Hacking Questions on SNEEK


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
United States
I've seen a few people mention using SNEEK rather than the hacks mentioned in "Modify any wii 4.3 and below" and I've looked into it a bit on my own but, I'm still quite confused about it.

I followed the Softmod Guide with and updated to the 4.2 menu. I'm using Configurable USB-Loader with a WBFS drive. What I need to know is:

1.) Can I use my existing homebrew and games (the homebrew is currently stored on the first partition of the same external hard drive as the games, WBFS partition is the second)?

2.) If I do switch to SNEEK what do I need to remove from my Wii (and how)?

3.) Does this setup make it easier or harder to update the system menu?

4.) Would it then make more sense to have any WiiWare on the actual Wii or the fake NAND on the SD Card?

If I decide it's a good idea to try switching to SNEEK then I need to know which guides to follow and I was wondering if I could get a generated NAND that's an exact copy of what my real NAND should be (since my real NAND may be permanently screwed up due to an earlier incident in which I lost my disc drive).

I did find this guide: http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showtopic=218725&hl=
but it seems a little too generic. It seems to be giving every possible way to install SNEEK or UNEEK and honestly isn't very clear to me. I didn't want to make a post there though since I figured I may not get an answer to my specific questions.

I was also wondering a bit about UNEEK. To my understanding it's the same as SNEEK except that it works off a USB drive instead of an SD Card. In which case I'd need to what changes I'd need to make to my External or if it's even practical to use that instead of a larger SD Card.

To clarify on the disc drive issue mentioned above: a few years ago my father had updated the system Menu from a 3.x to a 4.x menu and when I tried installing a new DVDx stub (which at the time was a popular way to get more out of the disc drive) via the Homebrew Browser but, it gave me the wrong version and I've not been able to use my drive since. It's either that the NAND is screwed up in such a way that no matter what I've tried to work around the issue I can't get the actual drive working again or (what seems to be more likely) my disc drive is burned out.
I'm not willing at this point to give it to Nintendo.

If there's anything I'm forgetting then please just let me know (I tried to cover all my bases sort to speak).


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Sneek is like a Sandbox Sysmenu, normally you shouldnt need this.

1. You can use Homebrews, Games have to be decrypted. Sneek just reads the 1st Partition, it has to be FAT32 with a Cluster Size of 32KB

2. You don't have to remove anything of your Wii. Its just a Homebrew App

3. If you just use your Sneek Menu its harder to upgrade your Main System Menu, but why arent you trying Startpatch - is has hax to remove all Update Options, and you can revert it...

4. It would make sense to have the legal obtained ones at your real NAND and the illegal obtained ones at your Sneek NAND


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
United States
fabi280 said:
Sneek is like a Sandbox Sysmenu, normally you shouldnt need this.

1. You can use Homebrews, Games have to be decrypted. Sneek just reads the 1st Partition, it has to be FAT32 with a Cluster Size of 32KB

2. You don't have to remove anything of your Wii. Its just a Homebrew App

3. If you just use your Sneek Menu its harder to upgrade your Main System Menu, but why arent you trying Startpatch - is has hax to remove all Update Options, and you can revert it...

4. It would make sense to have the legal obtained ones at your real NAND and the illegal obtained ones at your Sneek NAND

Not sure what you mean by decrypted

I read in a few guides (granted they were a bit confusing) that Since SNEEK tries to be smart about things and the cIOS's try to be smart but, they don't see each other they may interfere with each other.

PriiLoader allowed me to disable all those update checks but, I may eventually want to download WiiWare which requires an up to date shop channel (which probably requires an up to date Menu).

As far as legal goes I'm trying to stay as legal as possible. I realize some of the hacks I've used may contain proprietary code but, otherwise I'm trying to use only things I have rights too (so if I emulate a game it will be one I actually own, otherwise I plan on buying the WiiWare version). Also, if I do eventually decide to send in my Wii it would probably be advantageous if it was easy to remove any and all homebrew and then be able to easily reinstall it. If my understanding of Sneek is correct I should be able to remove all my hacks except for SNEEK so if I should send it in I could just remove SNEEK and reinstall that when I get it back.

As far as the question of generating a NAND goes I was just wandering so I could see once and for all if my disc drive is really burned out or if it's just screwed up in such a way that no cIOS or WAD has fixed it yet (With 2 exceptions I've only used WADS and IOS's I've found on this site. The first exception is something I tried when I was trying to fix my Wii and I removed it once I realized that it not only didn't work but, was also highly illegal, the second is I used the WAD from Configurable USB to put a forwarder channel on my menu).

Edited for: Realized I put NAND instead of IOS.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
United States
I could really use advice here. If I'm having trouble I'm sure someone else is also having trouble understanding this thing (considering I've been hacking wii since around 3 or 4 years ago).


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
United States
I've done some more research and tried ModMii. I didn't have my Wii's key available so I had to tell it not to crate the settings.txt file. I also read at the end it said it's possible to use showmiiwads to use my NAND backup from my real Wii which I may wish to try a bit later. The problem is I can't seem to find anything on creating my own/finding a settings.txt file and I can't find anything on using my own NAND using showmiiwads.

I told it to do a regular SNEEK install using
region: USA
key: n
sysmenu: 4.2

My real system is 4.2U


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Aug 6, 2009
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Responses to #3/#4 above don't really make sense. It's no easier or harder to update your real sysmenu, just unplug/eject the SNEEK'd drive and update normally. You should never need to do an official update though, you can update your IOSes and shop channel with tools like Dop-Mii, MMM, WiiSCU etc.

If you have to send in your Wii, "virginization" (god I hate that word) or otherwise, N -can- tell if your Wii has been hacked. It's too late for that, so don't worry much about it. Just fry your NAND if you ever have to send it in.

There are enough reasons to move your Wiiware, legit or otherwise, to SNEEK. Faster load times than you'd see with the SD card menu, plus nearly all of your real NAND is free for gamesaves, forwarders etc.

Personally, I do all my Weeware and theme-ing on UNEEK, and use Configurable USB Loader and USB Loader GX on the regular sysmenu for disc loading. No particular reason why I don't use UNEEK's disc image handling, just haven't been bothered to yet. I'm fond of my loaders.

Also, startpatch is crap, it offers so much less brick protection. Use Priiloader on your real NAND. Not much need for it on the SNEEK'd NAND.

DiscEx (and another tool I believe) can handle the unpacking bit for disc images.

You should be able to pull setting.txt from an unpacked NAND dump. There may be a small tool to generate it as well, or you can find it on rapidshare.


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
United States
thesund0g said:
Responses to #3/#4 above don't really make sense. It's no easier or harder to update your real sysmenu, just unplug/eject the SNEEK'd drive and update normally. You should never need to do an official update though, you can update your IOSes and shop channel with tools like Dop-Mii, MMM, WiiSCU etc.

If you have to send in your Wii, "virginization" (god I hate that word) or otherwise, N -can- tell if your Wii has been hacked. It's too late for that, so don't worry much about it. Just fry your NAND if you ever have to send it in.

There are enough reasons to move your Wiiware, legit or otherwise, to SNEEK. Faster load times than you'd see with the SD card menu, plus nearly all of your real NAND is free for gamesaves, forwarders etc.

Personally, I do all my Weeware and theme-ing on UNEEK, and use Configurable USB Loader and USB Loader GX on the regular sysmenu for disc loading. No particular reason why I don't use UNEEK's disc image handling, just haven't been bothered to yet. I'm fond of my loaders.

Also, startpatch is crap, it offers so much less brick protection. Use Priiloader on your real NAND. Not much need for it on the SNEEK'd NAND.

DiscEx (and another tool I believe) can handle the unpacking bit for disc images.

You should be able to pull setting.txt from an unpacked NAND dump. There may be a small tool to generate it as well, or you can find it on rapidshare.

I'd want to get settings.txt from my real NAND so I can easily transfer things over. I already have about $15 of WiiWare + (unless they've stopped doing this) 1 free NES game since I paid for Internet channel. I presume I'd have to use my real key and such to use these with a SNEEK'd NAND.

The other guy said something about decrypting Homebrew, I'm still a bit confused on that.

I read that Call Of Duty works on SNEEK whereas it doesn't work with any other disc loader tool (My real disc drive is apparently fried as I mentioned earlier. That's why I actually thought to try it in the first place.

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    but homebrew is appearing in the home menu btw
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    yes, now I remember it
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    i just didint know the homebrew launcher didint exist in aroma
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    thanks btw
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    @BigOnYa, thx in advance
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