I haven't beaten it on my XP yet(Direct X10 isn't installed on my PC[XP Media Center] so it kept crashing whenever I got past Gravemind) and it was supported along with Halo Combat Evolved right when the 360 came out.1 year? that's a long time. Elite is overrated imo, but then again i don't know anything about xboxes.![]()
anyway why to buy halo2? does it even work on xbox360?![]()
I'd rather have an Xbox 360 than a PS3. Plus, I'll get more games than that. Didn't like Mass Effect though.Just get one with falcon motherboard, if current ones have it, get it, if not, dont.
that spoiled ALOT of my friends, ALOT.
just get one which is more prone to that heating problem called RRoD.
And IMO if you want that console to play just those games for time around, dont get 360 now. I'm a big shooter fan but none of those games IN MY OPINION worth getting a console for.
I find the 120 GB what I need, especially in the long run.Elite isn't worth it IMO.
*points to patches of games*20GB is more than it seems once you learn to manage space(delete demos you don't play, since thats what most of the space is taken up by, most arcade games are under 100MB)
Exactly why I want to get it. Plus, I'll be keeping demos I like till the game releases.Of course if you don't want to manage space, get the elite.
Don't need HDMI.As far as HDMI goes, both consoles have it. You can use a 5$ cable off of newegg if you need HDMI for the Platinum.
I know that.Also, consider getting an extra controller since you and your brother are getting it.
I have Bioshock on my computer. I love it. Playing it with my computer lags like hell though.ALSO, before buying Bioshock, get the demo. I didn't like it.
I'll be downloading tons upon tons of Demos, patches, packs, gamertags, pics, etc.Dude you won't need the 120GB hard drive unless you want to download movies and TV shows trust me.
I have the 20GB hard drive and have owned my 360 for close to 2 years. I have like 5GB left still to use and I've downloaded patches for over 50 games and downloaded extra map packs for about 15 games.
Get the premium pack and the extra games, way better value.
Faceplates will void the warranty(I think. You need to open the system up as far as I know) and cases could cause the thing to heat up faster considering it's in two containers.buy a faceplate/case for the premium?
seriously dude, you'll save yourself a lot of money if you didn't go for the elite.
HDMI doesn't really matter for me.As far as I know the premiums now are coming with HDMI. Also with the new falcon motherboards. It should tell you all this on the box. For the falcon motherboard you look at how many volts it takes or something (Tells you on the box). You can always have a look on xbox-scene, I'm sure they have an article telling you how to spot everything.
If your planning to download movies, the xbox games and so on get the elite. If not get the premium. Unless your going to use the 120gb drive, the elite isn't worth it. You could buy the premium now and in a few months, if you decide 20gb isn't enough. You could ebay it and hopefully the 120gb drives would have gone down in price (Currently they are around £130). If your really leet you can find out how to make your own 120gb harddrive for around £50.