I’m not sure if this is the right place to ask for help but whatever (if it isn’t please tell me where is and I’ll just scurry along). I was running Kosmos on 8.1.0 and was messing around with the toolbox and decided to enable hid-mitm and see what that does. It said to restart my switch so I did and when It booted back into CFW it wouldn’t get past the switch logo. I deleted (and made a copy of ) all the files on the sd card and replaced them and it booted just fine, except when I tried to launch one of my nsps it said “the software can’t be started” or something. I reinstalled the nsps but it still didn’t work. I had used lockpick_rcm to get the keys same as I had before. Also this only affected 2/3 of my nsps where one of them started up with only a pop up that said “this has been canceled” but still ran the game. I thought maybe my save data was messing it up so I deleted that to no avail. I also scanned it for corrupt data but it said it was fine. If someone could tell me how to disable hid-mitm from the files with no switch or how to get the nsps to work on the new files, I would forever be in their debt.