Hey there, I'm a noob in metroid prime hunters as well and I too am looking for some people to battle. I can never seem to win in wifi battles because everyone is too good and I'm terrible at it. So I added your code to my ds and here is my code: 5112 8174 2344. Please tell me when you've added me and I'd also like to know what time or which days of the week do you normally connect to wifi mode in metroid prime hunters. I just need this info to insure that i can actually play with you instead of just randomly connecting to battle mode in hopes of you being online. Help me help you. By the way I can conform to almost any schedule you have so it doesn't matter if it's midnight or whenever I have nothing but time and I have no life so I can work with whatever time you tell me. I look forward to battling you and I'll be waiting. Thanks for listening, and I wish you luck in your search for more people to battle. Take care.