Hardware Pro Controller and Joy-Cons are acting up with Windows 10's Bluetooth


New Member
Aug 8, 2022
Winter Springs, FL
United States
Hey everyone. So as background to before my issue, I stored my PC in an unconditioned storage unit for 2 and a half months while I was home from college, but due to concerns brought up by a family member, I took it out ASAP and tested it to make sure the heat in my area hadn't damaged it in any way. It was a little dusty (whicu has been cleaned up), but other than that, running it up was just fine and the computer is sitting in the house until I go back, next to the living room TV.

So I want to start utilizing my computer to be able to play a lot of consoles with my roommates, and I feel the best way to do that is with wireless Bluetooth. I tried using my Switch Pro Controller, as it used to work like a charm back on the college campus. However, upon trying to test it at home, I've found the results to be pretty disappointing.

The controller doesn't seem to like trying to connect to the Bluetooth whenever I'm syncing it, and it'll take a while to show up, if at all. Whenever it does go through and connect, I try testing it by opening a game to play and the controls don't work, so I go back, only to find the controller has disconnected, but is still paired, which only happens when I open a game. And on the one occasion it DID work after I opened Steam and had it connect through that, the controller had horrible input lag and dropped inputs, making the test game unplayable. The controller can't be at fault, because it still works just fine with my Switch and is perfectly OK when wired, and the Bluetooth still works because I was able to connect an Xbox controller to it, which ran perfectly OK as well. Meanwhile, the Joy-Cons don't seem to respond to the Bluetooth signal AT ALL, no matter how long I hold the sync button and just won't show up on the list.

I've tried everything from turning the Switch off to ensure it doesn't mix the signal, to disconnecting all controllers from it, even to switching my internet from 5G to to 2.XG because I've heard that can do some wierd stuff too. But still, nothing. I'm desperate to know what I might be doing wrong, if anyone happens to know what could be the trouble, because I would hate to not be able to use a perfectly good option everyone else is capable of using.

UPDATE: I've since found that the connection problems are distanced based and that I'm sitting too far away from the computer for the connection to work, which doesn't seem right because even sitting a couple feet away doesn't work and produces the above problems and I practically have to be right on top of the tower. Any tips for this woukd be appreciated.
Last edited by sanicspeed21,


Garfield’s Fitness Coach
GBAtemp Patron
Mar 29, 2021
United States
Hey everyone. So as background to before my issue, I stored my PC in an unconditioned storage unit for 2 and a half months while I was home from college, but due to concerns brought up by a family member, I took it out ASAP and tested it to make sure the heat in my area hadn't damaged it in any way. It was a little dusty (whicu has been cleaned up), but other than that, running it up was just fine and the computer is sitting in the house until I go back, next to the living room TV.

So I want to start utilizing my computer to be able to play a lot of consoles with my roommates, and I feel the best way to do that is with wireless Bluetooth. I tried using my Switch Pro Controller, as it used to work like a charm back on the college campus. However, upon trying to test it at home, I've found the results to be pretty disappointing.

The controller doesn't seem to like trying to connect to the Bluetooth whenever I'm syncing it, and it'll take a while to show up, if at all. Whenever it does go through and connect, I try testing it by opening a game to play and the controls don't work, so I go back, only to find the controller has disconnected, but is still paired, which only happens when I open a game. And on the one occasion it DID work after I opened Steam and had it connect through that, the controller had horrible input lag and dropped inputs, making the test game unplayable. The controller can't be at fault, because it still works just fine with my Switch and is perfectly OK when wired, and the Bluetooth still works because I was able to connect an Xbox controller to it, which ran perfectly OK as well. Meanwhile, the Joy-Cons don't seem to respond to the Bluetooth signal AT ALL, no matter how long I hold the sync button and just won't show up on the list.

I've tried everything from turning the Switch off to ensure it doesn't mix the signal, to disconnecting all controllers from it, even to switching my internet from 5G to to 2.XG because I've heard that can do some wierd stuff too. But still, nothing. I'm desperate to know what I might be doing wrong, if anyone happens to know what could be the trouble, because I would hate to not be able to use a perfectly good option everyone else is capable of using.

UPDATE: I've since found that the connection problems are distanced based and that I'm sitting too far away from the computer for the connection to work, which doesn't seem right because even sitting a couple feet away doesn't work and produces the above problems and I practically have to be right on top of the tower. Any tips for this woukd be appreciated.

5GHz is more compatible than 2.4GHz. I would get a free wireless scanner and see how crowded your 2.4GHz neighborhood is.

Any one of these should do.


Any microwaves in the area? Big heavy/metal doors? Dunno…gonna have to scout around.

e: also update controller FW to latest. Update drivers on PC. Storage shouldn’t have messed with anything honestly, but maybe reseat cards? The usual suspects.

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