Hacking Gamma Loader Problems


New Member
Nov 26, 2009
United States
I know this may have been answered somewhere on this forum but I have been searching for like an hour trying to find an answer. So please forgive me. Just got a Wii for my kids and we only have Wii Sports and backups to play so I am trying to get the backup loader to work so we can all have a little fun on thanksgiving.

Anyways, I got homebrew installed and dvdx and backup loader .03 and could not get the backups to work. Then I read about the Gamma loader so I downloaded the Gamma Loader zip and put it on my sd card. Put it in wii and installed the new Cios through homebrew, all 18 files installed correctly. Then I go back to homebrew menu to install the new Gamma loader and when I try it the screen just goes black and nothing happens so I gotta shut down the system. Any idea what I did wrong?

Thanks for any help and once again sorry if this has been answered, just want my kids to have some fun on Thanksgiving.

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