Hello !
The problem i attempt to solve
On Wiimmfi, it's difficult to find players on less popular games (Bomberman 2/Blitz, Mario Kart DS...). Most of time nobody is online on these games, so the matchmaking rarely happen within reasonable delay.
The project
It allow you to get notified when someone connect on the games you want to follow, and when the game get deserted again. It is a Telegram Messenger Bot, which means you can get these notifications even on your phone.
Tip : enable the notifications of the bot when you're at home, ready to play, then cut them off when you don't want to get disturbed.
How to use it ?
If you want to use Discord instead, look below
1) Download Telegram messenger : https://telegram.org/
Your login is your mobile phone number, which means that the registration process is very fast, secure and convenient. Telegram application is very lite, much more comparated to Discord so don't feel afraid to discover it, even if you will use it just for that.
I've decided to not make a Discord bot, because Discord infrastructure is less stable comparated to the one of Telegram (more down times). In addition of that, Telegram max message limit is much higher : 4000 characters comparated to 2000 for Discord.
2) Add user wiimmfinotifier_bot : https://t.me/wiimmfinotifier_bot
3) You're almost there : just follow the desirated games using the straight forward commands of the bot, then wait for notifications to arrive
You can access it by joining it's Discord channel : https://discord.gg/zc4M2Nb
If you are a Discord server administrator, you can add it to your server
https://discord.com/api/oauth2/auth...permissions=0&scope=applications.commands bot
This bot has exactly the same features as the Telegram Bot.
Edit : It can now react on channels using command !wp or !showplayedgames
A screenshot
Technically speaking
It is a Java program, communicating with the Telegram Bots API and extracting the data from the Wiimmfi games list each 60 seconds.
About personal data
I can't see any of your personal data. When the bot receives a message from the Telegram Bots API, each request includes a Unique ID (it is a number) corresponding to your Telegram account which is what I use to identify you. That's it. I can't see your IP address/phone number etc.
P.S : The code of the bots is available there https://github.com/CapitaineBidouille/wiimmfinotifier
The problem i attempt to solve
On Wiimmfi, it's difficult to find players on less popular games (Bomberman 2/Blitz, Mario Kart DS...). Most of time nobody is online on these games, so the matchmaking rarely happen within reasonable delay.
The project
It allow you to get notified when someone connect on the games you want to follow, and when the game get deserted again. It is a Telegram Messenger Bot, which means you can get these notifications even on your phone.
Tip : enable the notifications of the bot when you're at home, ready to play, then cut them off when you don't want to get disturbed.
How to use it ?
If you want to use Discord instead, look below
1) Download Telegram messenger : https://telegram.org/
Your login is your mobile phone number, which means that the registration process is very fast, secure and convenient. Telegram application is very lite, much more comparated to Discord so don't feel afraid to discover it, even if you will use it just for that.
I've decided to not make a Discord bot, because Discord infrastructure is less stable comparated to the one of Telegram (more down times). In addition of that, Telegram max message limit is much higher : 4000 characters comparated to 2000 for Discord.
2) Add user wiimmfinotifier_bot : https://t.me/wiimmfinotifier_bot
3) You're almost there : just follow the desirated games using the straight forward commands of the bot, then wait for notifications to arrive
You can access it by joining it's Discord channel : https://discord.gg/zc4M2Nb
If you are a Discord server administrator, you can add it to your server
https://discord.com/api/oauth2/auth...permissions=0&scope=applications.commands bot
This bot has exactly the same features as the Telegram Bot.
Edit : It can now react on channels using command !wp or !showplayedgames
A screenshot
Technically speaking
It is a Java program, communicating with the Telegram Bots API and extracting the data from the Wiimmfi games list each 60 seconds.
About personal data
I can't see any of your personal data. When the bot receives a message from the Telegram Bots API, each request includes a Unique ID (it is a number) corresponding to your Telegram account which is what I use to identify you. That's it. I can't see your IP address/phone number etc.
P.S : The code of the bots is available there https://github.com/CapitaineBidouille/wiimmfinotifier
Last edited by Aliogeek,