Homebrew HidToVPad


Jul 24, 2017
Please a pro to help me to create a file to play with my "generic usb controller" on the hidtovpad just i need one who knows how to program the configuration


Jun 14, 2017
United States
Not all controllers are compatible but the first step is to run the homebrew program HIDTest, with the controller in.
Write down the VID and PID numbers, as well as DeviceID, interface class and sub class if available. If the latter numbers are fluctuating then the usb device may be using unusual reporting methods and you may have trouble making a compatible config.
Next, take a look at the values listed on the bottom of the screen. Looks something like this:

Pos: 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

See the bottom numbers. Those are the input values being reported from the USB controller.
Try pressing and holding a button on the USB controller and see if a value changes. Make a note of the value before pressing and while holding the button, along with the column number above it. Repeat until you have isolated all the buttons. Some things like the DPad might influence several columns (could be being reported as buttons and as hat control). Jot all this down.

Stick axises and some triggers will have a range and may be fluctuating a bit at neutral resting position. Identify which columns are associated with a stick by moving it around. Sticks have 2 axises and should change the values in 2 columns. Triggers will change the value in 1 column.
Once you have that figured out, center the stick, and note the value. Wiggle it and check again. If the stick has play and the values are moving, try to note the low and high values by which the stick runs out (in order to set a deadzone). Next, get the max throw X (left-right) and Y (up-down) axis values by pushing the stick out all the way to the edge in each of those directions. Write down everything you've found, along with a name to distinguish the stick/trigger.

Send back your findings, and include a note of what you want each of the buttons to do according to the WiiU control scheme, and I can do the rest.
You can find more information in github.com/Maschell/controller_patcher/wiki/5.d-Controller-%7C-Adding-new-devices

Special case:
Some multiple-port adapters just cycle through each device rapidly multiple times a second, in which case the values reported could appear to flicker rapidly (even held buttons). A long-shot but It may still be possible to make a config by adding a device filter to the config file. One value identifies the port being reported at that time. A slow-motion video of the output would be extremely helpful to identify the values of all device inputs. For my such adapter I was able to only get 2 out of the 5 device ports working.

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