Good Morning Post


THEE GAY WARLORD™ - Defender of GAY Rights
Jan 25, 2021
On the Patio NaKeD w/COFFEE
United States
Doc appointment?

No. Had to go with office buildings instead of [coffee]shop. :(

Though I did go yesterday to Orthopedics for my carpal tunnel wrist.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
United States
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Triumph Fury
Apr 10, 2024
Good Morning #58 🥀
Story Time:
Y'know that number always reminds me of someone very special back then when I was younger. I met her long ago online with that 58 on her username. She was cool, popular, tall, had a thing for drinking, and very pleasing to the eyes, the most beautiful chick from Europe I've ever seen. We were friends at first, nothing out of the ordinary, I think this one incident in August years ago she got banned for some out of pocket joke, but turned out okay in the end since the site we were in didn't get corrupted yet so she was forgiven by the community pretty quickly. All went decent for a few months until winter however, out of the blue, she started flirting with me, complimenting my hands and how much she thinks I look cute in real life (Which to be fair I guess she ain't wrong lmao) so of course the hint was for the most part clear as day, so I flirted back, and she was flattered by it. We continued this little game for quite some time until one night I decided to say fuck it and confess my feelings towards her (Which to be fair it was at this time where I've known her quite enough to see that she's a great person, with one issue she's going through that I'm willing to help her overcome (We'll get into detail soon) And yeah surprisingly she sounded really happy about it and ended up being my Valentine's a month later, which I guess is considered our first date from what I remembered. We were pretending we were at train tracks, holding hands, I gave her a rose emoji, the scene was in, just the two of us and- BOOM, she pulled the first big move and gave me a kiss, oh well, I did it back and the start of a relationship has begun, I remember we were freaking out that this was real.

Things went great in my eyes, I could write separate stories of what we did, but that's not really what I wanna get into here. Some examples include one time she was my "Cat Maid" for like a day or two, or that time I spent a week searching for a lost children's book I remembered long ago, or that time I was interrogated by her to know the details of my hair, good times . . . at least that's what I remembered it being.

Back to the main point on the issue she has, you see it's been stated many times on her blog that she suffers from deep depression and would vent at her profile on how she be on the verge of death or how she couldn't take things anymore. There be times where she go deactivates her account many times throughout her time in the old site, lasting usually a month or so. When it happens, I get worried, blaming myself that I could've done something more to see if she's alright, and I get the big sigh of relief whenever she comes back. The things she says, in the posts, it hit deep down to me, reminding me of what I was before, being in the same position as her, struggling with the feeling of hopelessness and unmotivated to find joy, just lying down in a room with no thought, as if you're dead. I really liked her, and I just felt like I needed to do this for the person I love, so she no longer has to brutally suffer. So since that we're in a relationship, no better time than now then to see what I can do to help her recover and seek treatment.

No Progression.

The big problem I saw when I looked back at the convos we had was that nothing clicked between the two of us the further we got. There were small secret tensions that would build up gradually, but none of us would say anything about it. Things started to feel bleak between us and the more I think about the present and future of me and her, the more my idiotic ass thinks this ain't worth it and starts losing interest in her. She was already flirting with some other men, hell even women now (Foreshadowing) so that didn't help either. Her behavior started to change. She was very curious about the boys anatomy, a little too curious, asking me about what it's like to have testicles, or is having a dick difficult, etc. It weirded me out and the fact I keep getting ignored every time I try to reason with her on the vents posts while she praises the male gentiles made me all confused, decisive whether or not that does she really love me? We've taken a break before when one time she made a post about being so emotionless that she couldn't feel any love or meaning for us, which of course upsets me, but I didn't wanna leave her behind, she sounded so apologetic in her words and there's still a soul inside of her to understand importance, so I forgave her and tried to make the most of it work.

It never did

One night is where I became the worst, a bad example of being the "good bf". I just couldn't bring myself up to continue this relationship and I noticed she had other interests in a certain someone so I broke up with her at a random conversation.
"and that hurt btw, bye." She says
Already I felt the wave of shame I just did to her heart. She needed me, and I promised I had to be the one to help her depression if no one else did. I tried to pretend it was a joke and saying I still love her, but the damage has already been done. I sounded like a maroon, an asshole even.
"Being friends is still good though v: it's not like we were BF and GF . . . . right?" Stupid me
"yeah but.. still. Is it cause I wanna have a pp? or are you just tired of me"
"I'm weirded out a little (Even though I had worse)"
Then she kicked in-
"no I swear I'm not really like this please. I swear Im normal deep inside. I can be normal for you please Im sorry"
"Dude I know you, you are normal and you're a good person to me."
"then why"
"Why what?'
"then why are you doing this if you know Im normal, I ain't weird always. I just really... wanna be with you-. Im sorry if I weird you okay"
I never understood that back then, I couldn't understand anything like the selfish prick I was. So I tried explaining how I felt in this situation and that I still love her, but at this point I was digging a deeper hole for me here.
"Listen, it's fine, I get weirded out by lots of friends, but it mostly isn't a big deal. I'm just telling you this because I want to switch to a more innocent type of conversations. I only said the "we should only be friends" as a way to stop talking about the male private parts. You're still young, maybe you've seen shit, but you're still a young girl who simply isn't right to know about a sex organ.” Which is stupid since she was 15 and I was 16 at the time
“I still love you *Hug*” I said
“Yeah I understand what you’re trying to say. I don’t think it’s wrong for me to know that stuff tho? I’m just tryna educate myself bro.”

She was right

We were sorta cool after that, but the thing between us was practically over as just a few weeks later she got herself a new BF. I never liked him, not out of jealousy, but because he acted like a pimp towards her, and for some reason never had a problem with it. I couldn’t prove anything he was a terrible person until the day that guy left the site where it was shown that he forced people to kill themselves and had a few ugly fetishes, so at least I won on that in the end. Months went by and the remaining friendship of 58 and I died down, it became awkward taking to her again and it didn’t look like she was getting better either, deactivating her account for longer periods of time, changing her idnetity, gender, sexuality, all that until one day in July of last year, she came back for a few days, claiming she’s about to leave the site that was once her home. She came back to me with only word. “Asshole”
I couldn’t agree more now that I looked back to the past. I never put in all the effort to save her, I sounded so bored like I didn’t care, only really caring so much whenever she lashes out and leaves, because then I start to believe in the worst. I was the one she needed, she was alone, she suffered, and I blinded myself that this would be easy, but it’s too late, just in September she kept her word and the accounts deleted. That gave me time to reflect and understand what was wrong with me. Now that I think of the number 58, I think of her, hoping she be alright. I know we won’t be together again, and I’m so sorry for not being great, but now I would like to try to keep my word and only wish out throughout the world that she be okay, healthy and well somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2019
United States
Good Morning #58 🥀
Story Time:
Y'know that number always reminds me of someone very special back then when I was younger. I met her long ago online with that 58 on her username. She was cool, popular, tall, had a thing for drinking, and very pleasing to the eyes, the most beautiful chick from Europe I've ever seen. We were friends at first, nothing out of the ordinary, I think this one incident in August years ago she got banned for some out of pocket joke, but turned out okay in the end since the site we were in didn't get corrupted yet so she was forgiven by the community pretty quickly. All went decent for a few months until winter however, out of the blue, she started flirting with me, complimenting my hands and how much she thinks I look cute in real life (Which to be fair I guess she ain't wrong lmao) so of course the hint was for the most part clear as day, so I flirted back, and she was flattered by it. We continued this little game for quite some time until one night I decided to say fuck it and confess my feelings towards her (Which to be fair it was at this time where I've known her quite enough to see that she's a great person, with one issue she's going through that I'm willing to help her overcome (We'll get into detail soon) And yeah surprisingly she sounded really happy about it and ended up being my Valentine's a month later, which I guess is considered our first date from what I remembered. We were pretending we were at train tracks, holding hands, I gave her a rose emoji, the scene was in, just the two of us and- BOOM, she pulled the first big move and gave me a kiss, oh well, I did it back and the start of a relationship has begun, I remember we were freaking out that this was real.

Things went great in my eyes, I could write separate stories of what we did, but that's not really what I wanna get into here. Some examples include one time she was my "Cat Maid" for like a day or two, or that time I spent a week searching for a lost children's book I remembered long ago, or that time I was interrogated by her to know the details of my hair, good times . . . at least that's what I remembered it being.

Back to the main point on the issue she has, you see it's been stated many times on her blog that she suffers from deep depression and would vent at her profile on how she be on the verge of death or how she couldn't take things anymore. There be times where she go deactivates her account many times throughout her time in the old site, lasting usually a month or so. When it happens, I get worried, blaming myself that I could've done something more to see if she's alright, and I get the big sigh of relief whenever she comes back. The things she says, in the posts, it hit deep down to me, reminding me of what I was before, being in the same position as her, struggling with the feeling of hopelessness and unmotivated to find joy, just lying down in a room with no thought, as if you're dead. I really liked her, and I just felt like I needed to do this for the person I love, so she no longer has to brutally suffer. So since that we're in a relationship, no better time than now then to see what I can do to help her recover and seek treatment.

No Progression.

The big problem I saw when I looked back at the convos we had was that nothing clicked between the two of us the further we got. There were small secret tensions that would build up gradually, but none of us would say anything about it. Things started to feel bleak between us and the more I think about the present and future of me and her, the more my idiotic ass thinks this ain't worth it and starts losing interest in her. She was already flirting with some other men, hell even women now (Foreshadowing) so that didn't help either. Her behavior started to change. She was very curious about the boys anatomy, a little too curious, asking me about what it's like to have testicles, or is having a dick difficult, etc. It weirded me out and the fact I keep getting ignored every time I try to reason with her on the vents posts while she praises the male gentiles made me all confused, decisive whether or not that does she really love me? We've taken a break before when one time she made a post about being so emotionless that she couldn't feel any love or meaning for us, which of course upsets me, but I didn't wanna leave her behind, she sounded so apologetic in her words and there's still a soul inside of her to understand importance, so I forgave her and tried to make the most of it work.

It never did

One night is where I became the worst, a bad example of being the "good bf". I just couldn't bring myself up to continue this relationship and I noticed she had other interests in a certain someone so I broke up with her at a random conversation.
"and that hurt btw, bye." She says
Already I felt the wave of shame I just did to her heart. She needed me, and I promised I had to be the one to help her depression if no one else did. I tried to pretend it was a joke and saying I still love her, but the damage has already been done. I sounded like a maroon, an asshole even.
"Being friends is still good though v: it's not like we were BF and GF . . . . right?" Stupid me
"yeah but.. still. Is it cause I wanna have a pp? or are you just tired of me"
"I'm weirded out a little (Even though I had worse)"
Then she kicked in-
"no I swear I'm not really like this please. I swear Im normal deep inside. I can be normal for you please Im sorry"
"Dude I know you, you are normal and you're a good person to me."
"then why"
"Why what?'
"then why are you doing this if you know Im normal, I ain't weird always. I just really... wanna be with you-. Im sorry if I weird you okay"
I never understood that back then, I couldn't understand anything like the selfish prick I was. So I tried explaining how I felt in this situation and that I still love her, but at this point I was digging a deeper hole for me here.
"Listen, it's fine, I get weirded out by lots of friends, but it mostly isn't a big deal. I'm just telling you this because I want to switch to a more innocent type of conversations. I only said the "we should only be friends" as a way to stop talking about the male private parts. You're still young, maybe you've seen shit, but you're still a young girl who simply isn't right to know about a sex organ.” Which is stupid since she was 15 and I was 16 at the time
“I still love you *Hug*” I said
“Yeah I understand what you’re trying to say. I don’t think it’s wrong for me to know that stuff tho? I’m just tryna educate myself bro.”

She was right

We were sorta cool after that, but the thing between us was practically over as just a few weeks later she got herself a new BF. I never liked him, not out of jealousy, but because he acted like a pimp towards her, and for some reason never had a problem with it. I couldn’t prove anything he was a terrible person until the day that guy left the site where it was shown that he forced people to kill themselves and had a few ugly fetishes, so at least I won on that in the end. Months went by and the remaining friendship of 58 and I died down, it became awkward taking to her again and it didn’t look like she was getting better either, deactivating her account for longer periods of time, changing her idnetity, gender, sexuality, all that until one day in July of last year, she came back for a few days, claiming she’s about to leave the site that was once her home. She came back to me with only word. “Asshole”
I couldn’t agree more now that I looked back to the past. I never put in all the effort to save her, I sounded so bored like I didn’t care, only really caring so much whenever she lashes out and leaves, because then I start to believe in the worst. I was the one she needed, she was alone, she suffered, and I blinded myself that this would be easy, but it’s too late, just in September she kept her word and the accounts deleted. That gave me time to reflect and understand what was wrong with me. Now that I think of the number 58, I think of her, hoping she be alright. I know we won’t be together again, and I’m so sorry for not being great, but now I would like to try to keep my word and only wish out throughout the world that she be okay, healthy and well somewhere.
Shit too long, me no read :mellow:
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