Hey wavemotion, first off I just wanted to say thank you for your amazing work on emulating older consoles for the DSi and 3DS. But I have a question will you ever decide to make an emulator for the Sharp X68000?
Since you're a veteran of the 6502 (Or at least I think you are), I've been wondering...would you ever work on FrodoDS? The first version was...mildly functional at best, but it was revived recently and there's a GitHub page. I'm sure you'd be able to turn it into an amazing emulator like XEGS-DS
I don't know if your thirst to polish ColecoDS even further will ever end (Not like I mind it, you've done and still doing a lot to make it an amazing emulator), but do you have any interest in tackling 3DS programming? Aside from also being an ARM handheld I've heard it's much more difficult to program for, but the extra resolution and better sound hardware might help a ton for 8-bit and 16-bit emulators alike