Is there a subreddit or forum for old mechanical stuff?

If you ask the question for old mechanical stuff that usually means something else entirely, I would think when people said old mechanical stuff.

As far as old school AV (audio-video) gear then there is some more. VHS tapes enjoy a measure of popularity in China, a few other parts of Asia, and among certain sets of film fans (often horror and b movie fare). To that end you can probably find some people that will fix them, however I don't know that I have seen anything approaching that of old audio amps (as in hifi stack, something you plug a guitar into can probably be sorted by them but enjoys a different fandom), equalisers, record players and such. Old radios (think...


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
If you ask the question for old mechanical stuff that usually means something else entirely, I would think when people said old mechanical stuff.

As far as old school AV (audio-video) gear then there is some more. VHS tapes enjoy a measure of popularity in China, a few other parts of Asia, and among certain sets of film fans (often horror and b movie fare). To that end you can probably find some people that will fix them, however I don't know that I have seen anything approaching that of old audio amps (as in hifi stack, something you plug a guitar into can probably be sorted by them but enjoys a different fandom), equalisers, record players and such. Old radios (think valve radios but early t******** also play) tend to have their own circles again.

For a general forum then
For more tech specific stuff then I am not sure where people are at these days.

Tape players, especially portable ones, have enjoyed less of a resurgence outside of a few specific crowds*, and most of those that I have seen have either been to turn an old car stereo to taking bluetooth or utterly basic repairs the likes of which any electronics inclined type (said people commonly hang around in places like ) would know how to do with walking around knowledge.

*walkmans specifically tending to be what some would dub hipsters whereas tapes themselves get things like

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