found IOS 20: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 17: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 15: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 13: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 12: revision: 0x20e.
Found IOS 11: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 2: revision: 0x201.
Found IOS 9: revision: 0x40a.
Found IOS 4: revision: 0xff00.
IOS versions: Installer: 0, HBC: 61, DVDX: 36
got no usable IOS for the installer
starting preparationspreparations done!This installer can NOT continue!

There is no known vulnerable IOS installed on this Wii.
Please note that we will not use a fakesigned IOS due to
security reasons.

Look for an updated version at:

If this is already the latest version... well, suck it.
HackMii v0.7b installer starting up
PVR = 00087103
running under IOS 61 rev 0x161e64 titles are installed
Found IOS 254: revision: 0xff01*
installed BootMii/IOS: BM1.3 0x00000008
BootMii/IOS version sufficient
Found IOS 58: revision: 0x1820.
Found IOS 52: revision: 0x1700.
Found IOS 48: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 46: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 45: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 43: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 41: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 40: revision: 0xc00.
Found IOS 80: revision: 0x1b20.
Found IOS 250: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 249: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 223: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 222: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 57: revision: 0x171f.
Found IOS 70: revision: 0x1b00.
Found IOS 56: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 61: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 55: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 53: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 38: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 16: revision: 0x200.
Found IOS 60: revision: 0x1900.
Found IOS 51: revision: 0x1300.
Found IOS 50: revision: 0x1400.
Found IOS 10: revision: 0x300.
Found IOS 37: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 36: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 28: revision: 0x70f.
Found IOS 22: revision: 0x50e.
Found IOS 14: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 33: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 35: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 34: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 31: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 30: revision: 0xb00.
Found IOS 21: revision: 0x40f.
Found IOS 20: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 17: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 15: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 13: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 12: revision: 0x20e.
Found IOS 11: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 2: revision: 0x201.
Found IOS 9: revision: 0x40a.
Found IOS 4: revision: 0xff00.
launching IOS 38 for the installer...

IOS versions: Installer: 38, HBC: 61
starting preparations
HackMii v1.0 installer starting up
PVR = 00087103
running under IOS 58 rev 0x1820
64 titles are installed
Found IOS 254: revision: 0xff01*
installed BootMii/IOS: BM1.3 0x00000008
BootMii/IOS version sufficient
Found IOS 58: revision: 0x1820.
Found IOS 52: revision: 0x1700.
Found IOS 48: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 46: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 45: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 43: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 41: revision: 0xe17.
Found IOS 40: revision: 0xc00.
Found IOS 80: revision: 0x1b20.
Found IOS 250: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 249: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 223: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 222: revision: 0xff00.
Found IOS 57: revision: 0x171f.
Found IOS 70: revision: 0x1b00.
Found IOS 56: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 61: revision: 0x161e.
Found IOS 55: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 53: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 38: revision: 0x101c.
Found IOS 16: revision: 0x200.
Found IOS 60: revision: 0x1900.
Found IOS 51: revision: 0x1300.
Found IOS 50: revision: 0x1400.
Found IOS 10: revision: 0x300.
Found IOS 37: revision: 0x161f.
Found IOS 36: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 28: revision: 0x70f.
Found IOS 22: revision: 0x50e.
Found IOS 14: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 33: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 35: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 34: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 31: revision: 0xe18.
Found IOS 30: revision: 0xb00.
Found IOS 21: revision: 0x40f.
Found IOS 20: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 17: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 15: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 13: revision: 0x408.
Found IOS 12: revision: 0x20e.
Found IOS 11: revision: 0x100.
Found IOS 2: revision: 0x201.
Found IOS 9: revision: 0x40a.
Found IOS 4: revision: 0xff00.
launching IOS 58 for the installer...

IOS launched...

IOS versions: Installer: 58, HBC: 0
starting preparations


XFlak Fanboy
Apr 12, 2009
United States
Run pune's nandbincheck app, but before you can do that you will need to use casper to launch bootmii so you can make a nand backup. At least the nandbincheck app will point out anything that is really borked.
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