k3vin369 you could have just said ShopTemp...
I recommend looking there, sizing up the best options and then asking
And a few facts: R4s are no longer original. They are all CLONES.
Out of the options you mentioned, I'll tell you which ones I'd choose between.
SuperCard DSTWO -> Best card out, has a superior AP system, great CPU, support for GBA games, and it's own homebrew plugins
Acekard 2i -> Cheap with good compatibility, AKAIO is an unofficial firmware and is what most Acekard owners use.
Regular R4 -> ShopTemp sells an exact clone to the R4. This clone supports "Wood R4", which is an unofficial firmware for the R4 that looks like AKAIO, and has the exact compatibility of the AKAIO.
Just look around, I'd say either SuperCard DSTWO or Acekard 2i, but its up to you how much you want to spend.