Hello all and let me say that i have great news. The other day I realized back when 3.60 was able to access PSN I should have set up my vita TV for PS4 remote link. Now before you start laughing, i had a awesome break thru. If you download the Registry Editor VPK go into: CONFIG/PS4LINK/ Set the counter to 1 from zero. Open the settings app and then connect to your vita update blocker IP. Then open the PS4LINK app and click "next" to connect. It will ask you to sign in. I had my Proxy already running when I did this step, SUCCESS after clicking cancel thru the update it will show the code input screen for your vita . You know what to do from here. Have a great day
p.s This will work if you have never even signed in before to the link app
p.s This will work if you have never even signed in before to the link app