Gaming Looking for something Portable (up to 13")


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2008
Gambia, The

I'm looking for some portable, but fast Subnotebook. It should also have a long battery life...
things like matte screen and built in 3G are preferred.

So far I've found:
- Acer timeline 1810T/TZ / 3810T/TZ
- Lenovo Thinkpad X200

What I like about the Acer ones:
-cheap price
What I don't like:
- no 3G
- quite slow processor

What I like about the X200:
- fast processor (I'm looking at a P8400 model atm)
-optional 3G
-matte screen
What I don't like:
-hefty price

Well my budget is about 1000 Euro and this would get me a X200 with a P8400(2,26Ghz), 2GB RAM, 80GB HDD (RAM will be upgraded and the HDD replaced by a 250GB one), 9 Cell battery (should give about 8-9 hours of battery life), Win 7 Prof, matte screen
About 500 Euro would get me a 1810TZ with a SU4100 Pentium Dual-Core, 2GB RAM, 250GB HDD, 8-9 hours battery life, win 7 HP, glossy screen

Well I couldn't care less about HP or Prof, but the X200 would offer me a really fast Processor and nice Upgrade possibilities like internal 3G and docking station etc., but it's 500 euro vs 1000 euro...
what do you think? or do you know some good alternatives?

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