Gaming Out of ALL the Scenes, which is your favorite and why?


90's Kid, Old Skull Gamer & Artist
Dec 17, 2019
the 90's 💙
You know what Scenes I'm talking about...
The DS Scene, the PS3 Scene, the WII Scene, Switch Scene, 3DS Scene, etc.
There's gotta be at least one that you'd consider your favorite one, maybe it's your favorite for nostalgia reasons?
Maybe, your favorite Scene is the one you have more knowledge for? Maybe a Scene where things are easy to hack/exploit?
Maybe the community behind the Scene is what makes it special for you?

Whatever is, I'm curious to know which is your favorite.

Feel like reading a wall of text?
Be my guest:
Wii scene is by far my favourite one.
The reason is because... I can't remember how the fuck I hacked my console in 2009 without popular entry points. Hacking a Wii in 2009 without bricking it felt like a huge success.
Back then, in my case, I didn't had (and still don't) games that allowed exploits like Twilihax, Smash Stack, Indiana Pwns, Yu-Gi-OWNED!, Bathaxx or Return of the Jodi...
All I had was a 4GB USB, a 2GB SD card, and a Wi-fi connection.
If memory serves me well, FlashHax was the exploit to use...
After that, messing with IOS via Hermes' and Waninkoko's cIOS felt tremendously stressing as I didn't knew what I was doing (and still don't)
Brick risk(s) were really high because I'm stoopid... but after installing the HBC, the fun started!

Emulators were more a proof of concept than fully fearured works of software art...

Do you remember this screen?

Back then, we still didn't had digital options to load backups that didn't required physical burned DVD's.
I wasted soooooo many DVD's trying to burn Need for Speed Underground... but they never went past the
screen... :rofl2::shy:
Couple months later, Forwarders became a thing...

Naive and Innocent 15 year old BaNaNa thought that, by installing Forwarders, I would be getting the entire game.

Soon after, deception and sadness came after I filled my Wii Menu with Nintendo Channel WiiWare DEMOS and useless Need For Speed, Smash Bros Brawl, Zelda Twilight Princess and New Super Mario Bros forwarders that I couldn't uninstall afterwards...

Lucky me
, Nintendo felt sorry and released the 4.1 System Update that wiped out every single trace of unauthorized modifications to a hacked console...
Maaaaan... how times have changed...
This is me now:

But it's been a fun ride.
What was stressful, exciting and unknown, now is easy to do. The Wii Scene is so huge and popular, that we're still having fun with a nearly 20 year old console.
IS THAT GOOD. :yaywii:

In 2nd place, the DS scene...
Nostalgia man...(*sigh*)... spending my first ever earned cash in a second hand blue FAT DS and a brand new TTDS Flashcard... let me discover not only a world of piracy... but it made a huge impact in my life after I discovered a neat little HomeBrew called Colors!DS.

This neat software opened a whole new world to me.
After I discovered this, my life changed positively.
I wasn't using my DS to play pirated games, but as a way to express myself through digital art... and because I just had a 2GB SD card with GameYob and Colors!DS
Learned so much about myself (and others too!) since I put my stylus in a place called
Met so many artists from around the world with the same excitement that I had for creativity.
I still have contact with couple old Colors! friends...
Ooof... :wub: :yaynds:

In 3rd place, the 3DS scene.
I will keep it brief:
I managed to hack my 3DS with this guy:

Also bought Colors!3D :yay3ds:
Enough said.


XP not matters.
Nov 8, 2018
You know what Scenes I'm talking about...
The DS Scene, the PS3 Scene, the WII Scene, Switch Scene, 3DS Scene, etc.
There's gotta be at least one that you'd consider your favorite one, maybe it's your favorite for nostalgia reasons?
Maybe, your favorite Scene is the one you have more knowledge for? Maybe a Scene where things are easy to hack/exploit?
Maybe the community behind the Scene is what makes it special for you?

Whatever is, I'm curious to know which is your favorite.

Feel like reading a wall of text?
Be my guest:
Wii scene is by far my favourite one.
The reason is because... I can't remember how the fuck I hacked my console in 2009 without popular entry points. Hacking a Wii in 2009 without bricking it felt like a huge success.
Back then, in my case, I didn't had (and still don't) games that allowed exploits like Twilihax, Smash Stack, Indiana Pwns, Yu-Gi-OWNED!, Bathaxx or Return of the Jodi...
All I had was a 4GB USB, a 2GB SD card, and a Wi-fi connection.
If memory serves me well, FlashHax was the exploit to use...
After that, messing with IOS via Hermes' and Waninkoko's cIOS felt tremendously stressing as I didn't knew what I was doing (and still don't)
Brick risk(s) were really high because I'm stoopid... but after installing the HBC, the fun started!

Emulators were more a proof of concept than fully fearured works of software art...

Do you remember this screen?

Back then, we still didn't had digital options to load backups that didn't required physical burned DVD's.
I wasted soooooo many DVD's trying to burn Need for Speed Underground... but they never went past the
screen... :rofl2::shy:
Couple months later, Forwarders became a thing...

Naive and Innocent 15 year old BaNaNa thought that, by installing Forwarders, I would be getting the entire game.

Soon after, deception and sadness came after I filled my Wii Menu with Nintendo Channel WiiWare DEMOS and useless Need For Speed, Smash Bros Brawl, Zelda Twilight Princess and New Super Mario Bros forwarders that I couldn't uninstall afterwards...

Lucky me
, Nintendo felt sorry and released the 4.1 System Update that wiped out every single trace of unauthorized modifications to a hacked console...
Maaaaan... how times have changed...
This is me now:

But it's been a fun ride.
What was stressful, exciting and unknown, now is easy to do. The Wii Scene is so huge and popular, that we're still having fun with a nearly 20 year old console.
IS THAT GOOD. :yaywii:

In 2nd place, the DS scene...
Nostalgia man...(*sigh*)... spending my first ever earned cash in a second hand blue FAT DS and a brand new TTDS Flashcard... let me discover not only a world of piracy... but it made a huge impact in my life after I discovered a neat little HomeBrew called Colors!DS.

This neat software opened a whole new world to me.
After I discovered this, my life changed positively.
I wasn't using my DS to play pirated games, but as a way to express myself through digital art... and because I just had a 2GB SD card with GameYob and Colors!DS
Learned so much about myself (and others too!) since I put my stylus in a place called
Met so many artists from around the world with the same excitement that I had for creativity.
I still have contact with couple old Colors! friends...
Ooof... :wub: :yaynds:

In 3rd place, the 3DS scene.
I will keep it brief:
I managed to hack my 3DS with this guy:

Also bought Colors!3D :yay3ds:
Enough said.

Why Edge Forum ?
Should be in the General Gaming,me Banana Friend.💖😉👌


Welcome to the Machine
Oct 10, 2009
United States
I don't have a favorite scene, but I have a least favorite. as everyone knows, I don't like the ps3 scene at all.

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