Questions / (Snow-Storm) Blog.

  • Thread starter Deleted User
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Deleted User

Okay, so with all this snow in EST-USA I'm stuck inside and have been for the last week (2-3 feet of snow). (almost two weeks now).

PSP Thoughts/Homebrew

Anyway, back to the main topic, how much longer of a life-line do you think the PSP has? No doubt its the most powerful [official] hand-held system exempting the speculative open-source Pandora. How far would you objectively rate the homebrew potential/capability at the moment? The reason I ask is because, like many of you, I lack the technical expertise to understand the specific programming that goes into homebrew, but I do enjoy sitting back and watching teams and individuals take a strike at overly powerful domineering corporate conglomerates. (Like Symphonic's quest for music homebrew /
or the PSP-Go[more like PSP-Control].

My thoughts so far are that homebrew come a long way, but the real question that echoes in my mind is: "how much farther can this go?"

Lately I've been investing some more instance into PC/PSP emulation (in particular; SNES/PSX/PS2/GBA/NDS) All of which my brothers or I have owned at one point. I've also just discovered the prowess that is J-Downloader as well as how powerful rapidshare/megaupload hosting sites are. I like to understand how things work conceptually, but unfortunately my math skills pretty much capped out at algebra II in HS. (Spatial/Visual problems)(I pretty much got by memorizing methodologies for solving problems.

I've been slowly and steadily playing through FF VII (PSN-PSP). I can most definitely see why some would hail it as the transitioning period for modern RPG's. While I don't think it's the best game I've ever played, (I in particular fancy the GBA RPG series Golden Sun and Golden Sun The Lost Age) I can see why fanboys throw such praise at it. Story-wise it finally breaks[broke] the fantasy paradigm that first initially setup the Final Fantasy series. Personally, I abhor "Fantasy" genres because I believe that nothing significant or innovative will come from sticking to working paradigms. On that note, I'm curious how US reception of how the latest final fantasy game will be...

To be honest, FF VII's materia system was definitely innovative (though it may be similar to FFVI, I'm not sure, (another game I intend to play at some point or another *sigh*)(the RPG one translation). Looking back on it now, I can see a striking similarity between Golden Sun's Djinn system and FF VII's materia the customization-gameplay element, though Final Fantasy is a bit deeper. Where was I, ah yes...story wise I haven't completely filled in all of the gaps, but I think for its chronological placement in time FFVII is at least a conservative 7/10 story value, while Golden Sun is probably about a 5 as it rehashes upon traditional RPG stories yet carries about definitively in the "Chapter-esque-purpose" thematic. (Each game had a purpose towards an understanding, then the second objective).

Though it may not be objective, I'd like to rate Golden Sun 1 as about a 6.5 story and Golden Sun 2 as about an 8.5 (as I had never had any notion of visiting Atlantis in the lost age)(and that sorty of mystique is highly appealing to me.

One of my favorite sites that I've recently since discovered would have to be *SNIP* for its awesome shrines to various "classic" rpgs such as Treasure of the Rudras or Chrono Trigger. The amount of content that the author compiled on the page amazes me, it's one of my favorite websites and I'm hoping to eventually get through most of its games. Especially now that I can play these discontinued games on the PSP using Snes9x/NesterJ etc.

On the topic of Nes/Snes/PSX games, what would you guys say; personally, were your favorite versions of these games? were they the originals or were they the remakes? Why?

Computer-Game Wise

I've been trying to get myself to delve more into games I never "finished", via emulation say; (FF X / Kingdom Hearts)

Shattered Galaxy > Still Running! 2001-2010! Summer 2003 (1500 server population has dwindled down to 200-600 at peak hours)(Chinese hours...X_X(12 hours off my normal schedules) This is the game that really sticks close to my heart, I've always found myself returning to it at one point or another, it's such a shame that Nexon allowed "Kru" to spinoff and stagnate it. It really is.

Project of Planets > Recently quit/retired, to each your own phrasing (I'm too sleep deprived and semi-"ocd" to pick between the phrasings...) Grind put me off. (and lack of updates, you can imagine how Chinese developers are…).

Mass-Effect > I've started it, I'm running it at near-max settings, but I don't think I'm really buying into the "Space Opera" aspect of it though...I never really was a fan of FPS games.

Starcraft > I've been playing UMS pick up games lately sometimes (Evolves/Extreme Special Forces/Mass games etc) Just simple, easy-going stuff.

Photoshop > Okay, not game-wise, but I've had some lee-way to get back into it, I made my first forum signature the other day...go me >.

Guild McCommunist

(not on boat)
May 6, 2009
The Danger Zone
United States
This should be moved to blogs, since you said it was a Blog, FYI.

Anyway, interesting stuff. I'm also snowed in here (not as bad as you, but still snowed in).

For the PSP, it's pretty good with homebrew since it can emulate a lot better than the DS (being that it is more powerful). As for games, I'm not quite sure, I don't have a PSP (yet). Most homebrew games are usually WIP and don't get completed or take a while to do so. Well, there are still some shining examples of practically finished homebrew, such as Powder.

Well, hopefully we can chat more once I get my PSP, since this was mainly a PSP blog.

It's nice to see someone whose got a diverse set of opinions than most fanboys and who is pretty unbiased as well. I look forward to seeing more contributions from you!

Deleted User

Eh, blog/ranting--I just wanted to give a head's up. I was originally debating putting this in the PSP forum, but I wanted to garner more views, hence why I put it here instead. (since this "general" section attracts far more broad-generalized attention) which suits my preferential needs better.

For the most part this thread will serve to alleviate my mental-blocks between all listed-said subjects xD...ask questions and just discuss whatever. (and I am Random).

That's odd Guild, because I was actually hoping you'd comment. I actually chuckled a bit when I noticed you replied. PSP wise, it's definitely better (for homebrew purposes to get a psp-slim), though if you can't find one, as you know, all 1000 models are CFW'able.

PSP-Homebrew/tech etc.

-the extra ram definitely helps with homebrew applications.

That's the definitive post I've found so far, I've just had a lot of trouble getting them to work. Juggling .PRX files, ensuring proper file hierarchy tends to be a bit of an issue sometimes...

Personally, I'd like to be able to use some of the non-game homebrew, for example, this earl morning I was trying to get BookR to work, (curious as it supports .PDF) files and I recently got my hands on the FF/7/8/9/X guides.

-definitely consider buying a CR-5400. Mine have been working perfectly (it's a dual Micro SD to memory stick pro-duo adapter). I haven't however, taken them out of their respective 5400's though (which are to a degree, somewhat flimsy) (I'm currently using 2x4GB (2)) and I'm waiting on two cheap 16gb micro SD's(roughly $20 each
(since I figured that overall, I was getting more involved in this [scene] anyhow) Heh, with the rate at which I get through games I'll be having my mid-life crisis before too long. (I’m 20)

Gaming Trilogies?

While I'm not a Final Fantasy fanboy, I really, really do appreciate Nobuo Uematsu's work. (I stopped the FFVII soundtrack before one-winged angel because I haven't experienced it in-game yet xD). I tend to be drawn towards games that break the fantasy-stereotype...I am, however, using a Final Fantasy VII Crisis core bacgkround for mystiques purpose (since I don't fully comprehend the story) the mystery of it entices me (I love myths/history/archaeology/anthropology) > social sciences really...I'm actually starting to lean away from Psychology, which is surprising to me.

Object Dock (Imagine 4 Rocket Docks (Top/Bottom/Left/Right) that hide when you don't need them. Hells Yeah!
(this is helping me to keep my desktop freakin CLEAN!

I'm really curious about Parasite Eve after FFVII, (Earthbound-Zero/Earthbound/Mother 3) or maybe Xenogears. (I may just have to listen to the soundtracks and decide what game to play based on that x_X) Unfortunately, I tend to be drawn towards game-collecting rather than game-playing. I'll read voraciously about a title (or as much as I care to w/o being detrimental towards the experience)...I suppose this is what summer vacations are for?

PC Games as of recently...

CPU: [Overpriced Alienware M15x]
Good thing it's a REPLACEMENT for my XPS M1530
which would reach temperatures of 160-170 Fahrenheit idling...
(it crashed on me while I was writing a term paper, insert !@#$% here.

i7-720QM 1.6-2.8 Turbo.
GT 240M. Naturally, I want to upgrade this to a GT-260M, but as I'm a poor, unemployed student, (you wouldn't think so would you =/)
it's not going to happen any time soon, which is fine since everything I want to do works fine and future games will probably be coded better
for hyper-threading / multi-core support.
4GB DDR3. (see first post)
Tactical-RTS (very interesting concept if you ask me)
(you command up to 12 "units" at any given time) and work together to secure
certain points "Pocs" "Points of Conflict/Contention" > under different circumstances to win.

> Suppose you could say I played "[SG]" for about 6 years on/off from 13-20(now). Though,
I don't think I'll continue playing--game is too slow now. (population wise I mean, (200-300 US pop is ROUGH).
Especially with guilds having the ability to filter who they want in their battles...
Age of Armor clone (minus the cash shop whoredom, Thus far) Chinese Grinding game
(Oh, did I mention semi-Gundamish?) Yeah well, 3D models. POP Gameplay, but both need a lot of work...

PCSX2/PSXFIN/SNES9x/VBA/no$gba > do these really need explaining?


Snow wise, well...It's still snowing, that's all I can really say(20+ inches)... I take TuTh classes at a local college and I haven't had classes since last, last Thursday...(Meaning, if I don't have class tomorrow (and I probably won't) I won't have had class for 2 weeks...which is to say that I’ve been passing time experimenting w/ homebrew (most unsuccessfully). (which may have something to do w/ the 32-64 ram 1000vs2000 scenario / homebrew development.

Music... Alternative/Rock/Symphonic Metal [ABHOR hip-hop/rap] > I don't really keep much music on my HDD anymore (I need to get an external HDD)


Apr 10, 2009
What? How can you even compare the Materia and the Djinn system? They're completely different!

As for MOTHER... You don't need to play them in order. I recommend you skip EarthBound Zero entirely, because unless you're a die-hard fan, you're going to hate playing it.

Indeed, Nobou is a wonderful composer. Chrono Trigger music will live forever.


GBAtemp's Official Mook™
Sep 12, 2009
United States
BeatriceTheGolden said:
What? How can you even compare the Materia and the Djinn system? They're completely different!

As for MOTHER... You don't need to play them in order. I recommend you skip EarthBound Zero entirely, because unless you're a die-hard fan, you're going to hate playing it.

Indeed, Nobou is a wonderful composer. Chrono Trigger music will live forever.

I gotta agree with this post, except for the Earthbound statement. I always have to play games in order.

Deleted User

While that may be true, I still think it's interesting to see the progression from the NES-->SNES-->GBA games and how the pallets evolve and so on / so forth.

by the way, i'm about 45-50 hours into FFVII now and I've come to dislike it. Shallow captain-planet-esque story-line, feel like it's been dragging on for a while now...going to have to write an objective review on it later to get my feelings out of the way. I really enjoyed some of the character arcs like Nanaki's (Red XIII)'s and Vampire Vincents in the Shinra mansion. I feel that parts of the gam easily comparatively surpass the game as a whole because their design lends to a greater emotionally appealing game.

It's been fun for the first half of the game, now I just feel like it's totally overrated and I want to try VI, get back to FF-IX(to see how the dynamics of the final playstation game change, since VII was the first. Between PS1-PS2 the music has definitely changed a great deal. The reason I'm upset with FFVII at the moment is because the story-line is being told in bits and pieces and it's not making a whole lot of sense. Nor is it successfully appealing to my emotions. Gameplay wise, it's a great game, but story-wise, I feel as if the departure from "Final [Fantasy]" as initially successful, but at an ultimatum it's dropped off to rely much heavier on gameplay to make up for ambiguity. On that note, I'm just about to do the submarine mini-game in Junon.

Storyline wise, an example would be for me to use FFX vs FFVII. FFX provides more of an [experience] so to say where everything goes towards shaping the world, the concepts, the people. (Remember Yuna's sending after the sin attack?) I feel like FFVII is more gameplay whereas FFX is more RPG-Story. The characters in FFVII are somewhat shallow, they don't really have an error of complexity to them or anything (ie) Cecil FFIV. I feel like FFVII might as well be named; "The Hunt for Sephiroth + mini-games".

FFVII wasn't as successful in my eyes because it didn't really have as much of a clear story > to built up and consolidate into a gaming experience > which in effect is what an RPG should be to me: A great story. VII wasn't for me, I feel like I may as well be playing the childrens game "Duck, Duck, Goose" with Sephiroth. Golden Sun has a clear path, though, somewhat more linear that really lends itself towards emphasizing with the characters.

Even when Aeris died, (and I knew she would for a long time), it was a moment to remember, but all the same comparing Aeris' death to FF X's Auron being an unsent? or the Jecht Spheres?

About the Djinn system, what djinn you wear change your class and your prospective inherent benefits / psy energies as well as what summons you can use (as well as the benefits of the djin skill themselves. > the only real difference to me is that djinn affect your psy-energy which in-turn effects the type of psyenergy you can use to solve puzzles.

Materia is a flexible magic system, much like Djinn, you have the option to pretty much, from the ground up decide what combinations of materia (aka "class" > Golden Sun you want). The materia even decides your HP/MP base stats. So, in effect, you may as well be changing classes, because you have 100% control over whether or not you use cliche' materia "class setups" or those that rely on a few key material skills etc.

I think I'm definitely going to have to play Xenogears or Parasite Eve afterwards, I need a drastic change of pace from FF games.

Final Fantasy VII Objective Score. (Basis / Star review).

Graphics (1997) 9.0/10.0 (2010) 6.0-7.0-10 (it's a PS1 game/PSP)(which doesn't use the full potential)

1997 was the dawn of 3D-Polygonal graphics (AKA lego graphics) that so fondly characterize FF VII.
I wish FFVII could have been modified and ported some more to make up for the 10 year GAP, however,
I can see why some may argue that this would corrupt the essence of the game.

Story (1997) 7.5-8.0/10 (2010) 5.0-6.0/10

(1997) the FMV's really add an element of "Sephiroth/Spartaaaa" to the story that one could get into, however, I feel that the story is in effect the experience of a game, it's what I'm after, that's why I like to play RPG's. Cloud doesn't have a definitive personality, which really to be honest, isn't [role playing]. Game-play lends itself fairly nicely to the story in the 1997 era because of the unique materia system. Essentially the story revolves around the avalanche team trying to protect the planet and get rid of the most bad-ass, villan ever, Sephiroth.


That's all I really have to say about FFVII / (2010). > I enjoyed learning about each of the characters (Vincent/Yuffi/Nanaki(Rex XIII) and I'm still curious to unravel Zack Mayfairs Crisis Core adventures. (Zack Mayfair sticks to me as my favorite character)(because...he is everything that cloud wasn't factually). I didn't like that twist =/ Overall, FF VII is a simple plot that's pulled off reasonably well int he 1997 era, but it lacks the complexities necessary to successfully appeal to a more modern audience of gamers

FF VII really does seem to be characterized by its animated videos (FMV's) that tend to move the plot along.

Music > 1997 (8.5/10)
(PS-1) = first game console to make use of the disc system and therefore allow Nobuo Uematsu to finally extend upon his motifs which he does so wonderfully.

Music > 1997 (9.0/10)
(PS-1) Nostalgia Factor rules my vote here. There are particular themes that really stick into my head like Aeris, the Flower-girls theme. It's a shame that the music can't make up for the lack of compelling story-telling, but it does express the emotions of characters, battles, events quite well.

Gameplay (1997) 8.0-8.5

1997. The reason I'm considering an (8.0-8.5) rating is because game-play in FFVII is solid, the materia system is wonderful and allows for due flexibility. However, despite the story breaking out of the Fantasy genre and into the pseudo scifi-fantasy adventure genre we're still stuck with traditional ATB turn based combat (at the players discretion, really!) One might argue that the extreme amount of mini-games helps boost the game-play aspect, which is why I'm awarding a .5 increase, though conservatively. The reason I say conservatively is because I haven't played enough video games frankly to ascertain whether or not the extreme amount of mini-games was an innovation (similar to how The World Ends With You is to the Nintendo DS) for it's time.

2010. I'm going to score 2010 FFVII as a 6.0-7.5 because it's still suck within the same battle-gameplay paradigm thats ruled Final Fantasy games since the 80's (well, perhaps with the exception of the ATB system which I thought was nice). It's hard to compare FFVII against FFXII's battle-system, or even the developmental sphere grid in FFX or the card-draw system of FFVIII. Nostalgic innovation is reponsible for the current score.

My Personal Opinion. Overall FFVII = 8.0
Music = 9/10 > I did Suzuki Violin for 10 years, so naturally music is one of the most important parts of any game to me.
Aeris / Tifa's theme are very calm and relaxing > in essence they're the type of game characters you'd like to hug after a bad day.
--send slight "shivers" down my back.
One Winged Angel (it just started playing on media monkey, like I'm one to stop it.. heh). Must I say anything about this epic?

Story =6.5-7.0
FFVII is a Save-The-World/Environment story, however, it's primarily about revenge and doesn't offer any majorly innovative or surprising plot twists (to what I've experienced thus far).
There is a surprisingly absent lack of character-persona complexity, everyone is pretty simple about everything and this was a real turn off for me as life is rarely so simple as to [grab your pitchforks we're going off to hunt sephiroth"

Gameplay = 7.0-8.0

Again, nothing ground breaking in 2010, perhaps more substantially effectual in 1997. Materia-growth system is a good change of pace. Turn Based ATB is a fun twist for those looking to have some apprehensive fun. Mini-Game wise, FF VII has a lot to offer, but the reason I'm not going to rate it higher than an 8 is because of the puzzles. 2010 Puzzles really show us what games are capable of doing or surprising us. (Even Golden sun's.) Some Materia based puzzles would have been more interesting, but for the most part they're fairly straight-forward. Plainly put, FFVII put's it's risks on the concept which, as IMO, works out well enough, but would not pan out these days.

Innovation = 6.0/10
-Materia / Lengthier Motifs-Music / FMV's / Limit Breaks.
Simply put, I didn't really notice all that much innovation in this game and its disappointing me especially for a game emphasized as having such a great effect upon the gaming-industry?

Insert Harry Potter quote here about, "You know Who did great things, yesss, yesss terrible, but Great" (Swap You know Who for Final Fantasy) and you have an established paradigm that reinforces a fantasy based system (which i utterly abhor.

The story is good on a purely simple conceptual basis, but I feel like there may end up being a fair number of plot-holes from which to fall through.

Music - 10
Gameplay 10
Innovation 10
Story 10
Replayability 10

Music - 9/10
Gameplay - 8.0-8.5/10 (1997)
Innovation - 6.0/10 (1997)
Story-Telling - 6.5-7.0/10 (1997
Replayability - 6.0-7.5/10 (1997)

1997 Cumulative score
(X/50) (9+8.5+6+7+7.5)= 37.5/50 = .75 =C+ Rating.

As I haven't finished the game yet this is my estimated score as well as a half-assed review (for me to express my feelings about the game

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