Hey, I've recently relogged to my gbatemp account which I didn't use since 2018 and realized how much I missed that kind of early internet forums. I noticed this especially after playing a game called The Talos Principle Road to Gehenna dlc where there was a forum like that depicted in the game and it's so nice. Just to see how those forum worked, the message were always by ascending order unlike reddit where the posts with the most upvotes come to the top. People would know each other and meet on forums around themes they liked and they would know each other, you'd get to know people and remember names. Everyone had a unique username that defined them; there'd be people posting "First" when a big thread released, etc.
Anyway, I kinda miss those days. Even gbatemp now has evolved too much, it doesn't feel like that kind of forum anymore.
Anyway, I kinda miss those days. Even gbatemp now has evolved too much, it doesn't feel like that kind of forum anymore.
Last edited by Scorchy,