ahhh... I think you have one of those DSi's that has been updated to 1.4? which is a BBIIIGGG no no!
You'd have to find someway to downgrade, OR i recommend an AceKard 2i, Which wont involve downgrades etc, there only like 15$ or so
QUOTE said:
just to respond to the questions asked.
I purchased r4i-sdhc without the 1.4 yellow star.Purchased from the site ezbuyxtreme.com. I have made numerous purchases from this site in the past without any problems.
Just did a little research for you.
The site says (r4i-sdhc.com)
"The card with 1.4 mark can be support NDSi console hardware and software update and upgrade"
Translated to PROPER english >>> "The Box with the 1.4 Gold star on it will work with a DSi"
"The card without 1.4 mark can not support NDSi console V1.4 temporary ,we suggest don't upgrade V1.4 version by network,to avoid causing cannot use. in case of any inconvenient ?Pls forgive us"
Translated to proper english >> The Box without the 1.4 Gold Star wont work on a DSi and dont upgrade your DSi to 1.4 so it wont brake, Also if you break it we dont want to hear from you, go home and cry in your dark lonely corner as you slowly try to kill yourself, We wont take responsibility for the following, Death, A epic rash, Whooping cough, Bird Flu, Flu Flu, Swine Flu, Fleash eating super bugs, or mad mad Rage"
So in Summary, im guessing the card just wont work on a DSi, But it may be a good spare for your Lite etc?