Weird issue. On 9.0 OFW, latest Atmosphere 0.9.4 I think.
Initially after I updated all was working fine but I must have done something as now in homebrew like HB AppStore 2.1 and even latest version of sys-clk editor the joycon inputs don’t respond. Only Home button works to exit. I know Ninty disables homebrew inputs but Atmos also patches this and it did work briefly. Some homebrew like Tinfoil, Goldleaf etc work fine but others inputs don’t work at all.
Anyone know the exact file or patch from Atmos I need to re-enable inputs?
Initially after I updated all was working fine but I must have done something as now in homebrew like HB AppStore 2.1 and even latest version of sys-clk editor the joycon inputs don’t respond. Only Home button works to exit. I know Ninty disables homebrew inputs but Atmos also patches this and it did work briefly. Some homebrew like Tinfoil, Goldleaf etc work fine but others inputs don’t work at all.
Anyone know the exact file or patch from Atmos I need to re-enable inputs?