First off. My switch is a launch day console. So it was open for defects to begin with. But about 3 months ago, the left analog stick on the left Joycon seemed to begin drifting on its own when I left it in a neutral position. as you can see in the video, link will walk by himself. Now what’s weird about this, is that sometimes it will drift to the right on some days, and to the left on others. It only happens when the thumb stick is either pushed up left, or up right. I’ve heard it could be dust stuck under the stick, I’ve tried some recommended ideas and if fixed it for a little while but it eventually came back. Should I send it back to Nintendo and end up waiting 2-3 weeks for a return (ugh) or do any of you have an easier idea? I honestly don’t want to wait for a return. It’d be nice to get a new one but ugh. The wait. Any suggestions?
Last edited by Edmire2k,