Here is a port of the excellent scummvm engine to the ps vita. The port is now in an usable state, and is working very fine on the vita. There's still a few things to improve (add touch support, flac support ?). For a list of compatible games see : http://scummvm.org/compatibility/
I really want to thanks Xavier from consoleX for sending me a free ps vita for development !
See you soon,
- Fix jerky/laggy analog joystick mouse control (@rsn8887 )
- merge all changes (2016/10/11 to 2017/02/11) from main scummvm repository
- enable cloud (untested)
- update to latest sdk/libs
- few fixes and optimizations
- improved speed: more than 100% faster on some games (for example broken sword 1 intro now play full speed)
- enabled scalers and hq scalers (no need to enable 2x scalers on "HD" games like broken swords, will just slow down)
- ability to use "integer scaling" (disable fullscreen)
- corrected aspect ratio of some games
- updates sources to latest git revision (2016-10-11)
- fixed libmad (mp3 playback, should fix some games)
- added flac support (libFLAC, should fix some games)
- prevent sleep mode
- disable asm (FIX ALL GAMES, thanks @Lousyphreak)
- fix select button misconfiguration (on screen keyboard working)
- include data in vpk package (no need to copy any folder manually, just install vpk, thanks xyz)
- set cpu bus full speed (improve speed)
- optimize flags (improve speed)
Last edited by cpasjuste,