I won't be getting my rcm loader in until November 17th.
I figure I should be at least learning a bit more about what to watch for with black Friday coming up.
I have a San disk black switch u3 64gb in it currently and then a PNY Elite 64gb u1 spare laying around.
I just got this email from Newegg for a sale in a few hours and it sounds like a hell of a deal ?
Since it's an u3 thats good bit it has a bit lower write then an official san disk switch one but the price difference.
If you get like a 512 or 1tb won't their be a performance drop off with it being so big ? I notice my 3ds takes a bit longer with 32gb then the 16gbs at least it feels like (be it seconds).
I figure I should be at least learning a bit more about what to watch for with black Friday coming up.
I have a San disk black switch u3 64gb in it currently and then a PNY Elite 64gb u1 spare laying around.
I just got this email from Newegg for a sale in a few hours and it sounds like a hell of a deal ?
Since it's an u3 thats good bit it has a bit lower write then an official san disk switch one but the price difference.
If you get like a 512 or 1tb won't their be a performance drop off with it being so big ? I notice my 3ds takes a bit longer with 32gb then the 16gbs at least it feels like (be it seconds).