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Roe V Wade has been repealed

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Oct 19, 2021
Personally I don't understand why a general group of people, more often than not a group of men, should get to decide what a woman does with their own body. I've gone through most of the pages here and most of the arguments I see against abortions take the moral stand-point. Saying that murdering babies is wrong, taking away someone's right to life is wrong, but by that logic shouldn't it also be considered wrong to condemn other people to painful situations, or possibly death because of a pregnancy?

The main thing that ticks me off about most of the Pro-Lifers with this argument is they mainly care about controlling a mass of people, rather than actually prioritizing people's life and quality of it as a whole. Most of these people don't even care what happens to the child after it's been born, so maybe we should take a look at some problems that occur after? Let's use an example I've personally seen more times than I can count, a woman gets pregnant, denied abortion, but were unready for the commitment of parent-hood. Their decision? Put the child into foster or adoption, do you know the horrors of the foster-care system? People die there or just get out-right abandoned, and more often than not quite a few children are put into abusive house-holds. Do we suddenly not care about that now? That's where another point lies, people only care about "saving the baby" as soon as a pregnancy is formed, they don't seem to give a shit about it after it's born, nor the situations it's life leads them, so most of these problems go unsolved as everyone is too focused on things they shouldn't be.

More on the point of people thinking it's murder, how is a coagulation of tissue that hasn't even formed a brain, much less any sense of consciousness / sentience considered a person? Are you saying that a unborn baby suddenly invalidates the rights of the person who carries it? Rights to bodily autonomy shouldn't be revoked because someone got pregnant, which let me add isn't always a choice as some people seem to keep saying here. So if getting pregnant is a choice, people should have the choice to stop being so. And don't respond to this with "just don't get pregnant" because that, like said before isn't always a choice for the individual, because getting raped is still a thing. Furthering that stance, if someone gets raped are you seriously saying they have to go through with a pregnancy that could not only be devastating to someone's physical well being, but also their mental? Has literally anyone fighting against abortion thought of that instance? No? Well that's to be expected as it's mostly about controlling women, because people in politics can't seem to stand that women's choices are a thing.

Bottom line is, people shouldn't be trying to enforce this "one size fits all" scenario as everyone has different stances and experiences in life, that's what makes people different and because of these different experiences you can't properly restrict someone's rights like that, it just makes it absurd and any argument in favor of it only covers a small margin of people; not everyone has a choice in the matter and that fact should be remembered. Even if people aren't concerned with the right to abortion being revoked, they should at least use the overturning of the case as a wakeup call to realize, if these rights are on the road to being revoked, what else will be? Only time will tell but no one can say if it's for better or worse, and like @The Catboy has stated quite a few times already, taking away the clean and safe environment for proper abortions will just lead to people choosing a very unsafe route for their abortions since every other way was taken, "dirty motels with dead bodies" seems to be quite a likely outcome in this scenario, not even taking into consideration the fact that people will most certainly take advantage of the prospect and use women looking for abortions as a means to further criminal activities, such as marketing "safe abortions" but then they just steal their kidney in a dirty motel and leave them for dead, overturning this case will most definitely lead to more deaths than saved lives.

Sorry for the rant, lol.
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Deleted member 586536

Returned shipping and mailing
Feb 26, 2022
Delusional people keep carrying on.

Your party lost their mind over this image this month. Claiming that it's grooming when two non hetrosexual people kissed.



and this is not grooming? I think your the one Delusional here and needing a fuck ton of Copium.

The Catboy

GBAtemp Official Catboy™: Savior of the broken
Sep 13, 2009
Making a non-binary fuss
Source: Bing.com "Norma McCorvery"
Be cooler if you could provide the source that shows her false rape accusations were part of Roe v Wade. Your claim was this
The entire thing was a lie anyway. She lied about being raped. The whole trial was a sham.
So how is this relevant to Roe v Wade? Was her claim part of the trial?


Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2017
United States
Personally I don't understand why a general group of people, more often than not a group of men, should get to decide what a woman does with their own body. I've gone through most of the pages here and most of the arguments I see against abortions take the moral stand-point. Saying that murdering babies is wrong, taking away someone's right to life is wrong, but by that logic shouldn't it also be considered wrong to condemn other people to painful situations, or possibly death because of a pregnancy?

The main thing that ticks me off about most of the Pro-Lifers with this argument is they mainly care about controlling a mass of people, rather than actually prioritizing people's life and quality of it as a whole. Most of these people don't even care what happens to the child after it's been born, so maybe we should take a look at some problems that occur after? Let's use an example I've personally seen more times than I can count, a woman gets pregnant, denied abortion, but were unready for the commitment of parent-hood. Their decision? Put the child into foster or adoption, do you know the horrors of the foster-care system? People die there or just get out-right abandoned, and more often than not quite a few children are put into abusive house-holds. Do we suddenly not care about that now? That's where another point lies, people only care about "saving the baby" as soon as a pregnancy is formed, they don't seem to give a shit about it after it's born, nor the situations it's life leads them, so most of these problems go unsolved as everyone is too focused on things they shouldn't be.

More on the point of people thinking it's murder, how is a coagulation of tissue that hasn't even formed a brain, much less any sense of consciousness / sentience considered a person? Are you saying that a unborn baby suddenly invalidates the rights of the person who carries it? Rights to bodily autonomy shouldn't be revoked because someone got pregnant, which let me add isn't always a choice as some people seem to keep saying here. So if getting pregnant is a choice, people should have the choice to stop being so. And don't respond to this with "just don't get pregnant" because that, like said before isn't always a choice for the individual, because getting raped is still a thing. Furthering that stance, if someone gets raped are you seriously saying they have to go through with a pregnancy that could not only be devastating to someone's physical well being, but also their mental? Has literally anyone fighting against abortion thought of that instance? No? Well that's to be expected as it's mostly about controlling women, because people in politics can't seem to stand that women's choices are a thing.

Bottom line is, people shouldn't be trying to enforce this "one size fits all" scenario as everyone has different stances and experiences in life, that's what makes people different and because of these different experiences you can't properly restrict someone's rights like that, it just makes it absurd and any argument in favor of it only covers a small margin of people; not everyone has a choice in the matter and that fact should be remembered. Even if people aren't concerned with the right to abortion being revoked, they should at least use the overturning of the case as a wakeup call to realize, if these rights are on the road to being revoked, what else will be? Only time will tell but no one can say if it's for better or worse, and like @The Catboy has stated quite a few times already, taking away the clean and safe environment for proper abortions will just lead to people choosing a very unsafe route for their abortions since every other way was taken, "dirty motels with dead bodies" seems to be quite a likely outcome in this scenario, not even taking into consideration the fact that people will most certainly take advantage of the prospect and use women looking for abortions as a means to further criminal activities, such as marketing "safe abortions" but then they just steal their kidney in a dirty motel and leave them for dead, overturning this case will most definitely lead to more deaths than saved lives.

Sorry for the rant, lol.
A women can't procreate on their own, they need semen, and where does that come from? Men. So yes, men do have a say as well.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2022
United States
Personally I don't understand why a general group of people, more often than not a group of men, should get to decide what a woman does with their own body. I've gone through most of the pages here and most of the arguments I see against abortions take the moral stand-point. Saying that murdering babies is wrong, taking away someone's right to life is wrong, but by that logic shouldn't it also be considered wrong to condemn other people to painful situations, or possibly death because of a pregnancy?

The main thing that ticks me off about most of the Pro-Lifers with this argument is they mainly care about controlling a mass of people, rather than actually prioritizing people's life and quality of it as a whole. Most of these people don't even care what happens to the child after it's been born, so maybe we should take a look at some problems that occur after? Let's use an example I've personally seen more times than I can count, a woman gets pregnant, denied abortion, but were unready for the commitment of parent-hood. Their decision? Put the child into foster or adoption, do you know the horrors of the foster-care system? People die there or just get out-right abandoned, and more often than not quite a few children are put into abusive house-holds. Do we suddenly not care about that now? That's where another point lies, people only care about "saving the baby" as soon as a pregnancy is formed, they don't seem to give a shit about it after it's born, nor the situations it's life leads them, so most of these problems go unsolved as everyone is too focused on things they shouldn't be.

More on the point of people thinking it's murder, how is a coagulation of tissue that hasn't even formed a brain, much less any sense of consciousness / sentience considered a person? Are you saying that a unborn baby suddenly invalidates the rights of the person who carries it? Rights to bodily autonomy shouldn't be revoked because someone got pregnant, which let me add isn't always a choice as some people seem to keep saying here. So if getting pregnant is a choice, people should have the choice to stop being so. And don't respond to this with "just don't get pregnant" because that, like said before isn't always a choice for the individual, because getting raped is still a thing. Furthering that stance, if someone gets raped are you seriously saying they have to go through with a pregnancy that could not only be devastating to someone's physical well being, but also their mental? Has literally anyone fighting against abortion thought of that instance? No? Well that's to be expected as it's mostly about controlling women, because people in politics can't seem to stand that women's choices are a thing.

Bottom line is, people shouldn't be trying to enforce this "one size fits all" scenario as everyone has different stances and experiences in life, that's what makes people different and because of these different experiences you can't properly restrict someone's rights like that, it just makes it absurd and any argument in favor of it only covers a small margin of people; not everyone has a choice in the matter and that fact should be remembered. Even if people aren't concerned with the right to abortion being revoked, they should at least use the overturning of the case as a wakeup call to realize, if these rights are on the road to being revoked, what else will be? Only time will tell but no one can say if it's for better or worse, and like @The Catboy has stated quite a few times already, taking away the clean and safe environment for proper abortions will just lead to people choosing a very unsafe route for their abortions since every other way was taken, "dirty motels with dead bodies" seems to be quite a likely outcome in this scenario, not even taking into consideration the fact that people will most certainly take advantage of the prospect and use women looking for abortions as a means to further criminal activities, such as marketing "safe abortions" but then they just steal their kidney in a dirty motel and leave them for dead, overturning this case will most definitely lead to more deaths than saved lives.

Sorry for the rant, lol.
Men can get pregnant too. Don't be a bigot.


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2022
United States
If everyone to the left of fascist voted for who they wanted and the fascists voted for the same fascist (which they did) then we would have a fascist for a president right now. You get that, right? And contrary to what you want to believe, if you aren't voting against them you're part of the problem.
I mean I'm pretty sure that there were more options than TRUMP or BIDEN. There were other people from those political parties that could have picked as the nominee and there are several other independents on the ballot come voting day.

Instead everyone went to one side or the other. And this time the Blues won. I thought that's what you wanted but I guess what you want changes every few seconds.

Yes, I'm part of the problem for not caring which corrupt asshole that doesn't have my best interest at heart gets to pretend to be the king of America for four to 8 years. Consider voting for something other than Blue in two years if you want a change until then, stop blaming the government because you cant control the people you wanted in office.


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2008
Republic of Ireland
Be cooler if you could provide the source that shows her false rape accusations were part of Roe v Wade. Your claim was this

So how is this relevant to Roe v Wade? Was her claim part of the trial?
Of course it was. She was the plaintiff in a case for making abortion legal. Her case for wanting an abortion was that she was gang raped when she wasn't.


Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2014
Death Star
United Kingdom
But why would he want interracial marriage illegal if he is in an interracial marriage? That is not based on logic or evidence, but neither are so many comments on this thread.
If that were to happen, it would only affect future marriages, it wouldn't invalidate existing ones. That's how it works usually, when a law is reformed.


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2015
Phoenix, AZ
United States
I mean I'm pretty sure that there were more options than TRUMP or BIDEN. There were other people from those political parties that could have picked as the nominee and there are several other independents on the ballot come voting day.

Instead everyone went to one side or the other. And this time the Blues won. I thought that's what you wanted but I guess what you want changes every few seconds.

Yes, I'm part of the problem for not caring which corrupt asshole that doesn't have my best interest at heart gets to pretend to be the king of America for four to 8 years. Consider voting for something other than Blue in two years if you want a change until then, stop blaming the government because you cant control the people you wanted in office.
If we start voting for something other than blue then it splits the vote between the centrists and the left while the far right all still vote for the same fascist. If you can't understand that then you don't have any valid opinions on the system or just how fucked we really are.
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