can i convert my wii to a 4.1J?
will i have to unistall dvdx, the mios i needed for gc loader, and bootmii ios and the hbc?
i read that some wiis can't region swap, as doing this puts the region down to 3.2, and some wiis cannot handle new the older firmwares.
is my wii one of those un-regionchangeable (as yet)?
do i have to 'downgrade' whilst changing my region, or can i just go straight to J?
(i have lots of japanese wii retail disks, so, since my drive can't play backups (i think) then, i have to swap the region to play them)
thank you so much! i am worried about bricking it, as i have no bootmii in boot2
also, is there a test i can do to see if i have a LU64+ wii? my serial numbre is LEH50.... so, it is NOT LU64+?