Hardware Red screen while running vWii


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
United States
My vWii worked fine until today. Today the blacks on the screen are red; the whites are green. Is a really trippy experience but i need to fix it in some ways. I didn't change anything in my screen setup. Wiiu mode works fine. When switching to vWii it becomes psychedelic.

I found out if i set the resolution to 480p the colors are almost right (except some 0% blacks are displayed as 100% blue)

What it could be? The last game i played in vwii mode is fzero gx pal at 60 hz native wide-screen mode


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
United States
I tried a ntsc GameCube game via nintendont and a ntsc wii game via usbloadergx and it still has the red screen...

I can't understand, i didn't change any cables or equipment, it changed overnight...

Deleted User

I tried a ntsc GameCube game via nintendont and a ntsc wii game via usbloadergx and it still has the red screen...

I can't understand, i didn't change any cables or equipment, it changed overnight...

Sorry to tell you, but this seems like a rare hardware-defect.

Your Wii-GPU (WiiU has 2 GPUs, one is for WiiU-mode and one is for Wii-mode) is dying.

And yes. This is common for such GPU-defects.

They typically work on one day and after that day, you come hone, switch on your console (lol) and then it´s dead.

The "Wii GPU" is an ATI Radeon from old days. And these GPUs were common to die overnight. Not just like today, where you have GPU-dying-signs months or weeks before it´s actually dead.

I only know that, when you had the famous "Wii-GPU-death"-sign it meant you get coloured pixels on the screen where they shouldn´t be any.

Check if you have this! If you have it, your Wii-GPU is dead and you no longer can use Wii-games from now on (but your WiiU-GPU is fine and can still play WiiU-games).

You may also try switching your TV to all possible resolutions. If it´s just one resolution that shows such signs it might be a defective/corroding cable.

Exchange that cable and assuming you´re lucky it will work again.

But: If it´s still there with the graphics-issues then your Wii-GPU is DEAD!

Also: I warned others of Hardware-defects on their WiiU when using USB Loader GX!

DO NOT use USB Loader GX in combination when trying to use the PowerPC in vWii-mode or you will FRY your cpu.

So yeah. That´s what most-likely happened with your WiiU if you ask me.

Some other thread here also said he had the problem his "vWii"-mode no longer works. His PPC-cpu seems to be dead.

He can boot up his WiiU-mode fine, but whenever he tries to go into Wii-mode it´s just going black and then restarting!

THIS MEANS your PPC-cpu is dead! And that guy also used USB Loader GX for a very long time...and thought nothing would happen.

And i warned that guy, that he used too much "USB Loader GX", which is DANGEROUS (USB in general is DANGEROUS for PPC-cpus, see Pentium-4-Days, where it also KILLED whole motherboards and cpus!) for the PPC.

Why is USB dangerous and why Nintendo did NOT use USB 3.0 for the WiiU?

Simple: It seems they use the SAME power for the PPC-cpu (15 watts) which is also occupied by the USB-ports.

That is the reason you can KILL your PPC-cpu if you fry your USB-ports. Or yes: You might even kill your Wii-GPU as well. It depends...

If you overload your USB-ports on the back (not on the front!), then you may fry your PPC-cpu (or if it´s not dying, it might at least not be able to be accessed any longer since USB 2.0-backports are ESSENTIAL when you want to access the PowerPC-cpu (this is what happens when you go into Wii-mode, the PPC first checks the USB 2.0-backports).

And 10 years ago, i remember there being a lot of articles saying that because when you use USB 2.0 and load it to the max, you can EASILY kill your cpu and/or your motherboard or your mainboard´s VRM. Because USB 2 is very taxing on the cpu-side and that means the energy has to be there. And if your VRM on the motherboard was too weak and you overloaded it...xD

Remember? PowerPC-cpus do not clock down when they have lower stuff to do. Their energy-management is quite different.

And that means: This is the weak-point of a WiIU. It´s the archilles-heel as you can call it. the USB 2.0-ports. You should NOT overload them (try to put some heavy USB-hdds on there without an own power-delivery!).

You should NOT put 2 HDDs on there. You should not short them. And you should be very careful when using them.

It´s best to not use them at all (i mean if you don´t need them).

Or: If you want max. safety: DO NOT USE USB-memory when accessing the PowerPC-cpu and you are safe from any damage (just install the games directly on the flash-memory, or use the SD-card-method instead!). See? SD-cards are slower...yes. But they are also SAFE and don´t fry your PPC-cpu, it´s VRM (yes, the PPC-cpu has it´s own vrm) or the 2nd GPU of the Wii-side. The WiiU is a complex machine. It consists of many chips and circuits and different VRMs and there are weak points in any machine after all.

If the USB 2.0-port on the back is DEAD your WiiU can no longer access the PowerPC btw.

So yeah. I assume you may have fried your back-usb Ports. You can check that with a volt-meter if you have one. If it gives out 5 volts or nearly 5 volts al is fine but if not...;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2019
United States
Omg i am scared now. The blue pixels in random places that i get when i force 480p are really suspicious. What i did recently was plugging the Logitech microphone on the back ports. The wiiu drive was plugged the front from day one, the wii drive is powered and mostly i loaded from sd

Deleted User

Omg i am scared now. The blue pixels in random places that i get when i force 480p are really suspicious. What i did recently was plugging the Logitech microphone on the back ports. The wiiu drive was plugged the front from day one, the wii drive is powered and mostly i loaded from sd

Like i said: BE CAREFUL when using USB 2.0. There is a good reason Nintendo made a big exclamation-mark in the manual when handling with USB-devices on WiiU!

And THIS is also the reason the WiiU does NOT actively power it´s USB-2.0-ports. You only can load them to a max of like 0.5 Amp.

If you plugged in "Logitech Microphone on the backports" why don´t you try putting out to see if it fixes your issue?

If it does not work: Like i said then you damaged it. You may repair it, but it won`t be cheap. I guess in your case you would have to replace the whole faulty/damaged VRM. That means you have to exchange every capacitor and every coil on the WiiU´s motherboard. But before you do you measure them.

But for now: Just try unplugging your "Logitech Microphone" to see what happens. Maybe you´re lucky and it´s just your USB-port being a bit damaged. But if it´s your GPU being damaged over a long period of time (because you played in such a state for let´s say 1 or 2 years), then your GPU is just dead and a repair is impossible.

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