Hardware How cooked am I? Attempted to desolder touch zif connector


Jul 29, 2023
United States
Earlier this week I got a used rough condition Midnight Purple O3DS. I bought several replacement parts including a new digitzer. While removing the old digitizer I accidentally broke the zif connector clasp. On top of that, the top pins also broke off. I read online you could try soldering the old connector off without a heat gun and just using a soldering iron.

The one I got was cheap. Needless to say my excursion did not end well despite my hours of preparation and research beforehand. The factory solder just would not heat up enough to be able to remove the connector. Now I have a heaping crispy mess on the motherboard. I may have also slightly burnt the edges of the board by accident. (I know I'm dumb to attempt this as a soldering noob)

Is there any chance I could try to recover this by pulling something like what was done in this thread?

It is worth noting that I was having trouble completing the homebrew setup guide on this new device prior to attempting to replace the parts due to what I believe is a broken Start button. Needless to say, even if I /do/ manage to salvage this, it's possible there are other hardware issues that need to be addressed. Should I seek a new motherboard? Scrap the whole thing and just eat the ~$80 I've paid so far, using this as a life lesson? I know pretty much any place I take it to that would actually be able to look st this would likely cost more than what I paid anyway Any advice is appreciated.


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One thing I'm also considering is just continuing with the rest of the "restoration" then reselling it as is, as broken for parts. At least a few of the parts will be new, high quality parts (I specifically got OEM replacements) and someone who has a spare motherboard can figure out a use for some of the stuff. Then I at least won't be taking as big of a loss. Just not sure where to go from here
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