THanks had to reboot for them to show up
Enso still is HENkaku. Either way,
IM now ready to install pkgi and in the steps it says include the text what dose this mean do I have to add the text into a file sorry for all the questions just want to make sure I’m doing everything properly
Basically, install the PKGi VPK, and create a text file under ux0:/pkgi named config.txt. In that file, just write (without the quotes): "url"
Now, before you use PKGi, you'll need NoNpDrm installed. That's a plugin, it's easy to install. You can get NoNpDrm here :
Download the nonpdrm.skprx file, put it somewhere (like ux0:tai/nonpdrm.skprx). Then, open your config file (ux0:tai/config.txt). If it doesn't exist, open ur0:tai/config.txt instead. You should see a line with *KERNEL. If you don't see a line with that written, just create it.
Below said line, add a line with the location of your plugin file (for example, ux0:tai/nonpdrm.skprx). After you do that, reboot the console. Try to install something from PKGi. If it installs successfully, that's all you need to do. If it fails, make sure NoNpDrm was properly installed.